Chapter 517 — Miningand Mining Claims
(Veinsor Lodes)
517.010 Locationof mining claims upon veins or lodes
517.030 Recordingcopy of location notice; fee
517.040 Abandonedclaims
517.042 “Legalsubdivision” defined for ORS 517.042 to 517.052
517.044 Locationof claims upon placer deposits; posting notice
517.046 Markingboundaries of claim or locating by legal subdivisions
517.052 Recordingcopy of location notice; fee
517.060 Correctingdefective notice of location
517.065 Effectof noncompliance with law in locating claim
517.070 Certainlocations subject to prior rights
517.080 Miningclaims as realty
517.090 Applicationto claims of law governing transfers and mortgages of realty
517.100 Sumspayable on redemption of claim; interest
517.110 Grubstakingcontracts
517.120 Definitionsfor ORS 517.120 to 517.133
517.123 Legislativefindings
517.125 Rulesto be adopted in consultation with affected parties
517.128 Restrictingaccess to open mining area or mining claim prohibited
517.130 Mineraltrespass
517.133 Interferingwith a mining operation
517.135 Exemptionfrom crimes of mineral trespass and interfering with a mining operation
517.160 Locationof nonmineral land as millsite; notice; fee
517.170 Policy
517.180 Procedurefor extinguishing dormant mineral interest
517.210 Recordingaffidavit of annual compliance
517.220 Affidavitor lack thereof as evidence; recording fee
517.230 Performanceof assessment work by co-owners
517.240 Failureof co-owner to contribute; notice
517.250 Formof notice; service; publication
517.260 Notice;return and proof of service
517.270 Vestingof interest of delinquent co-owner
517.280 Certificateof ownership; issuance
517.290 Feefor certificate
517.300 Effectof certificate; certified copy of certificate, notice and return admissible asevidence
517.310 Recordingand indexing certificate; fee; effect
517.320 Counteraffidavitsof delinquent owner; suit to quiet title; judgment
517.330 Accountingfor fees
517.430 Useof timber by lessee
517.440 Lessee,licensee, or operator of mine deemed bailee of yield until payment of lessorand workers
517.702 Legislativefindings
517.705 Explorationpermit; application; information required; confidentiality of production records,mineral assessments or trade secrets
517.710 Fees
517.715 Exemptionsfrom permit requirement
517.720 Personswith operating permit exempted
517.725 Departmentinspection of exploration site
517.730 Drillhole or well abandonment; rules
517.735 Explorationon land administered by Department of State Lands
517.740 Rules
517.750 Definitionsfor ORS 517.702 to 517.989
517.755 Miningoperations affecting more than five acres
517.760 Policy
517.770 Exemptionsfrom reclamation requirements
517.775 Permitfee for certain landowners and operators; erosion stabilization at miningoperations exempt from reclamation
517.780 Effecton county zoning laws or ordinances; rules; certain operations exempt
517.790 Operatingpermit required for surface mining on certain lands; application for permit;proposed reclamation plans; waiver of requirement for preparation and approvalof reclamation plan; refusal to issue operating permit
517.795 Departmentto consult with and cooperate with other agencies
517.800 Fees;rules
517.810 Requirementfor bond or security; rules; other security in lieu of bond
517.815 Reclamationbond pooling program; requirements; rules
517.820 Extensionsof time for submission of proposed reclamation plans; time limit forreclamation completion; consultation with state agencies
517.830 Inspectionof operating site; approval of application for operating permit; effect offailure to approve or refusal to approve reclamation plan; appeal from denialof plan; consolidated application process
517.831 Modificationof operating permit or reclamation plan; opportunity for alternative disputeresolution
517.832 Emergencyoperating permit; rules
517.833 Transferof operating permit; rules
517.834 Temporaryoperating permit; rules
517.835 Conditionson operating permit or reclamation plan to prevent impact on ground water
517.836 Surveyingor marking surface mining operations; rules
517.837 Annualreport by permittee; rules
517.840 Administrationand enforcement of ORS 517.702 to 517.989; rules
517.850 Inspectionof permit area
517.855 Disruptionof portion of mining property preserved from mining
517.860 Effectof failure to comply with operating permit or reclamation plan; department mayperform work and assess costs against bond or security
517.862 Revocation,termination or refusal to renew operating permit
517.865 Effectof failure to perform reclamation and insufficient bond; lien; notice;priority; foreclosure
517.870 Adjustmentof bond or security of operator upon satisfactory completion of reclamationwork
517.880 Orderfor suspension of surface mining operation operating without required permit;enjoining operation upon failure of operator to comply; completion ofreclamation by department
517.890 Reviewof final determination
517.901 Confidentialityof production records, mineral assessments and trade secrets
(NonaggregateMineral Surface Mines)
517.905 Applicabilityof ORS 517.910 to 517.989
517.910 Definitionsfor ORS 517.910 to 517.989
517.915 Additionaloperating permit requirements for nonaggregate mineral mines; denial of permitif reclamation not possible
517.920 Permitapplication fees under ORS 517.910 to 517.989
517.925 Timelimit for action on permit application
517.930 Departmentinspection
517.935 Limiton reclamation lien by department against nonaggregate mineral operator