Chapter 25 — SupportEnforcement
25.010 Definitionsfor support enforcement laws
25.011 “Address”defined
25.015 Whenpayment on support order begins; determining; notification of date
25.020 Whensupport payment to be made to Department of Justice; collection agencyservices; duties of department; credit for payments not made to department;rules
25.025 Annualnotice to parties receiving services under ORS 25.020
25.030 Whenpayment payable to bank account or escrow agent
25.070 Ordermay include payment of support enforcement fees; limitation
25.075 Cooperativeagreements with Indian tribes or tribal organizations
25.080 Entityprimarily responsible for support enforcement services; duties; applicationfees; rules
25.081 Accessto records with Social Security number
25.082 Administrativesubpoenas; civil penalty; rules
25.083 High-volumeautomated administrative enforcement services
25.084 Assignmentof rights or written application required for services; incorporation injudgment
25.085 Serviceon obligee; methods
25.089 Enforcementand modification of child support judgments
25.091 Multiplechild support judgments
25.100 Transferof files to county where party resides or property located
25.110 Jurisdictionof circuit court in county to which files transferred
25.125 Dispositionof support obligation overpayments; rules
25.130 Electionof alternative support payment method; termination of election
25.140 Copiesof new or modified support orders to department
25.150 Departmentto collect fees for services
25.160 Referralof support cases to department; duration of collection services
25.164 Paymentof support through Department of Justice; application
25.167 Procedurefor determining arrearages
25.170 Proceedingsto require delinquent obligor to appear for examination of financialcircumstances
25.180 Examinationof obligor’s financial circumstances
25.190 Continuanceof proceedings; certification of matter to court; service of notice to obligorand obligee
25.200 Arrestof obligor for failure to appear
25.210 Useof obligor’s property for delinquent support payments
25.213 Assignmentof proceeds of insurance policy to secure support obligation
25.220 Computerprintouts of administrator; evidence of authenticity not required in supportproceedings; evidentiary effect
25.230 Courtauthorized to require security for support payments
25.240 Orderto pay support by parent with legal custody of minor
25.243 Grievanceprocedure; rules
25.245 Rebuttablepresumption of inability to pay child support when parent receiving certainassistance payments; rules
25.260 Confidentialityof records; rules
25.265 Accessto information in Federal Parent Locator Service; rules
25.270 Legislativefindings
25.275 Formulafor determining child support awards; criteria to be considered; mandatedstandards; reduction; rules
25.280 Formulaamount presumed correct; rebuttal of presumption; criteria
25.287 Proceedingsto modify orders to comply with formula; when proceeding may be initiated;issues considered
25.290 Determiningdisposable income of obligor; offsets; rules
25.321 Definitionsfor ORS 25.321 to 25.343
25.323 Medicalsupport
25.325 Enforcingmedical support; form of notice; rules
25.327 Serviceof medical support notice
25.329 Actionsrequired after service of medical support notice; rules
25.331 Obligationto withhold
25.333 Contestingmedical support notice
25.335 Terminationof support order
25.337 Liability
25.339 Priorityof medical support notice
25.341 Noticeof termination of employer’s relationship with providing party
25.342 Rules
25.343 Authorizationfor reimbursement payments
25.372 Applicability
25.375 Priorityof withholding
25.378 Paymentof support by income withholding; initiation of income withholding
25.381 Establishingincome withholding as method of paying support; records
25.384 Statementon withholding in support order
25.387 Withholdingmore than amount authorized by law
25.390 Amendmentof support order not required for withholding
25.393 Remedyadditional to other remedies
25.396 Exceptionto withholding; termination of withholding; rules
25.399 Noticeof order to withhold; contents of notice
25.402 Serviceof order on withholder; contents
25.405 Contestingorder to withhold; basis
25.408 Withholdingis continuing obligation
25.411 Whenwithholding begins; payment to Department of Justice or obligee
25.414 Standardamount to be withheld; processing fee; rules
25.417 Amountto be withheld when obligor paid more frequently than monthly
25.421 Procedureif withholder does not withhold support
25.424 Liabilityof withholder; action against withholder; penalty; attorney fees; unlawfulemployment practice
25.427 Rules
25.610 Procedureto collect support orders from state tax refunds; voluntary withholding; rules
25.620 Proceduresto collect past due support from state tax refunds; fees
25.625 Federaltax offset; passport denial; rules
25.640 Definitionsfor ORS 25.643 and 25.646
25.643 Disclosureof information on obligors by financial institutions; fees; liability
25.646 Disclosureof financial records of customers by financial institutions; liability
25.650 Informationon past due support to consumer reporting agencies; rules
25.670 Judgmentlien on personal property
25.680 Effectof lien; priority
25.690 Foreclosureof lien
25.710 Dutyof district attorney
25.715 Childsupport paid from security deposit
25.720 Whensupport assignable
25.725 ChildSu