Chapter 545 — IrrigationDistricts
545.001 Shorttitle
545.002 Definitions
545.007 Votingrights
545.025 Purposesof irrigation district; process for formation
545.029 Hearingof petition by county court; authority as to boundaries of district; landsincluded; order; formation of district without election
545.033 Namingand division of districts
545.037 Noticeof election for determining organization of district; contents; publication;mailing
545.041 Conductof election; contents of nominating petition; verification of electors bycounty assessor; order declaring result; inclusion of portion of district inanother district; commencement of duties by directors
545.043 Qualificationsof directors; terms of office; oath
545.051 Changeof boundaries authorized; effect on existing rights and liabilities
(Additionof Land)
545.057 Petitionfor inclusion of lands within district
545.059 Noticeof petition; publication; deposit for costs
545.061 Hearingon petition
545.067 Liabilityof petitioners for obligations of district
545.071 Acceptanceor rejection of petition; inclusion of land when owner objects
545.075 Requirementsthat may be imposed upon petitioners in western Oregon district; charges orassessments
545.079 Recordingof order including lands in district; effect of order; appeal
545.085 Recordof petition; admissibility in evidence
545.089 Redivisionof district; election of directors
545.091 Inclusionof lands not subject to charges of district
545.093 Creationof subdistricts; purpose; change in subdistrict boundaries
545.094 Engineeringplan for improvements within subdistricts; notice; hearing; remonstrance
545.095 Chargesor assessments for improvements within subdistrict
(Exclusionof Land)
545.097 Exclusionof tracts; effect on status of district, rights and liabilities
545.099 Petitionfor exclusion of lands from district; approval by board; payment of costs ofexclusion
545.101 Exclusionof subdivisions with three or more tracts on each acre of land; exceptions
545.105 Assentof bondholders; acknowledgment; filing; recording
545.109 Recordingminutes of board
545.113 Stateagency to pay assessment and charges or to petition for exclusion
545.123 Redivisionof district; election of director
545.126 Liabilityof excluded lands for district’s obligations
(Unionor Merger of Districts)
545.131 Unionor merger of districts; petition; approval of board; election; indebtedness
545.135 Electionssubsequent to organization of district; election of directors
545.137 Noticesof election; board of election; place of holding election; nomination ofcandidates; advertising openings on district board; certificate of election tosole candidate; ballots
545.139 Boardof election; polls; ballots
545.141 Conductof election; challenge and verification of qualifications of elector; countingballots
545.145 Certificateof vote; stringing of ballots; sealing of returns; delivery to board secretary;recount
545.149 Canvassof returns; standard for rejecting certain election documents; canvass to be inpublic
545.153 Statementof result; contents; certificate of election; effect of informalities inconduct of election
(Electionsby Mail)
545.163 Proceduresfor conducting election by mail
545.167 Divisionof district for election of directors; procedure
545.169 Electionof directors from newly created divisions
545.171 Electionprecincts in divisions; alteration
545.181 Organizationof board; officers; establishment of meeting dates; collection, custody anddisbursement of moneys
545.183 Compensationand expenses of officers and employees; membership fees in associations
545.185 Meetingsof board; quorum; public inspection of records
545.187 Vacancyin office when director ceases to be resident or landowner; appointment of successor
545.188 Fillingvacancy in office of director
545.189 Recallof director; procedure; required number of signatures for recall petition
(Changein Number of Directors)
545.199 Increasein number of directors upon determination of board or petition; election onincrease
545.203 Electionof additional directors; terms of office
545.207 Redivisionof district upon increase in directors; representation of divisions; votingqualifications
545.211 Decreasein number of directors; redivision of district; terms of office
(GeneralPowers and Duties)
545.221 Powersand duties of board as to management of district; water deliveries
545.225 Contracts;conveyances; suits; judicial knowledge concerning district; audit reports
(Acquisitionof and Entry Onto Land)
545.237 Rightto enter upon lands for inspection and maintenance of water works
545.239 Rightto enter upon and acquire lands and water rights; right of condemnation
545.241 Bondor other security as condition of immediate possession in condemnation byirrigation or drainage district
545.245 Rightto immediate possession in condemnation proceeding
545.249 Rightto condemn for irrigation purposes is a superior right
545.253 Titleto and rights in property acquired
545.257 Authorityof irrigation district to acquire domestic or municipal water works; assumptionof obligations; sale of surplus water; impairment of irrigation serviceforbidden
(Distributionof Water)
545.271 Furnishingwater
545.275 Lienon crops for water supplied for irrigation; enforcement; attorney fees
545.279 Districtmay require water control devices and measuring devices; notice to water user;objections; hearing
545.283 Joinderof districts in acquisition or construction of irrigation or other water useworks
545.287 Directorsmay construct or maintain improvements, levy assessments or provide for charges
545.291 Apportionmentof water to tracts; employment of person to distribute water; assessment orcharge; lien on land
545.293 Resolutionfor water distribution works or services; hearing of objections; construction,repair or maintenance of improvement; apportionment of costs; assessment
545.295 Conditionsrequired in certain districts before delivering water to additional lands;order; charges and assessments
545.301 Financingacquisition of water works; contracts with federal government; approval byelectors
545.303 Waterworks system to be self-sustaining; payment of indebtedness; rates; separateaccounts
545.305 Electionconcerning acquisition of water works
545.307 Investmentof surplus funds in federal or state bonds
(Constructionof Improvements)
545.315 Petitionto construct improvements for irrigation; contents; assent of petitioners toassessment of cost of improvement
545.319 Electionson question of constructing improvement; resolution of directors