Chapter 468A — AirQuality
468A.005 Definitionsfor air pollution laws
468A.010 Policy
468A.015 Purposeof air pollution laws
468A.020 Applicationof air pollution laws
468A.025 Airpurity standards; air quality standards; treatment and control of emissions;rules
468A.030 Whenliability for violation not applicable
468A.035 Generalcomprehensive plan
468A.040 Permits;rules
468A.045 Activitiesprohibited without permit; limit on activities with permit
468A.050 Classificationof air contamination sources; registration and reporting of sources; rules;fees
468A.055 Noticeprior to construction of new sources; order authorizing or prohibitingconstruction; effect of no order; appeal
468A.060 Dutyto comply with laws, rules and standards
468A.065 Furnishingcopies of rules and standards to building permit issuing agencies
468A.070 Measurementand testing of contamination sources; rules
468A.075 Variancesfrom air contamination rules and standards; delegation to local governments;notices
468A.080 Airand water pollution control permit for geothermal well drilling and operation;enforcement authority of director
468A.085 Residentialopen burning of vegetative debris; rules; local government authority
468A.095 Legislativefindings
468A.096 Applicationfor certification; eligible production technologies or processes; fees
468A.098 Certification;rejection of application
468A.100 Definitionsfor ORS 468A.010 and 468A.100 to 468A.180
468A.105 Formationof regional air quality control authorities
468A.110 Waiverof population requirements
468A.115 Natureof authority
468A.120 Boardof directors; term
468A.125 Boardwhere population requirement waived
468A.130 Advisorycommittee; duties; members; term; chairperson; meetings
468A.135 Functionof authority; rules
468A.140 Assumption,retention and transfer of control over classes of air contamination sources
468A.145 Contractfor commission to retain authority under ORS 468A.135
468A.150 Conductof public hearings; entry of orders
468A.155 Rulesauthorizing regional permit programs
468A.160 Expansionor dissolution of authority
468A.165 Compliancewith state standards required; hearing; notice
468A.170 Paymentof costs of services to authority by state
468A.175 Stateaid
468A.180 Paymentof certain court costs not required
(OregonGlobal Warming Commission)
468A.200 Legislativefindings
468A.205 Policy;greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals
468A.210 Definitionsfor ORS 352.247 and 468A.200 to 468A.260
468A.215 OregonGlobal Warming Commission; appointment; term; vacancies; expenses of members
468A.220 Exofficio members
468A.225 Meetings;quorum; support of agencies
468A.230 Rules
468A.235 Coordinationof state and local efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
468A.240 Recommendations;public comment; examination of greenhouse gas cap-and-trade systems
468A.245 Outreachstrategy
468A.250 Mandateof Oregon Global Warming Commission
468A.255 Citizenadvisory groups
468A.260 Reportto Legislative Assembly
468A.270 Motorvehicle pollution control systems; definitions; rules; exceptions
(Temporaryprovisions relating to low carbon fuel standards and reports to LegislativeAssembly are compiled as notes following ORS 468A.270)
468A.280 Electricity;fossil fuels; registration and reporting requirements; rules
468A.290 OregonClimate Corps; long-term plan; grants and donations
468A.292 OregonClimate Corps Fund
468A.300 Definitionsfor federal operating permit program
468A.305 Purpose
468A.310 Federaloperating permit program approval; rules; content of plan
468A.315 Emissionfees for major sources; base fees; basis of fees; rules
468A.320 Accountabilityfor costs of program
468A.325 Priorityof department work schedule
468A.327 Requirementfor adoption, amendment or repeal of rules; oral hearing
468A.330 SmallBusiness Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance AssistanceProgram
468A.350 Definitionsfor ORS 468A.350 to 468A.400
468A.355 Legislativefindings
468A.360 Motorvehicle emission and noise standards; copy to Department of Transportation
468A.363 Purposeof ORS 468A.363, 468A.365, 468A.400 and 815.300
468A.365 Certificationof motor vehicle pollution control systems and inspection of motor vehicles;rules
468A.370 Cost-effectiveinspection program; contracts for inspections
468A.375 Noticeto state agencies concerning certifications
468A.380 Licensingof personnel and equipment; certification of motor vehicles; rules
468A.385 Determinationof compliance of motor vehicles
468A.387 Operatingschedules for testing stations
468A.390 Designationof areas of the state subject to motor vehicle emission inspection program;rules
468A.395 Bondor letter of credit; remedy against person licensed under ORS 468A.380;cancellation of license
468A.400 Fees;collection; use
468A.405 Authorityto limit motor vehicle operation and traffic; rules
468A.410 Administrationand enforcement of rules adopted under ORS 468A.405
468A.415 Legislativefindings
468A.420 Oxygenatedmotor vehicle fuels; when required by rule
468A.455 Policeenforcement
468A.460 Policy
468A.465 Certificationrequirements for new solid fuel burning devices; rules
468A.467 Prohibitionon burning certain materials in solid fuel burning devices
468A.485 Definitionsfor ORS 468A.460 to 468A.515
468A.490 ResidentialSolid Fuel Heating Air Quality Improvement Fund; uses
468A.495 Prohibitionon installation of used solid fuel burning devices; exceptions; rules
468A.500 Prohibitionon sale of noncertified solid fuel burning devices; rules
468A.505 Removal
468A.515 Residentialsolid fuel heating curtailment program requirements; exemptions; rules