For the publication of advertisements, notices, and proclamations, except those relating to proposed amendments to the Ohio constitution, required to be published by a public officer of the state, county, municipal corporation, township, school, benevolent or other public institution, or by a trustee, assignee, executor, or administrator, or by or in any court of record, except when the rate is otherwise fixed by law, publishers of newspapers may charge and receive for such advertisements, notices, and proclamations rates charged on annual contracts by them for a like amount of space to other advertisers who advertise in its general display advertising columns.
Legal advertising, except that relating to proposed amendments to the Ohio constitution, shall be set up in a compact form, without unnecessary spaces, blanks, or headlines, and printed in not smaller than six point type. The type used must be of such proportions that the body of the capital letter M is no wider than it is high and all other letters and characters are in proportion.
Except as provided in section 2701.09 of the Revised Code, all legal advertisements or notices shall be printed in newspapers published in the English language only.
Effective Date: 09-23-1977