Chapter 465 — HazardousWaste and Hazardous Materials I
465.003 Definitionsfor ORS 465.003 to 465.034
465.006 Policy
465.009 Rules
465.012 Technicalassistance to users and generators; priority; restrictions on enforcementresulting from technical assistance; rules
465.015 Toxicsuse and hazardous waste reduction plan required; composition; exemption; retentionat facility
465.018 Notificationof Department of Environmental Quality upon completion of plan or system;implementation summary required; inspection of plan or system
465.021 Reviewof plan or system; notification of inadequacies in plan, system or summary;revisions; penalty
465.027 Contractfor assistance with higher education institution
465.032 Formof implementation summary; information required
465.034 Applicationof ORS 465.003 to 465.034
465.037 Shorttitle
465.101 Definitionsfor ORS 465.101 to 465.131
465.104 Feesfor petroleum product delivery or withdrawals; exceptions; registration offacility operators
465.106 Amountof fee to be set by State Fire Marshal
465.111 Departmentof Revenue to collect fee; exemption from fee of protected petroleum products
465.114 Extensionof time for paying fee; interest on extended payment
465.117 Recordsof petroleum products transactions; inspection by Department of Revenue
465.121 Rules
465.124 Applicationof ORS chapters 305 and 314 to fee collection
465.127 Dispositionof fees; administrative expenses; other uses
465.131 Feeimposed by ORS 465.104 in addition to fees established by local government
465.200 Definitionsfor ORS 465.200 to 465.545
465.205 Legislativefindings
465.210 Authorityof department for removal or remedial action
465.215 Listof facilities with confirmed release
465.220 Comprehensivestatewide identification program; notice
465.225 Inventoryof facilities needing environmental controls; preliminary assessment; notice tooperator; criteria for adding facilities to inventory
465.230 Removalof facilities from inventory; criteria
465.235 Publicinspection of inventory; information included in inventory; organization;report; action plan
465.240 Inventorylisting not prerequisite to other remedial action
465.245 Preliminaryassessment of potential facility
465.250 Accessibilityof information about hazardous substances; entering property or facility;samples; confidentiality
465.255 Strictliability for remedial action costs for injury or destruction of naturalresource; limited exclusions
465.257 Rightof contribution from other person liable for remedial action costs; allocationof orphan share
465.260 Removalor remedial action; reimbursement of costs; liability; damages
465.265 “Person”defined for ORS 465.265 to 465.310
465.270 Legislativefindings and intent
465.275 Remedialaction and financial assistance program; contracts for implementation
465.280 Rules;insuring tax deductibility of interest on bonds
465.285 Requirementsfor financial assistance; contents of agreements
465.290 Financialassistance agreement not General Fund obligation; cost estimates; security;recovery of costs; compromise of obligations
465.295 Decisionregarding financial assistance not subject to judicial review
465.300 Recordsand financial assistance applications exempt from disclosure as public record
465.305 Applicationfees
465.310 Accountingprocedure for financial assistance moneys
465.315 Standardsfor degree of cleanup required; Hazard Index; risk protocol; hot spots ofcontamination; exemption; rules
465.320 Noticeof proposed cleanup action; receipt and consideration of comment; notice ofapproval
465.325 Agreementto perform removal or remedial action; reimbursement; agreement as order andconsent judgment; effect on liability
465.327 Agreementto release party from potential liability to state to facilitate cleanup andreuse of property; eligible parties; terms of agreement
465.330 Stateremedial action costs; payment; effect of failure to pay
465.333 Recoveryof costs of program development, rulemaking and administrative actions asremedial action costs; determination of allocable costs
465.335 Costs,penalties and damages as lien; enforcement of lien
465.340 Contractorliability; indemnification
465.375 Monthlyfee of operators; amount; use of moneys
465.376 Specialhazardous waste management fees; use of fees
465.378 Departmentto work with other states to avoid disruption of waste flows
465.381 HazardousSubstance Remedial Action Fund; sources; uses; Orphan Site Account; uses
465.386 Commissionauthorized to increase fees; basis of increase; amount of increase
465.391 Effectof certain laws on liability of person
465.400 Rules;designation of hazardous substance
465.405 Rules;“confirmed release”; “preliminary assessment”
465.410 Rankingof inventory according to risk; rules
465.420 RemedialAction Advisory Committee
465.425 “Securityinterest holder” defined for ORS 465.430 to 465.455
465.430 Legislativefindings
465.435 Rulesrelating to exemption from liability for security interest holder
465.440 Rulesrelating to exemption from liability for fiduciary
465.445 Advisorycommittee
465.450 Limitationon commission’s discretion to adopt rules
465.455 Constructionof ORS 465.425 to 465.455
(OregonEnvironmental Cleanup Assistance)
465.475 Definitionsfor ORS 465.475 to 465.480
465.478 Legislativefindings
465.479 Lostpolicies; investigation by insurer required; minimum standards forinvestigation
465.480 Insurancefor environmental claims; rules of construction; duty to pay defense orindemnity costs; allocation
465.482 Shorttitle
(Cleanupof Contamination Resulting From Dry Cleaning Facilities)
465.500 Purpose
465.503 Exemptionfrom administrative or judicial action to compel removal or remedial action;exemption from liability; exceptions; limitations
465.505 Wasteminimization requirements for dry cleaning facilities; annual report;reportable release; rules
465.507 Drycleaning advisory group
465.510 DryCleaner Environmental Response Account; use; deductible amounts forexpenditures
465.517 Annualfee and gross revenue fee for dry cleaning facilities
465.520 Feeon sale or transfer of dry cleaning solvent; exemption
465.523 Feeon use of dry cleaning solvent
465.525 Calculationof fee for partial gallons; refund or credit
465.527 Reportingof fees
465.531 Departmentof Environmental Quality may contract for collection of fees
465.536 Latecharges; enforcement by Department of Revenue
465.545 Suspensionof dry cleaning fees; recommendation to Legislative Assembly
465.550 Definitionsfor ORS 465.550 and 465.555
465.555 Countyassessment of effects of major recovery or remedial action at storage ordisposal site for chemical agents; annual fee