Chapter 646 — TradePractices and Antitrust Regulation
646.010 Designationand scope of ORS 646.010 to 646.180
646.020 Definitionsand explanations
646.030 Applicationto cooperative associations
646.040 Pricediscrimination prohibited; price differentials
646.050 Establishingprima facie case of discrimination;
justificationof discrimination
646.060 Commissionsand allowances
646.070 Specialpayments to customers
646.080 Specialservices to customers
646.090 Inducingor receiving price discrimination prohibited
646.130 Costsurveys as evidence
646.140 Enjoiningviolations; treble damages; attorney fees; limitation on commencement ofactions
646.150 Actionfor damages
646.160 Presumptionof damages
646.170 Requiringdefendant to testify
646.180 Illegalcontracts
646.461 Definitionsfor ORS 646.461 to 646.475
646.463 Enjoiningmisappropriation; payment of royalties; affirmative acts
646.465 Damagesfor misappropriation
646.467 Attorneyfees
646.469 Preservationof trade secret by court; methods
646.471 Limitationon commencement of action
646.473 Conflictingtort, restitution or other law providing civil remedies; exclusions for certainother remedies; limited immunity for public bodies and officers, employees andagents
646.475 Applicationand construction of ORS 646.461 to 646.475; short title; effect of invalidity
646.515 Definitionsfor ORS 646.515 to 646.545
646.525 Cooperativebargaining associations authorized
646.535 Unfairtrade practices prohibited; exception
646.545 Remedyfor unfair trade practices; attorney fees
(Registrationof Telephonic Sellers)
646.551 Definitionsfor ORS 646.551 to 646.557
646.553 Registrationof telephonic sellers; fee; Attorney General as attorney for service ofprocess; rules
646.555 Burdenof proof for person claiming exemption
646.557 Requireddisclosures by telephonic seller
646.559 Rules
(UnlawfulTelephone Solicitations)
646.561 Definitionsfor ORS 646.561 to 646.565
646.563 Telephonesolicitation of party who states desire not to be called
646.565 Noticeof provisions of ORS 646.561 and 646.563; rulemaking by Public UtilityCommission
646.567 Definitionsfor ORS 646.567 to 646.578
646.568 Findingsand purpose
646.569 Prohibitionon telephone solicitation of party whose name is included on list described inORS 646.574 or on federal registry designated under ORS 646.572
646.572 Administrationof telephone solicitation program through contract or by designation of federalregistry; contract provisions; duty of Attorney General
646.574 Listof persons who do not wish to receive telephone solicitations; fee; disclosureof list; complaints
646.576 Rules
646.578 Noticeof provisions of ORS 646.567 to 646.578; rulemaking by Public UtilityCommission
646.605 Definitionsfor ORS 646.605 to 646.652
646.607 Unlawfulbusiness, trade practices
646.608 Additionalunlawful business, trade practices; proof; rules
646.609 “Pyramidclub” and “investment” defined
646.611 Informationrequired to be given by telephone or door to door seller to potential customer
646.612 Applicationof ORS 646.607 and 646.608
646.618 Investigativedemand; petition to modify
646.622 Methodof serving investigative demand
646.626 Effectof failure to obey investigative demand
646.632 Enjoiningunlawful trade practices; assurance of voluntary compliance; attorney fees
646.636 Remedialpower of court
646.638 Civilaction by private party; damages; attorney fees; effect of prior injunction;time for commencing action; counterclaim; class actions
646.639 Unlawfulcollection practices
646.641 Civilaction for unlawful collection practice; damages; attorney fees; time forcommencing action
646.642 Civilpenalties
646.643 Applicabilityof ORS 646.639
646.646 Lossof license or franchise by person violating injunction
646.647 Unlawfuluse of recording group name; exceptions
646.648 Unlawfulpractice by manufactured dwelling dealer
646.649 Latefees on delinquent cable service accounts; amount; disclosure; notice
646.651 Contestand sweepstakes solicitations; required disclosures; prohibited representations
646.652 Districtattorney’s reports to Attorney General; filing of voluntary compliances
646.656 Remediessupplementary to existing statutory or common law remedies
646.705 Definitionsfor ORS 136.617 and 646.705 to 646.805
646.715 Declarationof purpose
646.725 Prohibitedacts
646.730 Monopoliesprohibited
646.740 Permittedactivities
646.745 Jointoperation of Memorial Coliseum and Arena in Portland; definitions; legislativefindings and goals; state supervision
646.750 Investigativedemand by Attorney General; petition to modify
646.760 Civilpenalties; attorney fees; mitigation
646.770 Equitableremedies; attorney fees
646.775 Actionsby Attorney General; damages; attorney fees
646.780 Recoveryof treble damages; exception; recovery of fees and costs; action under federallaw as bar; action parens patriae by Attorney General
646.790 Venue
646.800 Timeof commencing action
646.805 Effectof prior final judgment or decree
646.815 Criminalprosecutions; compromise of criminal charges; effect of prior action seekingcivil penalties
646.821 Takingtestimony for investigative demand
646.823 Attendanceof Attorney General at grand jury proceedings
646.826 Counselfor persons testifying; grounds for refusing to answer questions; compellingtestimony; exclusion of spectators
646.831 Feesand mileage for persons testifying
646.836 Confidentialstatus of investigative material; permitted disclosures; use of information inother proceedings; return of investigative material
646.881 Definitionsfor ORS 646.881 to 646.885
646.883 Pricecomparison in advertisement prohibited; exceptions
646.885 Useof terms in advertisement containing price comparison