Chapter 459 — SolidWaste Management
459.005 Definitionsfor ORS 459.005 to 459.437, 459.705 to 459.790 and 459A.005 to 459A.665
459.015 Policy
459.017 Relationshipof state to local governments in solid waste management
459.025 Generalpowers and duties of department
459.035 Assistancein development and implementation of solid waste management plans and practicesand recycling programs
459.045 Rules
459.046 Solidwaste regulatory program; federal approval
459.047 Landfillassistance from department; solid waste disposal site certificate for landfill;effect of issuance
459.049 Mandatedlandfills in certain counties; establishment by state
459.051 Proceduralrules
459.053 Powersof department regarding landfills
459.055 Landfillsin farm use areas; waste reduction programs
459.057 Departmentto limit wastes allowed in landfills in certain counties
459.065 Statepreemption; intergovernmental agreements authorized
459.075 Acquisitionof property for disposal sites by cities and counties
459.085 Countyauthority outside cities; effect of annexation; interagency agreements
459.095 Restrictionson authority of local government units
459.105 Regulationson use of disposal sites
459.108 Civilpenalty to enforce ordinance prohibiting action described in ORS 164.775,164.785 or 164.805
459.109 Effectof certain laws on cities and counties
459.112 Findings;fee for disposal of solid waste generated outside region
459.114 Out-of-regionfee differential
459.118 Studyof transportation routes and modes of transportation for transport ofout-of-region solid waste
459.121 Legislativecommittee hearing on transportation study
459.125 Authorityof Marion County over products or by-products of county disposal sites
459.135 MarionCounty authority over private facility in county
459.145 Limitson Marion County authority
459.153 Intentnot to discourage recycling
459.205 Permitrequired
459.215 Exclusionof certain sites from permit requirement; rules
459.225 Variancesauthorized
459.235 Applicationsfor permits; fees
459.236 Additionalpermit fees for remedial action or removal; amount; utilization; eligibility oflocal governments
459.245 Issuanceof permits; terms; refusal to renew; disposal of liquid waste
459.247 Prohibitionon disposal of certain solid waste at disposal site
459.248 Cleanupof hazardous substance contaminating ground water
459.250 Placefor collecting source separated recyclable material required for disposal sitepermit
459.255 Suspensionor revocation of permits
459.265 Hearings;appeal
459.268 Closureof land disposal site
459.270 Renewalof permit prior to proposed closure of disposal site
459.272 Evidenceof financial assurance for land disposal site
459.273 Dispositionof excess moneys and interest received for financial assurance
459.280 Definitionsfor ORS 459.284 and 459.290
459.284 Useof disposal site fees
459.290 Disposalsite rehabilitation and enhancement advisory committee
459.305 Certificationor demonstration that government unit has implemented opportunity to recycle;rules; fee
459.310 Surchargeon solid waste disposal; surcharge use
459.311 Chargefor remedial action or removal; amount; collection; allocation
459.315 Definitionsfor ORS 459.315 to 459.330
459.320 Regionaldisposal site advisory committee; membership; terms
459.325 Dutiesof regional disposal site advisory committee
459.330 Notificationof advisory committee by regional disposal site permittee
459.335 Useof fees collected by the metropolitan service district
459.340 Implementationof the solid waste reduction program by metropolitan service district
459.345 Metropolitanservice district report to commission
459.350 Commissionreview of metropolitan service district report
(Temporaryprovisions relating to federal deregulation of certain radioactive materialsare compiled as notes preceding ORS 459.376)
459.376 Actionto enforce rules or orders
459.385 Entryupon private premises authorized; access to records
459.386 Definitionsfor ORS 459.386 to 459.405
459.387 Policy
459.388 Restrictionson discarding, storing or transporting infectious waste
459.390 Proceduresfor segregation and containment of infectious waste; exemption
459.395 Treatmentof infectious wastes; rules
459.398 Rules
459.400 Exceptions
459.405 Transportof infectious waste; certification; records
459.411 Policy
459.412 Definitionfor ORS 459.411 to 459.417
459.413 Householdhazardous waste depots; location; promotion program
459.415 Departmentapproval for collection activity required; written proposal
459.417 Statewidehousehold hazardous waste public education program
459.418 Contractfor statewide collection of household hazardous waste
459.420 Permittedlead-acid battery disposal; disposal by retailers
459.422 Acceptanceof used batteries by retailers and wholesalers
459.426 Noticeto customers
459.431 Definitionsfor ORS 459.431 to 459.437
459.432 Policy
459.433 Limitationon sale or promotion of alkaline manganese or zinc carbon batteries
459.435 Prohibitionon sale or promotion of button cell mercuric oxide batteries
459.437 Requirementsfor sale or promotion of mercuric oxide batteries
459.705 Definitionsfor ORS 459.705 to 459.790
459.708 Wastetire generator; requirements
459.710 Disposalin disposal site prohibited; exceptions; use in construction of reefsprohibited; exception
459.712 Transportwithout carrier permit prohibited; exceptions
459.715 Storageprohibited; exceptions