Chapter 469 — Energy;Conservation Programs; Energy Facilities
469.010 Policy
469.020 Definitions
469.030 StateDepartment of Energy; duties
469.040 Director;duties; appointment; rules
469.050 Limitationson subsequent employment of director; sanctions
469.055 Authorityof department to require fingerprints
469.060 Comprehensiveenergy plan; energy pricing structures research
469.070 Energyforecast; contents; fees
469.080 Energyresource information; subpoena power; depositions; limitations on obtaininginformation; protection from abuse
469.085 Procedurefor imposing civil penalties; rules
469.090 Confidentialityof information submitted under ORS 469.080
469.097 Dutyto monitor industry progress in energy conservation
469.100 Agencyconsideration of legislative policy; agency review of rules
469.110 Dealingswith federal government; intervention by State Department of Energy in agencyaction
469.120 StateDepartment of Energy Account; appropriation; record of moneys
469.135 EnergyConservation Clearinghouse for Commerce and Industry
469.150 Energysuppliers to provide conservation services and information; rules
469.155 Advisoryenergy conservation standards for dwellings; rules
469.160 Definitionsfor ORS 469.160 to 469.180; rules
469.165 Rules;federal standards
469.170 Claimfor tax credits; rules; eligibility; contents; contractor system certification
469.171 Transferof tax credit for alternative fuel vehicle; rules
469.172 Ineligibledevices; rules
469.176 Performanceassumptions and prescriptive measures for tax credits
469.180 Forfeitureof tax credits; revocation of contractor certificate; inspection; effect offailure to allow inspection
469.185 Definitionsfor ORS 469.185 to 469.225 and 469.878; rules
469.190 Policy
469.195 Prioritygiven to certain projects; criteria
469.197 Rules;criteria for high-performance homes, renewable energy systems, combined heatand power facilities and renewable energy resource equipment manufacturingfacilities
469.200 Annuallimit to cost of facility in granting tax credits; discretion of director
469.205 Applicationfor preliminary certification; eligibility; contents; fees; rules
469.206 Transferabilityof facility tax credit; rules; effect on taxes reported by public utility
469.207 Taxcredit for rental housing units; eligibility
469.208 Transferabilityof rental housing unit tax credit; rules
469.210 Submissionof plans, specifications and contract terms; preliminary certification
469.215 Finalcertification; eligibility; application; content
469.217 Rules;fees for certification
469.220 Certificaterequired for tax credits; certification not to exceed five years
469.225 Revocationof certificate; forfeiture of tax credits; collection
Note Reporton analysis of financial aspects of projects certified for receipt of tax credits--2009c.912 §1
(Temporaryprovisions relating to outdoor lighting are compiled as notes preceding ORS469.229)
469.229 Definitionsfor ORS 469.229 to 469.261
469.233 Energyefficiency standards
469.235 Certainreflector lamps exempt from standards
469.238 Saleof products not meeting standards prohibited; exemptions
469.239 Installationof products not meeting standards prohibited; exemptions
469.255 Manufacturersto test products; test methods; certification of products; rules
469.261 Departmentto review standards; rules; postponement of operative dates of standards;application for waiver of federal preemption
469.300 Definitions
469.310 Policy
469.320 Sitecertificate required; exceptions
469.330 Noticeof intent to file application for site certificate; public notice; standards,application requirements and study requirements; project order; rules
469.350 Applicationfor site certificate; comment and recommendation
469.360 Evaluationof site applications; costs; payment
469.370 Draftproposed order for hearing; issues raised; final order; expedited processing
469.373 Expeditedprocessing for certain natural gas energy facilities
469.375 Requiredfindings for radioactive waste disposal facility certificate
469.378 Landuse compatibility statement for energy facility
469.401 Energyfacility site certificate; conditions; effect of issuance on state and localgovernment agencies
469.402 Delegationof review of future action required by site certificate
469.403 Rehearingon approval or rejection of application for site certificate or amendment;appeal; judicial review vested in Supreme Court; stay of order
469.405 Amendmentof site certificate; judicial review; exemption; rules
469.407 Amendmentof application to increase capacity of facility
469.409 Amendmentof site certificate to demonstrate compliance with carbon dioxide emissionsstandard; binding arbitration to resolve disputes
469.410 Energyfacility site certificate applications filed or under construction prior toJuly 2, 1975; conditions of site certificate; monitoring programs
469.421 Fees;exemptions; assessment of certain utilities and suppliers; penalty
469.430 Siteinspections
469.440 Groundsfor revocation or suspension of certificates
469.441 Justificationof fees charged; judicial review
(HighVoltage Transmission Lines)
469.442 Procedureprior to construction of transmission line in excess of 230,000 volts; review committee
469.450 EnergyFacility Siting Council; appointment; confirmation; term; restrictions
469.460 Officers;meetings; compensation and expenses
469.470 Powersand duties; rules
469.480 Localgovernment advisory group; special advisory groups; compensation and expenses;Electric and Magnetic Field Committee; rules
(Rules;Standards; Compliance)
469.490 Adoptionof rules; determination of validity
469.501 Energyfacility siting, construction, operation and retirement standards; exemptions
469.503 Requirementsfor approval of energy facility site certificate; carbon dioxide emissionsstandard; offset funds; use of offset funds by qualifying organization; rules
469.504 Facilitycompliance with statewide planning goals; exception; amendment of local planand land use regulations; conflicts; technical assistance; rules
469.505 Consultationwith other agencies
469.507 Monitoringenvironmental and ecological effects of construction and operation of energyfacilities
469.520 Cooperationof state governmental bodies; adoption of rules by state agencies on energyfacility development
(PlantOperations; Radioactive Wastes)
469.525 Radioactivewaste disposal facilities prohibited; exceptions; rules
469.530 Reviewand approval of security programs
469.533 StateDepartment of Energy rules for health protection and evacuation procedures innuclear emergency
469.534 Countyprocedures