Chapter 511 — Localand Special Regulations
511.006 Definitions
511.011 “Mouth”of river defined
511.016 Takingstriped bass prohibited
511.060 Takingsalmon for commercial purposes in coastal streams prohibited
511.070 Openseason for chum salmon and incidental take of salmon in Tillamook Bay; rules
511.106 Commercialfishing in Columbia River and tributaries restricted
511.206 Takingfood fish for commercial purposes in or near Rogue River prohibited
511.306 Takingfood fish for commercial purposes in certain Curry County waters prohibited
511.506 Takingshad for commercial purposes in Coos Bay or in Siuslaw, Umpqua or Smith Riversrestricted
511.511 Takingsturgeon for commercial purposes in Umpqua River prohibited
511.516 Takingshad for commercial purposes from Coos River prohibited
511.521 Takingshad or sturgeon for commercial purposes in Coquille River waters prohibited
511.606 Takingfood fish for commercial purposes in Nestucca Bay prohibited
511.611 Takingshad and sturgeon for commercial purposes in Netarts Bay prohibited
511.625 Naturaland artificial oyster beds in Netarts Bay
511.640 Saleof oyster lands in Tillamook Bay prohibited
511.806 Takingsalmon, shad, striped bass or sturgeon for commercial purposes in WillametteRiver prohibited; taking shad for commercial purposes in Willamette Sloughrestricted
511.005 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.006Definitions.The definitions prescribed by ORS 506.001 to 506.025 apply to this chapter. [1965c.570 §138]
511.010 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.011“Mouth” of river defined. The “mouth” of any river emptying into the PacificOcean including the bay or tidal area formed by each such river is the seawardend of the jetty or jetties of each such river. If no jetties exist, theextension of the Pacific Ocean, shoreline high watermark across the river, bayor tidal area, is the “mouth” of such river. [1965 c.570 §139]
511.016Taking striped bass prohibited. It is unlawful to take striped bass forcommercial purposes from any of the waters of this state. [1973 c.500 §2; 1975c.416 §1]
511.055 [1957 c.1 §§1,2,3(an Act proposed by an initiative petition approved at the general election onNovember 6, 1956); 1959 c.125 §1; repealed by 1965 c.570 §152]
511.060Taking salmon for commercial purposes in coastal streams prohibited. It is unlawfulto take salmon for commercial purposes from all waters inland from the mouth ofall streams or tributaries thereof that empty into the Pacific Ocean south ofthe mouth of the Columbia River, except as provided in ORS 511.070. [1965 c.570§143]
511.070Open season for chum salmon and incidental take of salmon in Tillamook Bay;rules.It shall be lawful for the State Fish and Wildlife Commission by rule toestablish a season for commercial fishing for chum salmon and the incidentaltake of salmon in Tillamook Bay. Such season may not exceed 30 calendar daystotal length each year and may only be between October 25 and December 5.Fishing areas under this section shall be limited to:
(1)Tillamook Bay except that portion of Hathaway Slough above a line extended duesouth from a point on the northerly bank or shoreline of the slough 1,000 feetdownstream from the Southern Pacific railroad trestle.
(2)The Miami River below a line drawn across the Miami River due north and souththrough a point 1,000 feet west from the northwest corner of the SouthernPacific railroad bridge crossing the Miami River.
(3)The Kilchis River below a point at the intersection of the Kilchis River by thesection line between sections 11 and 12, township 1 south, range 10 west of theWillamette Meridian.
(4)The Wilson River below a point 500 feet below the bridge crossing the WilsonRiver in section 13, township 1 south, range 10 west of the WillametteMeridian.
(5)The Tillamook River below a point 100 feet below the mouth of Frasier Slough. [1965c.570 §144]
511.105 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.106Commercial fishing in Columbia River and tributaries restricted. It is unlawfulin the Columbia River and its tributaries to:
(1)Take salmon for commercial purposes east of its confluence with the DeschutesRiver.
