For every construction management contract, the public owner planning to contract for construction management services shall evaluate the proposals submitted and may hold discussions with individual construction managers to explore further their proposals, the scope and nature of the services they would provide, and the various technical approaches they may take regarding the project. Following this evaluation, the public owner shall:
(A) Select and rank no fewer than three construction managers that it considers to be the most qualified to provide the required construction management services, except when the public owner determines in writing that fewer than three qualified construction managers are available in which case it shall select and rank them;
(B) Negotiate a contract with the construction manager ranked most qualified to perform the required services at a compensation determined in writing to be fair and reasonable. Contract negotiations shall be directed toward:
(1) Ensuring that the construction manager and the public owner have a mutual understanding of the essential requirements involved in providing the required services;
(2) Determining that the construction manager will make available the necessary personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the services within the required time.
(C) Upon failure to negotiate a contract with the construction manager ranked most qualified, the public owner shall inform the construction manager in writing of the termination of negotiations and enter into negotiations with the construction manager ranked next most qualified. If negotiations again fail, the same procedure shall be followed with each next most qualified construction manager selected and ranked pursuant to division (A) of this section, in order of ranking, until a contract is negotiated.
(D) If the public owner fails to negotiate a contract with any of the construction managers selected pursuant to division (A) of this section, the public owner shall select and rank additional construction managers, based on their qualifications, and negotiations shall continue as with the construction managers selected and ranked initially until a contract is negotiated.
Effective Date: 11-24-1995