Chapter 398 — MilitaryJustice
398.002 Definitionsfor this chapter and ORS 396.120, 396.145, 399.205 and 399.515
398.004 Personssubject to this chapter
398.006 Jurisdictionto try certain personnel
398.008 Dismissalof commissioned officer
398.010 Territorialapplicability of this chapter
398.012 Judgeadvocates; legal assistants
398.014 Presentmentof Class A felony charges to civilian authority
398.052 “Apprehension”defined; quelling of disorders
398.054 Apprehensionof deserters
398.056 Impositionof restraint; “arrest” and “confinement” defined
398.058 Restraintof priority prisoners; notice of charges; speedy disposition; conditionalrelease
398.060 Placeof confinement
398.062 Receivingprisoners; report to commanding officer
398.065 Punishmentprohibited before trial
398.066 Deliveryof offenders to civil authorities; redelivery to military authority
398.068 Confinementpending trial for failure to appear
398.083 Impositionand enforcement of disciplinary punishment without court-martial
398.102 Courts-martialof organized militia not in federal service; composition
398.104 Jurisdictionof courts-martial of each component
398.106 Jurisdictionof general courts-martial
398.108 Jurisdictionof special courts-martial
398.110 Jurisdictionof summary courts-martial
398.112 Sentencesto be approved by Governor or Adjutant General
398.114 Whencomplete record of proceedings and testimony required
398.116 Authorizedsentence of general or special court-martial after declaration of war prior tojurisdiction of Uniform Code of Military Justice
398.118 Commutationsand pardons granted by Governor; remittance of forfeitures and fines
398.120 Applicationfor commutation or pardon
398.126 Conveninggeneral courts-martial
398.128 Conveningspecial courts-martial
398.130 Conveningsummary courts-martial
398.132 Whomay serve on courts-martial
398.135 Detailof military judge
398.136 Detailof trial counsel and defense counsel
398.138 Detailor employment of reporters and interpreters
398.140 Absentand additional members; effect of absences on trial
398.162 Chargesand specifications
398.164 Compulsoryself-incrimination and immaterial and degrading evidence prohibited
398.166 Investigation
398.168 Forwardingof charges
398.170 Adviceof State Judge Advocate; reference for trial; formal corrections
398.172 Serviceof charges
398.202 Proceduralregulations
398.204 Unlawfullyinfluencing action of court
398.206 Dutiesof trial counsel and defense counsel
398.209 Courtsessions
398.210 Continuances
398.212 Challenges
398.214 Oaths
398.216 Statuteof limitation
398.218 Formerjeopardy
398.220 Pleasof accused
398.222 Opportunityto obtain witnesses and evidence
398.224 Refusalto appear or testify
398.226 Contempt
398.228 Depositions
398.230 Admissibilityof records of courts of inquiry
398.232 Votingand rulings
398.234 Numberof votes required
398.236 Courtto announce action
398.238 Recordof trial
398.252 Crueland unusual punishments prohibited
398.254 Punishmentslimited
398.256 Effectivedate of sentence
398.258 Executionof confinement
398.272 Approvaland execution or suspension of sentence
398.274 Initialreview and action on trial record
398.276 Reconsiderationand revision of court’s ruling
398.278 Rehearings
398.280 Approvalby convening authority
398.282 Reviewof records; disposition
398.284 Errorof law; lesser included offense
398.286 Reviewcounsel
398.288 Vacationof suspension
398.290 Petitionfor new trial
398.292 Remissionand suspension
398.294 Restoration
398.296 Finalityof proceedings, findings and sentences
398.302 Whenpersons may be tried or punished
398.304 Principals
398.306 Accessoryafter fact
398.308 Convictionof lesser included offense
398.310 Attempts
398.312 Conspiracy
398.314 Solicitation
398.316 Fraudulentenlistment, appointment or separation
398.318 Unlawfulenlistment, appointment or separation
398.320 Desertion
398.322 Absencewithout leave
398.324 Failureto make required move
398.326 Contempttoward officials
398.328 Disrespecttoward superior commissioned officer