Chapter 453 — HazardousSubstances; Radiation Sources
453.001 Definitionsfor ORS 453.001 to 453.185 and 453.605 to 453.807
453.005 Definitionsfor ORS 453.005 to 453.135
453.015 Application
453.025 Certainpractices not affected by ORS 453.005 to 453.135
(Regulation;Prohibited Acts)
453.035 Standardsfor labeling of hazardous substances
453.045 Poisonregisters; contents
453.055 Hazardous,banned hazardous, misbranded hazardous substances; declaration; removal fromcommerce
453.065 Detentionof suspected substances; petition for label of condemnation; judgment,relabeling or destruction of substances; expenses
453.075 Repurchaseof banned hazardous substances previously sold; refund of purchase price
453.085 Prohibitedacts
453.095 Rules;determination of combustibility, flammability; designating strong sensitizers
453.105 Authorityto enter premises; inspections; taking samples; payment
453.115 Accessto records of persons carrying, receiving or storing in commerce; use asevidence limited; exemption for carriers
453.125 Enjoiningviolations
453.135 Noticerequired prior to institution of criminal proceedings
453.175 Necessityfor poison label; content
453.185 Falserepresentation by purchaser prohibited
453.205 Definitionsfor ORS 453.205 to 453.275
453.215 Legislativefindings
(Regulation;Prohibited Acts)
453.225 Whenpresumption of toxic ingredient arises
453.235 Distributionof material containing toxic substances; warnings required; exemptions
453.245 Orderor purchase by school of material considered to contain toxic substanceprohibited; exceptions
453.255 Listof authorized art and craft materials; distribution of lists; information aboutand disposal of toxic materials
453.265 Filingof formulation information with poison control centers required; labeling
453.275 Civilpenalty
453.307 Definitionsfor ORS 453.307 to 453.414
453.312 Legislativefindings
453.317 Hazardoussubstance survey; rules; information to be supplied
453.322 Retentionof information; distribution of and access to information
453.327 Publicaccess; identity of requester
453.332 Whendisclosure of identity may be withheld
453.337 Whendisclosure of identity of hazardous substance required
453.342 Whenincident of injury to be reported; summary of injuries
453.347 Emergencyresponse planning
453.352 Exemptionfrom reporting requirements; rules
453.357 Civilpenalty
453.362 Departmentof Consumer and Business Services to supply employers’ names; reimbursement
453.367 Rules
453.370 Limitationson local community right to know regulatory programs; local fees
453.372 Shorttitle
453.374 Hazardousmaterial emergency response system; implementation; contents; rules; fees
453.376 Disclosureof information to State Fire Marshal; entry onto premises
453.378 Disclosureof information to local government official; entry onto premises
453.380 Regionalhazardous material response team; use
453.382 Costof responding to emergency; responsibility; billing; recovery
453.384 Immunityof team members from liability
453.386 Equipmentand personnel; loaning; grants
453.388 Contractsfor equipment, personnel loans or equipment purchases; provisions; rules
453.390 Revolvingfund; use
453.396 Definitionsfor ORS 453.396 to 453.414
453.398 Purpose
453.400 Possessionof hazardous substance; fee
453.402 Fees;statement; schedules; uses; collection; local hazardous substance fees
453.404 Extensionof payment date
453.406 Recordsof hazardous substance possessed; examinations
453.408 Rules
453.410 Applicationof ORS chapters 305 and 314
453.412 Depositand distribution of moneys received from fees
453.414 Exemptionfor local government; circumstances allowing
453.520 StateFire Marshal as state emergency response commission
453.605 Definitionsfor ORS 453.605 to 453.800
453.615 Statementof policy
453.625 Purposeof ORS 453.605 to 453.800
453.635 StateRadiation Control Agency; duties; applicability of ORS 453.605 to 453.800
453.645 RadiationAdvisory Committee; composition; compensation and expenses
453.655 Licenseor registration required for radiation source
453.665 Licenses;application; modifications; exemptions; rules
453.675 Stateassumption of federal responsibility for radiation sources; effect of federallicenses
453.685 Entryon property for inspection purposes; issuance of warrant; liability for entry
453.695 Recordsconcerning radiation source; notice of exposure to radiation source
453.705 Impoundingradiation source upon violation
453.715 Injunctionagainst violation
453.735 ORS453.605 to 453.800 and rules supersede contrary laws or regulations
453.745 Intergovernmentalcooperation to control radiation sources
453.752 X-raymachine registration; inspection and testing requirements; evidence ofregistration
453.754 Applicationfor X-ray machine registration; renewal notice
453.757 X-raymachine biennial registration fee; annual license fees; use of fees; rules
453.761 X-raymachine registration period; denial, conditioning, suspension or revocation ofregistration; termination
453.766 Prohibitedconduct
453.771 Impositionof civil penalty for X-ray machine registration violations
453.775 Dutiesof Oregon Health Authority pertaining to X-ray machines
453.780 Radiologyinspectors; licens