Chapter 459A — Reuseand Recycling
459A.005 Opportunityto recycle defined
459A.010 Statewidegoals; opportunity to recycle program elements; recovery rates
459A.015 Commissionduties
459A.020 Statewideintegrated solid waste management plan; review; revision
459A.025 Commissionto adopt rules regarding waste disposal and recycling
459A.027 Legislativefindings
459A.029 Departmentto provide materials to local governments; commercial government recovery rategoal
459A.030 Technicalassistance to local governments
459A.035 Solidwaste composition study
459A.045 Requestfor modification or variance
459A.050 Recyclingreports
459A.055 Varianceor request for extension to provide opportunity to recycle
459A.065 Mandatoryparticipation in recycling
459A.070 Limitationon amount charged person who source separates recyclable material
459A.075 Exemptions
459A.080 Prohibitionsagainst removing or mixing recyclable material
459A.085 City,county authority to issue collection service franchises; opportunity torecycle; rates
459A.100 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.100 to 459A.120
459A.105 Policy
459A.110 Additionalfees for programs for reduction of domestic solid waste and environmentalrisks; assessment; maximum fee
459A.115 Surchargeon fee imposed under ORS 459A.110; use of surcharge
459A.120 Useof additional fees
459A.300 Legislativefindings
459A.305 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.305 to 459A.355
459A.310 Applicabilityto manufacturers; applicability to reused or refurbished covered electronicdevices; requirements for sale of covered electronic devices by manufacturers
459A.315 Registrationby manufacturer; fees
459A.320 Manufacturerprogram plan; state contractor program
459A.325 Recyclingfee for manufacturer participating in state contractor program
459A.330 Prohibitionagainst charging fee for collection, transportation or recycling of coveredelectronic devices; exception
459A.335 Requirementsfor sale of covered electronic devices by retailers; retailer’s duty toconsumers regarding information about recycling covered electronic devices
459A.340 Dutiesof department
459A.345 Rules
459A.350 Dispositionof fees
459A.355 CoveredElectronic Devices Account; interest; uses
459A.360 Evaluationby department of certain federal laws
459A.365 Cityand county regulation of collection of solid waste
459A.475 Legislativefindings; policy
459A.480 Stateagency recycling program; requirements; training
459A.485 Systemand procedures for separation and collection of solid waste; rules; exemption
459A.490 Paperconservation
(Newsprintand Directories)
459A.500 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.500 to 459A.520
459A.505 Minimumrecycled content for newsprint
459A.510 Reportto consumer of amount of post-consumer waste in shipment
459A.515 Annualreport to department; content
459A.520 Minimumrecycled content for directories
459A.550 Reporton use of new and recycled glass; minimum percentage of recycled glass required
(UsedOil Recycling)
459A.552 Recyclingand recovery of used oil; goal
459A.554 Reduction,reuse and recovery of used oil
459A.555 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.552 to 459A.599
459A.560 Legislativefindings
459A.565 Usedoil to be collected and recycled
459A.570 Usedoil information center; public education
459A.575 Oilrecycling information to be posted; rules
459A.580 Prohibiteddisposal of used oil
459A.585 Enforcementpowers of commission
459A.590 Use,management, disposal and resource recovery; rules
459A.595 Usefor dust suppression or as herbicide
459A.599 Shorttitle
459A.600 “Compost”defined
459A.605 Rulesfor purchase of compost and sewage sludge by state
459A.615 Programsto use compost and sewage sludge
459A.620 Useof compost or sewage sludge by state agencies given priority
459A.630 Motorvehicle mercury light switches
459A.650 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.650 to 459A.665
459A.655 Minimumreuse, recycled material or recycled content for rigid plastic containers
459A.657 Recyclingrate; hearings on decreased rate
459A.660 Manufacturerrecords; certification by package manufacturer; exempt containers
459A.665 Opportunityto recycle rigid plastic containers
459A.675 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.675 to 459A.685
459A.680 Labelingrequirements for rigid plastic bottles and containers
459A.685 Prohibitionon manufacture of rigid plastic bottles or containers without label
459A.695 Requirementfor retail establishment supplying plastic bags for customer use
(ArchitecturalPaint Stewardship Pilot Program)
(Temporaryprovisions relating to the Architectural Paint Stewardship Pilot Program arecompiled as notes following ORS 459A.695)
459A.700 Definitionsfor ORS 459A.700 to 459A.740
459A.705 Refundvalue required
459A.710 Practicesrequired of dealers and distributors
459A.712 Liabilityof manufacturer, distributor and importer for failure to pay refund value ofbeverage containers
459A.715 Refusalof dealer or distributor to accept or pay refund in certain cases; notice
459A.720 Indicationof refund value; exception; prohibition of certain metal containers and plasticcontainer holders
459A.725 Certificationof containers as reusable by more than one manufacturer; rules
459A.730 Decisionupon certification applications; review and withdrawal of certifications
459A.735 Redemptioncenters
459A.740 Certificationand withdrawal procedures
459A.750 Recyclingand waste reduction component of curriculum; teacher’s guide; informationalmaterials
459A.775 “Stateagency” defined
459A.780 Prohibitionagainst purchase or use of nonbiodegradable and nonrecyclable food packaging;exemptions