Chapter 554 — Corporationsfor Irrigation, Drainage, Water Supply or Flood Control
554.005 Filingrequirements
554.007 Effectivetime and date of document
554.009 Correctingfiled document
554.012 Forms
554.015 Filingduty of Secretary of State
554.016 Filing,service, copying and certification fees
554.017 Appealfrom Secretary of State’s refusal to file document
554.018 Evidentiaryeffect of copy of filed document
554.019 Certificateof existence
554.020 Articlesof incorporation; filing
554.030 Evidenceof corporate existence
554.040 Contentsof articles
554.050 Nonprofitcorporations; further statements in articles
554.060 Challengeto validity of organization; effect of defects or omissions
554.070 Membership;meetings; voting; proxies; voting trusts; quorum; removal of officers
554.080 Corporateexistence; powers of corporation
554.082 Registeredoffice and registered agent
554.084 Changeof registered office or registered agent
554.086 Resignationof registered agent
554.088 Serviceon corporation
554.090 Directors;qualifications; president; seal; secretary-treasurer; exercise of corporatepowers; indemnification
554.100 Oathof office
554.110 Powersof directors
554.120 Recordsof proceedings of directors; lien docket; deposit of moneys; segregation offunds; accounting; warrant and bond register
554.130 Assessments;certification; collections; lien; foreclosure; service charges; disposition ofproceeds
554.135 Alternatemethod for collecting assessments
554.140 Directors’duty to institute proceedings to enforce lien; attorney fees
554.150 Actionto compel assessment
554.160 Assessmentsto provide funds to meet obligations; custody, disbursement and disposal offunds; general operating expenses
554.170 Covenantsby landowners; effect
554.180 Landowners’notice; contents
554.190 Recordingnotice; effect; lien on land; priority
554.200 Incurringindebtedness before notice recorded; scope of notice
554.210 Plansand specifications; how adopted
554.220 Bonds;denominations; interest; maturities; execution; coupons; amortized installmentobligations
554.230 Bonds;recitals; payment; liability of land
554.240 Retirementof bonds; conditions of sale; resolution authorizing bond issue; surrender ofbonds in payment of assessments; debts not to exceed assessments or benefits
554.250 Refundingbonds
554.260 Contractswith governmental agencies or others for financial assistance or cooperativeaction
554.270 Purchaseor lease of works and water rights; provision as to payment; serial couponobligations
554.280 Resolutionfor serial coupon obligations; maturities; interest; retirement; recitals; fundfor payment; assessments
554.290 Warrantsto pay claims; interest; assessments to pay warrants; limitation on amount ofwarrants
554.300 Amendmentof articles; approval by members; dissolution of corporation by members;inclusion of lands by irrigation, drainage or flood control district
554.302 Dissolutionof corporation by Secretary of State; conditions
554.305 Noticeof grounds for dissolution; opportunity for correction; effect of dissolution
554.307 Reinstatementof dissolved corporation
554.309 Denialof reinstatement; appeal
554.315 Annualreport; contents; filing with Secretary of State; amended report
554.320 Exemptionfrom taxation
554.340 Judicialdetermination of legality of proceedings
554.350 Serviceto lands outside district; findings; tax exemption
554.375 Dissolutionof district and reorganization as corporation; meeting of landowners; approvalof reorganization by landowners
554.380 Articlesof incorporation for corporation formed from dissolved district; requiredprovisions; status as public corporation; membership
554.385 Findingsby board of reorganizing district; plan of dissolution; transfer of districtassets to corporation; statement of dissolution
554.390 Dissolutionof district and reorganization as corporation under ORS 554.320 and 554.375 to554.390 prohibited after 2004
554.410 Applicabilityof ORS 554.005 to 554.340 to corporations organized under 1911 Act
554.420 Amendmentof articles, and landowners’ notice, of corporation organized under 1911 Act
554.430 Applicabilityof 1911 Act, as amended, to corporations organized under that Act
554.440 MalheurImprovement Company; exclusion or inclusion of land
554.510 Authorityto include or exclude lands
554.520 Applicationfor inclusion or exclusion; approval of members
554.530 Application;contents; deposit; filing
554.540 Meetingdate
554.550 Noticeof meeting
554.560 Quorumfor meeting
554.570 Effectof exclusion on existing debts
554.580 Conditionof approval of inclusion
554.590 Articlesof amendment; filing; effective date
554.005Filing requirements.(1) A document must satisfy the requirements of this section or any othersection in ORS 554.005 to 554.340 that modifies these requirements, to beentitled to filing by the Secretary of State under ORS 554.005 to 554.340.
