Chapter 480 — Explosives;Flammable Materials; Pressure Vessels
480.010 Labelsfor blasting powder and fuse
480.020 Prohibitionagainst sale of bad powder
480.030 Fuseunfit for use and sale; prohibition of use
480.040 Sale,exchange or possession, when unlawful
480.050 Prohibitionagainst intrastate transportation of explosives in passenger vehicle operatedby common carrier; exception
480.060 Transportationof certain explosives prohibited
480.070 Firebombs prohibited; exceptions
480.085 Requirementfor removal of unused explosives from work area
480.095 Penaltyand civil liability for violation of ORS 480.085
480.110 Definitionsfor Oregon Fireworks Law
480.120 Sale,possession and use of fireworks prohibited; exceptions; enforcement
480.122 Usefor repelling birds or animals allowed; permit; rules
480.124 Usefor control of predatory animals allowed
480.127 Salepermit for certain items; when required; fee
480.130 Permitrequired for sale or public display of fireworks; fee
480.140 Fireworksdisplays to be under supervision of police and fire department chiefs or countycourt
480.150 Permitsfor fireworks sales or displays; rules; security
480.152 Publicationof advertisement for sale of unlawful fireworks prohibited
480.154 Manufactureror wholesaler required to maintain records of sale of fireworks; shipments toshow permit number; confiscation
480.156 Saleof fireworks to out-of-state resident without valid license or permitprohibited; seller to ascertain license or permit requirements of other states;seller’s records
480.158 Parentsof minor liable for costs incurred in suppressing fires caused by use offireworks by minor; exception
480.160 Localregulation and effect of state law; local enforcement authority
480.165 Civilpenalty for fireworks law violations
480.200 Definitionsfor ORS 480.200 to 480.290
480.205 Application
480.210 Certificate,license or permit required; display upon demand; defenses
480.215 Transferof explosives limited
480.225 Eligibilityfor certificate of possession
480.230 Applicationfor certificate of possession; fee
480.235 Waitingperiod for issuance of certificate of possession; investigation of applicant;authority of investigating body to require fingerprints; term of certificate;assignment or transfer prohibited; records required
480.239 Applicationfor renewal of certificate of possession; testing criteria
480.244 Storagefacility approval; inspection; relocation; rules; fees
480.265 Reportof loss, theft or unlawful removal of explosives required
480.270 Revocationor suspension for violations; surrender of certificate of possession
480.275 Hearingson denial, suspension or revocation of certificate
480.280 Administrationand enforcement by State Fire Marshal; rules; appointment of assistants
480.290 Requirementsfor person driving vehicle transporting explosives
480.310 Definitionsfor ORS 480.315 to 480.385
480.315 Policy
480.320 Useof coin-operated pumps and dispensing of gasoline by self-service declaredhazardous
480.330 Operationof gasoline dispensing device by public prohibited; aviation fuel exception
480.340 Coin-operatedor self-service gasoline pumps prohibited; automatic shut-off devicesregulated; aviation fuel exception
480.345 Conditionsfor operation of dispensing device by certain nonretail customers
480.347 Useof gasoline dispensing device by emergency service volunteer; conditions
480.349 Useof gasoline dispensing device by motorcycle operator
480.350 Licenserequired for operation of nonretail facility; application; fee; term; renewal;disposition of fees
480.355 Conditionaluse license; qualifications; application; review of denial
480.360 Exemptionfrom gallonage requirements of ORS 480.345
480.365 Suspension,revocation, refusal to issue or renew nonretail facility license; procedure
480.370 Subpoenasfor investigation; effect of failure to comply
480.375 Safetyinspection of facilities by State Fire Marshal; audit; investigation of lawviolations
480.380 Rules
480.385 Civilpenalty for gasoline dispensing law violations
480.390 Nonretailfacilities at airports; rules
480.410 Definition
480.420 Liquefiedpetroleum gas rules and regulations; conformity with standards of National FireProtection Association
480.430 Liquefiedpetroleum gas containers; certain uses prohibited
480.432 Licensesrequired; exceptions
480.434 Examinationof applicants for licenses; examination fee; issuance of license
480.435 Licenses;revocation; suspension; refusal to issue or renew
480.436 Licensefees; term of licenses; delinquency penalty
480.440 Inspectionof certain storage tanks; fee
480.445 Regulationof liquefied petroleum gas container or receptacle siting and installation
480.450 Noticeof new installations; fees; inspections after original inspection; notice ofchanges; correction of improper installations required
480.460 Dispositionof fees
480.510 Shorttitle
480.515 Definitionsfor ORS 480.510 to 480.670
480.520 Purposeof ORS 480.510 to 480.670
480.525 Exemptvessels; rules; fee
480.530 Powersand duties of department
480.535 Boardof Boiler Rules; members; duties; qualifications; confirmation; rules
480.540 Termof members; removal; meetings; compensation and expenses
480.545 Rules;minimum safety standards; fees
480.550 Minimumsafety standards; effect on existing vessels; application of subsequentamendments
480.555 Prohibitionsrelating to nonconforming vessels; exemptions
480.560 Inspection;testing; rules
480.565 Chiefand deputy inspectors; special inspectors
480.570 Inspectionsby special inspectors or others; effect on permit fees; exempt boilers andvessels
480.580 Accessto buildings and premises by inspectors
480.585 Temporaryoperation authorization; operating permit; suspension or revocation
480.595 Permits;rules; fees
480.600 Specialprovisions on permit and inspection fees; notice from insurer
480.605 Miscellaneousfees
480.610 Dispositionof fees
480.615 Appeals
480.630 Licensingof boiler contractors and persons installing, altering or repairing boilers or pressurevessels; installation permits; fees; continuing education
480.632 Employmentof unlicensed worker prohibited
480.634 Exemptionof journeyman plumber for certain activities
480.640 Whencourt action not available
480.645 Standardizedexamination; administration
480.647 Qualitycontrol procedures for welding on nonboiler external piping; rules