Chapter 468B — WaterQuality
468B.005 Definitionsfor water pollution control laws
468B.010 Authorityof commission over water pollution; construction
468B.015 Policy
(Temporaryprovisions relating to passenger vessels are compiled as notes following ORS468B.015)
468B.020 Preventionof pollution
468B.025 Prohibitedactivities
468B.030 Effluentlimitations; rules
468B.032 Alternativeenforcement proceeding; request; public notice; fees
468B.035 Implementationof Federal Water Pollution Control Act; rules
468B.040 Certificationof hydroelectric power project; comments of affected state agencies
468B.045 Certificationof change to hydroelectric power project; notification of federal agency
468B.046 Reauthorizationof hydroelectric project not to limit authority of department related tocertification of project for water quality purposes
468B.047 Feesfor state certification under Federal Water Pollution Control Act; rules;review of department determination; disposition of fees
468B.048 Rulesfor standards of quality and purity; factors to be considered; meetingstandards
468B.050 Waterquality permit; issuance by rule or order; rules
468B.051 Feesfor water quality permit
468B.052 Feesfor water quality permit to operate suction dredge
468B.053 Alternativesto obtaining water quality permit; rules
468B.055 Plansand specifications for disposal, treatment and sewerage systems
468B.060 Liabilityfor damage to fish or wildlife or habitat; agency to which damages payable
468B.062 Useattainability analysis of certain waters of state
468B.064 Follow-upassessments of waters of state that exceed numeric temperature criteria
468B.070 Prohibitedactivities for certain municipalities
468B.075 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.080
468B.080 Prohibitionsrelating to garbage or sewage dumping into waters of state
468B.083 Whenmotor vehicle parts may be placed in waters of state; rules
468B.085 Depositingvehicles or manufactured structures into water prohibited
468B.090 Permitauthorized for discharge of shrimp and crab processing by-products; conditions
468B.093 Generalpermit for discharge of geothermal spring water to surface water
468B.095 Useof sludge on agricultural, horticultural or silvicultural land; rules
468B.100 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.105 and 468B.110
468B.105 Reviewof water quality standard affecting forest operations
468B.110 Authorityto establish and enforce water quality standards by rule or order; limitationon authority; instream water quality standards
(PhosphateCleansing Agents)
468B.120 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.120 to 468B.135
468B.125 Policyto reduce phosphorous pollution
468B.130 Prohibitionon sale or distribution of cleaning agents containing phosphorous; rules
468B.135 Exemptions
468B.138 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.138 to 468B.144
468B.139 Report;consultation with governments, agencies and organizations; surcharge
468B.140 Plansto reduce discharges of persistent pollutants
468B.141 Rules
468B.142 Ordercompelling compliance with rules; injunction; security not required; attorneyfees
468B.143 PersistentPollutant Control Account; establishment; uses
468B.144 Moneysreceived under ORS 468B.142; disposition
468B.150 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.150 to 468B.190
468B.155 Stategoal to prevent ground water contamination
468B.160 Groundwater management and use policy
468B.162 Coordinationof ground water activities
468B.164 Encouragementof federal actions
468B.165 Groundwater contaminants; maximum levels; rules
468B.166 Technicaladvisory committee; duties; membership
468B.167 Groundwater resource protection strategy; advisory committees
468B.169 Requestsfor funding, advice or assistance for ground water projects
468B.171 Awardinggrants; purpose; rules
468B.175 Declarationof area of ground water concern
468B.177 Actionsof department after declaration of area of ground water concern
468B.179 Groundwater management committee; appointment; duties
468B.180 Declarationof ground water management area; standards
468B.182 Alternativeappointment of ground water management committee
468B.183 Dutiesof ground water management committee after declaration of ground watermanagement area
468B.184 Designationof lead agency for development of action plan; contents of action plan
468B.186 Commenton plan; final plan
468B.187 Acceptanceor rejection of action plan; rules
468B.188 Repealof declaration of ground water management area
468B.190 Groundwater monitoring and assessment
(UndergroundInjection Control Program)
468B.195 Undergroundinjection control program of federal Safe Drinking Water Act; rules; fees
468B.196 Fees
468B.197 SubsurfaceInjection Fluids Account; establishment; interest; uses
468B.200 Legislativefindings
468B.203 Applicabilityof 468B.200 to 468B.230
468B.205 Definitionof confined animal feeding operation; rules
468B.210 Maximumnumber of animals per facility; determination
468B.215 Fees;permit conditions; review
468B.217 Memorandumof understanding with Department of Agriculture
468B.220 Civilpenalty for violation of permit requirement
468B.225 Prerequisitefor investigation; written complaint; security deposit
468B.230 Departmentof Agriculture civil penalty authority
468B.300 Definitionsfor ORS 468B.300 to 468B.500
468B.305 Entryof oil into waters of state prohibited; exceptions
468B.310 Liabilityfor violation of ORS 468B.305
468B.315 Dutyto collect and remove oil; dispersal of oil
468B.320 Actionby state; liability for state expense; order; appeal
468B.325 Director’sright of entry in response to oil spill; state liability for damages
468B.330 Actionto collect costs
468B.335 Effectof federal regulations of oil spillage
468B.337 Liquefiednatural gas
468B.340 Legislativefindings and intent