(A) For the purposes of sections 924.20 to 924.30 of the Revised Code, the director of agriculture shall hold an election to determine the membership of a grain marketing program operating committee in accordance with rules. The election shall be for nine members of the operating committee.
(B) Not later than one hundred twenty days after the effective date of this section, the director shall accept the names of persons as nominees to serve on the operating committee. In accepting nominations and placing names on the ballot, the director shall follow the procedures established in rules.
(C) Not later than one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this section, the director shall hold an election to determine the membership of the operating committee. In the election, eligible producers may cast votes in person at or mail ballots to polling places designated by the director. The director shall establish a three-day period during which eligible producers may vote in person during normal business hours at the designated polling places. The director or another appropriate person shall send a ballot by ordinary first-class mail to an eligible producer who requests one by calling the toll-free telephone number or submitting the ballot request form provided for in division (D) of this section, by calling one of the designated polling places, or by any additional method that the director may provide. A ballot returned by mail is not valid if it is postmarked later than the third day of the election period established by the director.
(D) For the purposes of an election of members of the grain marketing program operating committee, the director shall cause a ballot request form to be published at least thirty days before the beginning of the election period established in accordance with division (C) of this section in at least two appropriate periodicals designated by the director and shall make the form available for reproduction to any interested group or association. The director also shall provide a toll-free telephone number that producers may call to request a ballot.
(E) Following the election of the initial members of the operating committee, the director shall hold subsequent elections in order to maintain the membership of the operating committee as provided in rules. The elections shall be held in the manner established in this section and rules for the election of initial members.
(F) Persons elected to the grain marketing program operating committee shall hold office in accordance with rules.
Effective Date: 2007 HB217 03-24-2008