(A) The director of agriculture or his authorized representative may seize, or order removed from sale, any nursery stock which has been removed from the field where grown, has not been permanently replanted, and:
(1) Does not comply with the requirements of section 927.67 of the Revised Code with respect to soundness, vigor, or freedom from pests;
(2) Is not correctly labeled in accordance with section 927.67 of the Revised Code;
(3) Does not bear a certificate tag or poster as required by section 927.65 or 927.66 of the Revised Code;
(4) Is being offered for sale at a location or by a person not licensed under section 927.53 of the Revised Code.
(B)(1) The director may hold nursery stock seized by authority of division (A) of this section for ninety days or any lesser period of time, pending compliance with labeling, treating, or licensing requirement, or pending destruction of unsound, unhealthy, or weakened nursery stock.
(2) The director or his authorized representative shall cause tags to be attached to seized nursery stock at the time of seizure, and the nursery stock shall not be moved until the tag is removed by written release of the director.
(3) If a written release is not issued prior to the expiration of ninety days from the date of seizure, the seized nursery stock is subject to immediate confiscation by the director and the director may destroy it or give it to a state institution.
Effective Date: 07-27-1990