Chapter 576. AgriculturalMarketing Generally
577. OregonBeef Council
578. OregonWheat Commission
583. MilkMarketing, Production and Distribution
585. ProduceDealers
586. Warehouses;Grain and Commodity Inspection
587. Storageof Grain as Basis of Farm Credit
Chapter 576 — AgriculturalMarketing Generally
576.006 Definitionsfor ORS 576.006 to 576.022
576.009 AgriculturalDevelopment Division
576.013 Purposeof market development and commodity development services; powers of department;limitations
576.019 Discriminationagainst any product or dealer prohibited
576.022 Authorityand functions of Oregon State University unaffected; department may seekinformation from university
576.024 Departmentauthorized to inspect records and businesses for economic study purposes
576.035 Marketnews service in Klamath Basin, central Oregon and Malheur areas
576.051 Definitionsfor ORS 576.051 to 576.455
576.053 Shorttitle
576.054 Legislativefindings
576.062 Establishmentof commodity commissions
576.066 Departmentoversight of commodity commissions; rules
576.206 Appointmentof temporary members; rules; appointment of commissioners; commissionerqualifications; compensation
576.215 Exofficio members of commission
576.225 Qualificationsof members
576.245 Officevacant when member ceases to be qualified
576.255 Removalof members
576.265 Traveland other expenses of members; per diem; rules
576.275 Meetingplace of commission
576.285 Commissionorganization; meetings
576.304 Authorityof commodity commissions; rules
576.306 Independentcontractors performing services for commission; rentals and acquisitions; rules
576.307 Provisionof state services to commission
576.309 Commissionfurnishing services, facilities and materials to other state agencies
576.311 Commissionexempt from certain financial administration laws
576.315 Grants,donations and gifts
576.317 Intellectualproperty; rules
576.320 Commissionemployees not subject to state personnel compensation plans; commission notsubject to office space regulation; fees for administrative services; rules
(Assessmentand Budgeting)
576.325 Levyand collection of assessments; commission rules regulating sale activities;maximum assessment rates
576.327 Exemptionsfrom assessment; rules
576.335 Reportby person responsible for collecting assessment
576.345 Producerto make reports of and pay assessment moneys on certain sales
576.351 Recordsof person required to pay or collect assessment; inspections and audits
576.355 Penaltyfor delaying transmittal of funds
576.365 Penaltyfor failure to relinquish assessment moneys to commission; civil action orother remedies
576.370 Disputesover assessment amounts; rules governing disputes and establishing assessmentperiods
576.372 Authorityof some commissions to adopt rules authorizing refunds; effect
576.375 Paymentof commission moneys to authorized agent; deposits and withdrawals; investments
576.385 Bondor letter of credit required of person authorized to receive or disbursecommission moneys
576.392 Cancellationof uncollectible assessment; subsequent collection
576.395 Books,records and accounts of commission
576.410 “Fiscalyear” defined
576.416 Preparationof commission budget; annual financial statement
576.420 Expendituresprohibited unless budget procedure complied with
576.440 Limitationon expenditures
576.445 Unforeseenexpenditures
576.455 Moneysof abolished commission
576.595 Salesare in commercial channels
576.610 Definitionsfor ORS 576.610 to 576.650
576.620 Departmentto perform mediation services; employees; qualifications
576.630 Requestfor mediation; meeting with parties
576.640 Rules
576.650 Cooperationby state agencies
576.700 Definitionsfor ORS 576.700 to 576.710
576.705 Processorsrequired to pay for commodities within 30 days after delivery; interest on latepayments
576.710 Applicabilityof ORS 576.705
576.725 Definitionsfor ORS 576.725 and 576.727
576.727 Seedproduction or purchase contracts
576.750 Definitionsfor ORS 576.750 to 576.775
576.751 Legislativefindings
576.753 OregonWine Board
576.756 Boardpurpose and duties
576.759 Boardpowers
576.763 Statewine cellar; sources; uses
576.766 Rules;board employees
576.768 Strategicplan; budget; rules
576.771 Paymentof tax; delayed payment; records; inspections and audits
576.775 Dispositionof moneys; research and promotion
576.991 Penalties
576.005 [1953 c.489 §1;1955 c.732 §1; renumbered 576.051]
576.006Definitions for ORS 576.006 to 576.022. As used in ORS 576.006 to 576.022:
(1)“Department” means the State Department of Agriculture of the State of Oregon.
(2)“Farm products” means all agricultural, floricultural, vegetable and fruitproducts of the soil, livestock and meats, poultry, eggs, dairy products, andany and all products which have their situs of production on the farm.
(3)“Food products” means any and all products either in a natural or processedstate used by human or animal as food. [1955 c.572 §1]
576.009Agricultural Development Division. There is established within the StateDepartment of Agriculture an Agricultural Development Division which shall havethe powers and duties conferred by ORS 576.006 to 576.022, and as specified bythe Director of Agriculture. The Agricultural Development Division shallconsist of a market development service and a commodity development service. [1955c.572 §2; 1983 c.740 §221; 1985 c.623 §3]
576.010 [Repealed by1953 c.119 §2]
576.013Purpose of market development and commodity development services; powers ofdepartment; limitations. (1) The purpose of the market development serviceof the Agricultural Development Division shall be to assist in theestablishment and development of new markets and to maintain or expand existingdomestic and foreign markets for farm and food commodities produced orprocessed in this state. The purpose of the commodity development service ofthe Agricultural Development Division shall be to assist in the development andimprovement of farm and food commodities and their values and uses.
(2)In furthering the purpose of the market development service, the StateDepartment of Agriculture may:
(a)Collect and disseminate information relating to the availability, quality anduses of farm and food commodities produced or processed in this state,including participation in demonstrations, fairs and exhibits;
(b)Serve as an intermediary between prospective purchasers and sellers of farm andfood commodities produced or processed in this state as to source of supply anddemand;
(c)After notice to and with the approval of the Governor, represent the state inmatters of legislation or rulemaking affecting the establishment, development,maintenance or expansion of markets for farm and food commodities produced orprocessed in this state;
(d)Cooperate with and aid producers, processors, distributors and prospectivepurchasers of farm and food commodities in establishing, or improving andmaintaining, an efficient system of production, processing, distribution andmarketing of farm and food commodities;
(e)Investigate delays, embargoes, conditions and practices, charges and rates inthe marketing, transportation and handling of farm and food commoditiesproduced or processed in this state, and when an investigation discloses aprobable violation of state or federal law, make recommendations to the properstate or federal authorities for appropriate action;
(f)Engage in negotiations with common and contract carriers and initiate orparticipate in the prosecution of proceedings before agencies engaged infreight rate regulation within or without this state in matters relating to theestablishment of new freight rates, the modification of existing freight ratesor to unjust, unreasonable or discriminatory rates or practices affecting thecost of transportation, production or processing of farm or food commoditiesproduced or processed in this state;