(A) No person, except as provided in division (C) of this section, shall handle agricultural commodities in this state without first obtaining a handler’s license issued by the director of agriculture under this chapter.
(B) All business transactions, and records of such transactions, of a handler shall be treated as if they were for one warehouse for the purposes of this chapter.
(C) Agricultural commodities that are stored under a bailment agreement in a warehouse operated by a person licensed under the “United States Warehouse Act,” 39 Stat. 486 (1916), 7 U.S.C. 241, as amended, shall be exempt from sections 926.13, 926.14, 926.16, 926.17, and 926.19 to 926.27 of the Revised Code. Each person licensed under the “United States Warehouse Act” shall annually notify the director, in writing, of his licensing and shall also immediately notify the director, in writing, if his license is suspended or terminated.
Effective Date: 07-01-1987