Chapter 390 — Stateand Local Parks; Recreation Programs;
ScenicWaterways; Recreation Trails
390.005 Definitions
390.010 Policyof state toward outdoor recreation resources
390.050 Parkand recreation violations; enforcement; disposition of fines and costs
390.060 Definitionsfor ORS 390.060 to 390.067
390.063 Lotterybonds for state park projects
390.065 Findings;use of Oregon State Lottery proceeds
390.067 Requestfor issuance of state park lottery bonds; Oregon Parks for the Future Fund;uses of fund
390.111 Creationof department; jurisdiction and authority
390.112 Additionalcriteria for acquiring and developing new historic sites, parks and recreationareas
390.114 StateParks and Recreation Commission
390.117 Commissionofficers; meetings; function; delegation of authority
390.121 Powersof commission
390.122 Requirementsfor establishing priorities for acquisition
390.124 Commissionrulemaking authority; charges for use of parks and other areas; exceptions
390.127 StateParks and Recreation Director; appointment; compensation
390.131 Dutiesof director
390.134 StateParks and Recreation Department Fund; sources; uses; advisory committee; rules;subaccounts
390.137 StateParks and Recreation Department Operating Fund
390.139 OregonAdopt-a-Park Program; funding; rules; agreement with volunteers
390.140 Powersand duties of State Parks and Recreation Director
390.143 Agreementsto provide interpretive services to recreational facilities; authority underagreement; disposition of moneys
390.144 Rulesfor ORS 390.143
390.150 Giftsand grants for State Parks and Recreation Department
390.153 ParksDonation Trust Fund; sources; uses
390.155 Authorityfor State Parks and Recreation Department to accept gifts or donations
390.180 Standardsfor recreational planning and fund disbursement; rules; park master plans
390.190 Revolvingfund
390.195 Useof state correctional institution inmate labor for maintenance and improvementat state parks
390.200 Authorityof department to require fingerprints
390.230 FortStevens Military Reservation; Clatsop Spit
390.231 Developmentof Crissey Field as state park
390.232 Taxon government camping and recreational vehicle spaces
(ArchaeologicalSites and Historical Material)
390.235 Permitsand conditions for excavation or removal of archaeological or historicalmaterial; rules; criminal penalty
390.237 Removalwithout permit; exceptions
390.240 Mediationand arbitration of disputes; rules
390.245 Commemorativecoins authorized; sale; use of proceeds
390.247 Design;contracted services
390.250 Developmentof recreational use of lands by Jackson County; application for state funds
390.255 Useof funds to acquire land interests; conditions of grants
390.260 Applicationto Willamette River Greenway; restriction on condemnation to acquire lands
(OceanShores Lifesaving Services)
390.270 Definitionsfor ORS 390.270 to 390.290
390.275 Purposeof ORS 390.270 to 390.290
390.280 Dutiesof State Parks and Recreation Department; grants for lifesaving services;minimum standards; rules
390.285 Applicationby local governing body for reimbursement; report of activities required
390.290 Schedulefor reimbursement of local governing bodies
(TillamookState Forest Recreation Program)
390.295 Jurisdictionof State Forestry Department and State Parks and Recreation Department
390.300 TillamookForest Recreation Trust Account; sources; uses
390.310 Definitionsfor ORS 390.310 to 390.368
390.314 Legislativefindings and policy
390.318 Preparationof development and management plan; content of plan
390.322 Submissionof plan to Land Conservation and Development Commission; revision, approval anddistribution of plan
390.330 Grantsfor acquisition of lands by local government units; acquisition of water rightsor use of condemnation powers limited
390.332 Acquisitionof scenic easements near Willamette River; nature of easement; restriction onuse of condemnation
390.334 Acquisitionof scenic easements in lands subject to development plan; farmlands not to beacquired by condemnation; nature of easement; acquisition of other interests
390.338 Limitationson use of condemnation power; acquisition of certain farmlands; disposition ofacquired lands; compensation for acquired lands
390.340 Departmentrules
390.350 Intergovernmentalagreements; use of gifts and grants
390.360 Titleto, and use and disposition of, lands acquired by local governmental units
390.364 Taxationof lands subject to scenic easements
390.368 Authorityto contract landscaping and repair of damage to lands subject to sceniceasement
390.550 Definitions
390.555 All-TerrainVehicle Account; sources
390.560 Usesof All-Terrain Vehicle Account
390.565 All-TerrainVehicle Advisory Committee; appointment; term; duties
390.570 ClassI all-terrain vehicle operator permits; issuance; safety education courses; rules;fee
390.575 ClassIII all-terrain vehicle operator permits; issuance; safety education courses;rules; fee
390.580 All-terrainvehicle operating permit; rules; application; fees; renewal
390.585 Rules
390.590 Out-of-stateall-terrain vehicle permit; qualifications; duration; application; fee
390.605 Definitions
390.610 Policy
390.615 Ownershipof Pacific shore; declaration as state recreation area
390.620 Pacificshore not to be alienated; judicial confirmation
390.630 Acquisitionalong ocean shore for state recreation areas or access
390.632 Publicaccess to coastal shorelands
(RegulatingUse of Ocean Shore)
390.635 Jurisdictionof department over recreation areas
390.640 Permitrequired for improvements on ocean shore; exceptions
390.650 Improvementpermit procedure; fee; waiver or reduction