(2)Take food fish for commercial purposes in a closed area at and adjacent to themouth of the Sandy River, Hood River and Deschutes River. The closed area shallbe one-fourth of a mile in width, extending out into the Columbia River atright angles to the thread of the stream, and one mile in length below theupper or right-hand bank or shoreline of such tributary where the tributaryintersects the left-hand bank or shoreline of the Columbia River. [1965 c.570 §140;1969 c.358 §1; 1989 c.126 §1]
511.110 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.115 [Repealed by 1965c.570 §152]
511.120 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.125 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.130 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.135 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.140 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.145 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.150 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.155 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.160 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.165 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.170 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.205 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.206Taking food fish for commercial purposes in or near Rogue River prohibited. It is unlawfulto take any food fish except shellfish for commercial purposes from the RogueRiver and its tributaries and within a radius of one mile from the center ofthe mouth of the Rogue River. [1965 c.570 §148; 1995 c.269 §1]
511.210 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.215 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.220 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.225 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.305 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.306Taking food fish for commercial purposes in certain Curry County watersprohibited.It is unlawful to take any food fish for commercial purposes from the followingwaters in Curry County:
(1)Floras Creek.
(2)Sixes River.
(3)Elk River.
(4)Euchre Creek.
(5)Hunters Creek.
(6)Pistol River.
(7)Chetco River.
(8)Winchuk River. [1965 c.570 §142]
511.310 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.315 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.320 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.325 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.330 [Repealed by1953 c.24 §2]
511.405 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.410 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.415 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.505 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.506Taking shad for commercial purposes in Coos Bay or in Siuslaw, Umpqua or SmithRivers restricted.It is unlawful to take shad for commercial purposes in the following waters ofthis state:
(1)That portion of Coos Bay and all of Isthmus Inlet, a tributary thereof,southerly of the bridge connecting Coos Bay and Eastside in Coos County; thearea designated as Coos Bay Sports Area and consisting of Isthmus Inlet,Catching Inlet and Cold Bank Slough in Coos County; the north fork of CoosRiver above a line drawn across the north fork at right angles to the thread ofthe stream at the lower end of the old John Hendrickson ranch and the southfork of Coos River above a line drawn across the south fork at right angles tothe thread of the stream at the lower end of the H. H. Roger’s ranch.
(2)The Siuslaw River above a line across the river drawn at right angles to thethread of the stream at the lower end of the mouth or confluence of MorganCreek with the Siuslaw River; the north fork of the Siuslaw River above thestate highway bridge crossing the north fork between Cushman and Florence inLane County; and Duncan Inlet or South Inlet or tributaries.
(3)The Umpqua River above the confluence of Mill Creek, outlet of Loon Lake withthe Umpqua River in Douglas County; and the Smith River above the confluence ofthe North Fork of the Smith River with the Smith River. [1965 c.570 §145; 1973c.500 §3; 1989 c.127 §1]
511.510 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.511Taking sturgeon for commercial purposes in Umpqua River prohibited. It is unlawfulto take sturgeon for commercial purposes from the waters of the Umpqua River orany of its bays or tributaries. [1965 c.570 §147]
511.515 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.516Taking shad for commercial purposes from Coos River prohibited. It is unlawfulto take shad from the waters of the Coos River or any of its tributaries forcommercial purposes. [1983 c.34 §2]
511.521Taking shad or sturgeon for commercial purposes in Coquille River watersprohibited.It is unlawful to take shad or sturgeon for commercial purposes from the watersof the Coquille River or any of its bays or tributaries. [1989 c.127 §3]
511.605 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.606Taking food fish for commercial purposes in Nestucca Bay prohibited. It is unlawfulto take any food fish except shellfish for commercial purposes from NestuccaBay or any of its tributaries. [1965 c.570 §149]
511.610 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.611Taking shad and sturgeon for commercial purposes in Netarts Bay prohibited. It is unlawfulto take shad and sturgeon in Netarts Bay for commercial purposes. [1965 c.570 §146]
511.612 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.615 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.620 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.625Natural and artificial oyster beds in Netarts Bay. That portion ofNetarts Bay, in Tillamook County, lying south of the quarter section linerunning east and west through the center of section 19, in township 2 south,range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian, is designated as natural oyster beds.That portion of Netarts Bay lying north of such quarter section line isdesignated and set apart for artificial plantations of oysters. [Amended by1969 c.675 §5]
511.630 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.635 [Repealed by1965 c.570 §152]
511.640Sale of oyster lands in Tillamook Bay prohibited. All thetidelands and lands under the waters of Tillamook Bay in Tillamook County whichare located as oyster claims as provided by law, are withdrawn from the landsof this state which may be sold, are designated as oyster lands, and are setaside for the location of artificial oyster claims. However, all such lands aresubject to the provisions of