Chapter 471. AlcoholicLiquors Generally
473. Wine,Cider and Malt Beverage Privilege Tax
474. TradePractices Relating to Malt Beverages
475. ControlledSubstances; Illegal Drug Cleanup; Paraphernalia; Precursors
Chapter 471 — AlcoholicLiquors Generally
471.001 Definitionsfor ORS chapters 471 and 473
471.023 “Cider”defined
471.027 Shorttitle
471.030 Purposeof Liquor Control Act
471.035 Certainproducts excepted from liquor laws
471.038 Nonbeveragefood products
471.039 Certaincruise ships exempt from liquor laws
471.040 Generalpowers and duties of the commission; rules; delegation
471.045 Liquorlaws supersede and repeal inconsistent charters and ordinances
471.105 Purchaser’squalifications
471.115 Limitationson purchasing may be imposed
471.130 Requiringstatement of age or identification from certain purchasers
471.135 Falsestatement of age; statement of age as defense
471.155 Commission’slicensing duties; bonds
471.157 Licensesissuable
471.159 Enclosureof licensed premises
471.162 Personsexempted from license requirement
(Authorityof Cities and Counties)
471.164 Authorityof cities and counties over establishments that offer entertainment or servealcoholic beverages
471.166 Localgovernment recommendations on license issuance and renewal; rules; fees
(MandatoryLiability Insurance)
471.168 Certainlicensees required to maintain liquor liability insurance or bond
471.175 Fullon-premises sales license
471.178 Limitedon-premises sales license
471.180 In-roomsupply of alcoholic beverages by hotel or arena
471.182 Issuanceof full or limited on-premises sales license to public passenger carrier
471.184 Cateringand other temporary off-premises service under full or limited on-premisessales license
471.186 Off-premisessales license; deliveries to retail customers
471.190 Temporarysales license; rules
(Brewery-PublicHouse License)
471.200 Brewery-publichouse license
(Manufacturingand Wholesale Licenses)
471.220 Brewerylicense
471.223 Winerylicense
471.227 Growersales privilege license
471.230 Distillerylicense
471.235 Wholesalemalt beverage and wine license
471.242 Warehouselicense
(Certificatesof Approval)
471.244 Certificatesof approval for malt beverages, cider or wine; special certificates of approval
471.251 Certificatesof approval for distilled liquor
(Distributionto Retail Licensees)
471.272 Mannerof shipping or transporting wine or cider
471.274 Wineself-distribution permit
(DirectShipment of Wine and Cider to Consumer)
471.282 Directshipper permit; fees
471.292 Characteristicsof license
471.294 Licenseterms; licenses issued for less than year; determination of fees
471.297 Temporaryletter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation
471.302 Temporaryletter of authority for off-premises sales license applicant; fee; revocation
471.305 Deliveryof alcoholic beverages
471.310 Citiesas licensees
(Applicationfor License)
471.311 Applicationfor license; rules; fees
471.313 Groundsfor refusing to issue license
(Suspensionor Cancellation of License; Civil Penalties)
471.315 Groundsfor cancellation or suspension of license or imposition of civil penalty
471.316 Mandatorysuspension if licensee fails to prevent certain unlawful drug use or sales onpremises; civil penalty
471.322 Civilpenalty in lieu of or in addition to short-term suspension of certain licensesand permits; limits on amount
471.326 Refundof civil penalty if suspension not sustained on judicial review
471.327 Civilpenalty in addition to or in lieu of suspending certain other licenses orcertificates
(MiscellaneousProvisions Relating to Denial, Suspension or Cancellation of License)
471.329 Seriousand persistent problems involving noise as grounds for discipline of licenseeor applicant
471.331 Noticeto licensee when refusal to renew or suspension or cancellation of licensebased on adverse neighborhood impact; no stay of order
471.333 Effectof sanitation violations
(Salesof Alcoholic Beverages to Minors by Licensees)
471.341 Mandatoryclerk training course for employees of off-premises sales licensees; rules;fees; civil penalty
471.342 Acquisitionand use of age verification equipment in lieu of other penalty
471.344 Responsiblevendor program; rules
471.346 Uniformstandards for minor decoy operations; rules
(Examinationof Books and Premises of Licensees)
471.351 Examinationof books and premises of licensees
471.360 Servicepermit required; waiver
471.365 Characteristicsof permit; verification of identity of permittee
471.370 Expiration
471.375 Application;requirements; fee
471.380 Groundsfor refusing to issue permit; request for hearing
471.385 Groundsfor revoking or suspending permit or imposing civil penalty; responsibility oflicensee
471.390 Duplicateor new permit; fee
471.392 Definitionsfor ORS 471.392 to 471.400
471.394 Prohibitionon sales at both wholesale and retail; prohibition on financial connectionbetween retailer and wholesaler
471.396 Exceptionsto prohibition on financial connection between wholesaler and retailer
471.398 Prohibitionof financial assistance from wholesaler to retailer
471.400 Exceptionsto prohibition of financial assistance; rules
471.401 Exceptionfrom tied house prohibition for sale of advertising to arena
471.402 Sampletastings authorized