(2)ORS 554.005 to 554.340, 554.420, 554.440 or 554.510 to 554.590 must require orpermit filing the document with the Office of the Secretary of State.
(3)The document shall contain the information required by ORS 554.005 to 554.340,554.420, 554.440 or 554.510 to 554.590. It may contain other information aswell.
(4)The document must be legible.
(5)The document must be in the English language.
(6)The document must be executed:
(a)By the chairperson of the board of directors of a corporation or one of itsofficers;
(b)If directors have not been selected or before the organizational meeting, by anincorporator; or
(c)If the corporation is in the hands of a receiver, trustee or othercourt-appointed fiduciary, by that receiver, trustee or fiduciary.
(7)The person executing the document shall state beneath or opposite the signaturethe name of the person and the capacity in which the person signs. The documentmay, but is not required to contain:
(a)The corporate seal.
(b)An attestation by the secretary or an assistant secretary.
(c)An acknowledgment, verification or proof.
(8)If the Secretary of State has prescribed a mandatory form for the document, thedocument must be in or on the prescribed form.
(9)The document must be delivered to the Office of the Secretary of State and mustbe accompanied by the required fees.
(10)Delivery of a document to the Office of the Secretary of State is accomplishedonly when the document is actually received by the Office of the Secretary ofState. [1987 c.94 §137; 1999 c.486 §19]
554.007Effective time and date of document. (1) Except as provided in subsection(2) of this section and ORS 554.009, a document accepted for filing iseffective on the date it is filed by the Secretary of State and at the time, ifany, specified in the document as its effective time.
(2)If a document specifies a delayed effective time and date, so the documentbecomes effective at the time and date specified. If a document specifies adelayed effective date but no time, the document becomes effective on thatdate. A delayed effective date for a document may not be later than the 90thday after the date it is filed. [1987 c.94 §139]
554.009Correcting filed document. (1) A corporation may correct a document filed bythe Secretary of State, other than an annual report, if the document containsan incorrect statement or was defectively executed, attested, sealed, verifiedor acknowledged.
(2)A corporation shall correct a document by delivering articles of correction tothe Office of the Secretary of State. The articles shall include the following:
(a)A description of the document, including its filing date, or a copy of thedocument.
(b)The incorrect statement and the reason it is incorrect, or a description of themanner in which the execution, attestation, seal, verification oracknowledgment is defective.
(c)A correction of the incorrect statement or defective execution, attestation,seal, verification or acknowledgment.
(3)Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document theycorrect except as to persons relying on the uncorrected document and adverselyaffected by the correction. As to those persons, articles of correction areeffective when filed. [1987 c.94 §140]
554.010 [Repealed by1987 c.94 §171]
554.012Forms.Upon request, the Secretary of State may furnish forms for documents requiredor permitted to be filed by this chapter. The Secretary of State may by rulerequire the use of the forms. [1987 c.94 §138; 1995 c.215 §29]
554.015Filing duty of Secretary of State. (1) If a document delivered to theOffice of the Secretary of State for filing satisfies the requirements of ORS554.005, the Secretary of State shall file it.
(2)The Secretary of State files a document by indicating thereon that it has beenfiled by the Secretary of State and the date of filing. After filing adocument, except for the annual report, the Secretary of State shall return anacknowledgment of filing to the corporation or its representative.
(3)If the Secretary of State refuses to file a document the Secretary of Stateshall return it to the corporation or its representative within 10 businessdays after the document was delivered together with a brief written explanationof the reason for the refusal.
(4)The Secretary of State’s duty to file documents under this section isministerial and is limited in scope of review as set out by rule of theSecretary of State. The Secretary of State is not required to verify or inquireinto the legality or truth of any matter included in any document delivered tothe Office of the Secretary of State for filing. The Secretary of State’sfiling or refusing to file a document does not:
(a)Affect the validity or invalidity of the document in whole or part; or
(b)Relate to the correctness or incorrectness of information contained in thedocument.
(5)The Secretary of State’s refusal to file a document does not create apresumption that the document is invalid or that information contained in thedocument is incorrect. [1987 c.94 §141; 1999 c.486 §20]
554.016Filing, service, copying and certification fees. The Secretaryof State shall collect the fees described in ORS 56.140 for each documentdelivered for filing under this chapter and for process served on the secretaryunder this chapter. The secretary may collect the fees described in ORS 56.140for copying any public record under this chapter, certifying the copy orcertifying to other facts of record under this chapter. [1991 c.132 §18; 1999c.652 §16]