Chapter 475 — ControlledSubstances; Illegal Drug Cleanup; Paraphernalia; Precursors
475.005 Definitionsfor ORS 475.005 to 475.285 and 475.840 to 475.980
475.035 Authorityto control schedule; rules
475.045 Exclusions
475.055 Publishingof schedules
475.059 Classificationof marijuana
475.065 Classificationof methamphetamine; exceptions
475.095 Rules;fees
475.101 Immunityfor reporting violation
475.125 Registrationrequirements
475.135 Groundsto grant or deny registration; scope of registration; effect of federalregistration
475.145 Revocationand suspension of registration
475.155 Orderto show cause
475.165 Recordsof registrants
475.175 Whenorder forms required
475.185 Whenprescriptions required
475.188 Prescriptiondrug orders; electronic transmission
475.190 Exceptionto prescription requirement; rules
475.215 Cooperativearrangements
475.225 Educationand research
475.235 Burdenof proof; status of analysis of controlled substance; notice of objection
475.245 Conditionaldischarge
475.255 Statusof penalties
475.265 Whenprosecution barred
475.275 Uniformityof interpretation
475.285 Shorttitle
475.300 Findings
475.302 Definitionsfor ORS 475.300 to 475.346
475.303 AdvisoryCommittee on Medical Marijuana
475.304 Marijuanagrow site registration system; rules
475.306 Medicaluse of marijuana; rules
475.309 Registryidentification card; issuance; eligibility; duties of cardholder; immunity
475.312 Designatedprimary caregiver
475.316 Limitationson cardholder’s immunity from criminal laws involving marijuana
475.319 Affirmativedefense to certain criminal laws involving marijuana; notice
475.320 Limitson amounts possessed
475.323 Effectof possession of registry identification card or designated primary caregivercard on search and seizure rights
475.324 Limitson confiscation of marijuana
475.326 Attendingphysician; limitation on civil liability and professional discipline
475.328 Limitson professional licensing board’s authority to sanction licensee for medicaluse of marijuana; authorizes licensed health care professional to administermedical marijuana
475.331 Listof persons issued registry identification cards, designated primary caregiversand authorized grow sites; disclosure
475.334 Addingdiseases or conditions that qualify as debilitating medical conditions; rules
475.338 Rules
475.340 Limitationson reimbursement of costs and employer accommodation
475.342 Limitationson protection from criminal liability
475.346 Shorttitle
475.405 Definitionsfor ORS 475.405 to 475.495
475.415 Requestfor cleanup
475.425 EnvironmentalQuality Commission rules; designation of chemicals
475.435 Authorityof director
475.445 Siteentry; purposes
475.455 Liabilityof certain persons for cleanup costs
475.465 Liabilityof state for cleanup
475.475 Departmentrecord of costs; collection of costs
475.485 Costsand penalties as lien; enforcement of lien
475.495 IllegalDrug Cleanup Fund; sources; uses
475.525 Saleof drug paraphernalia prohibited; definition of drug paraphernalia; exceptions
475.535 Actionto enforce ORS 475.525 to 475.565
475.545 Orderof forfeiture of paraphernalia; effect
475.555 Seizureof drug paraphernalia
475.565 Civilpenalty for violation of ORS 475.525
475.805 Providinghypodermic device to minor prohibited; exception
475.840 Prohibitedacts generally; penalties; affirmative defense for certain peyote uses; causingdeath by Schedule IV substance
475.843 Affirmativedefense to unlawfully possessing pseudoephedrine
475.846 Unlawfulmanufacture of heroin
475.848 Unlawfulmanufacture of heroin within 1,000 feet of school
475.850 Unlawfuldelivery of heroin
475.852 Unlawfuldelivery of heroin within 1,000 feet of school
475.854 Unlawfulpossession of heroin
475.856 Unlawfulmanufacture of marijuana
475.858 Unlawfulmanufacture of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school
475.860 Unlawfuldelivery of marijuana
475.862 Unlawfuldelivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school
475.864 Unlawfulpossession of marijuana
475.866 Unlawfulmanufacture of 3,4-methylene- dioxymethamphetamine
475.868 Unlawfulmanufacture of 3,4-methylene- dioxymethamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school
475.870 Unlawfuldelivery of 3,4-methylenedioxy- methamphetamine
475.872 Unlawfuldelivery of 3,4-methylenedioxy- methamphetamine within 1,000 feet ofschool
475.874 Unlawfulpossession of 3,4-methylenedi-oxymethamphetamine
475.876 Unlawfulmanufacture of cocaine
475.878 Unlawfulmanufacture of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school
475.880 Unlawfuldelivery of cocaine
475.882 Unlawfuldelivery of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school
475.884 Unlawfulpossession of cocaine
475.886 Unlawfulmanufacture of methamphetamine
475.888 Unlawfulmanufacture of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school
475.890 Unlawfuldelivery of methamphetamine
475.892 Unlawfuldelivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school
475.894 Unlawfulpossession of methamphetamine