Chapter 646A — TradeRegulation
646A.030 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.030 to 646A.042
646A.032 Pricelist for health spa services
646A.034 Contracts;contents
646A.036 Contractsand rules; delivery to buyer
646A.038 Moneyspaid prior to facility opening; disposition; priority of claim; refund
646A.040 Waiverof provisions of ORS 646A.030 to 646A.042
646A.042 Remediesand obligations supplementary to existing remedies
646A.050 Definitions
646A.052 Formof purchase agreement
646A.054 Rules
(Purchaseof Used Goods)
646A.060 Purchaseof used goods; records; application to pawnbrokers
646A.062 Penaltyfor violation of ORS 646A.060
646A.070 Saleof telephonic equipment; disclosure requirements; enforcement; penalty
646A.072 Exceptionsto disclosure requirements
(RetailPet Stores)
646A.075 Requiredinformation prior to purchase of dog
646A.077 Qualificationfor full refund; replacement dog; reimbursement for cost of veterinary care;exceptions
646A.080 Saleof novelty item containing mercury; penalty
646A.081 Prohibitionon sale or installation of mercury vapor outdoor lighting fixtures
646A.082 Floralretail sales; disclosure of principal place of business; enforcement; penalty
646A.085 Saleof rights by distributor to exhibit motion picture without first givingexhibitor opportunity to view motion picture prohibited; attorney fees
646A.090 Offerto sell or lease motor vehicle subject to future acceptance by lender;disposition of trade-in vehicle and items of value; liability
646A.095 Disclosurerequired when purchaser of product offered technical support throughinformation delivery system
646A.097 Paymentof sales commissions following termination of contract between salesrepresentative and principal; definitions; civil action
(GoingOut of Business Sales)
646A.100 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.100 to 646A.110
646A.102 Noticeof intent to conduct going out of business sale; display and filing;exceptions; prohibited activities
646A.104 Informationrequired in notice of intent
646A.106 Circumstancesin which going out of business sale prohibited
646A.108 Prohibitedconduct
646A.110 Applicabilityof ORS 646A.100 to 646A.110 and 646A.112
646A.112 Injunctionof sham sale; evidence; attorney fees; defense; definitions
646A.115 Softwareprohibited that interferes with sale of admission tickets to entertainmentevents; unlawful practice
646A.120 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.120 to 646A.134
646A.122 Applicabilityof ORS 646A.120 to 646A.134
646A.124 Generaldisclosure requirements
646A.126 Specificdisclosure requirements
646A.128 Provisionsprohibited in lease-purchase agreements
646A.130 Reinstatementof lease-purchase agreement by consumer; receipt for each payment
646A.132 Renegotiationor extension of lease-purchase agreement
646A.134 Disclosuresrequired in advertisement for lease-purchase agreements
(CollisionDamage Waivers in Vehicle Rentals)
646A.140 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.140 and 646A.142
646A.142 Rentalvehicle collision damage waiver notice
646A.150 Applicabilityof ORS 646A.150 to 646A.172
646A.152 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.150 to 646A.172
646A.154 Servicecontract defined; registration; proof of financial stability; bond; action;rules; applicability of Insurance Code
646A.156 Requiredcontents of service contracts
646A.158 Prohibitedconduct
646A.160 Servicecontract obligor as agent of insurer; indemnification or subrogation rights ofinsurer
646A.162 Investigationof violations; inspection of records; subpoenas; discontinue or desist order;civil penalties
646A.164 Complaintsand investigations confidential; exceptions
646A.166 Refusalto continue or suspension or revocation of registration
646A.168 Assessmentfee; rules; purpose; registration fee
646A.170 Remediesnot exclusive
646A.172 Rules;exemption of certain obligors
(Creditand Debit Card Receipts)
646A.200 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.202 and 646A.204
646A.202 Paymentprocessing systems
646A.204 Customerinformation
646A.206 Rules
(Numbers,Expiration Dates or Personal Information in Credit or Debit Card Transactions)
646A.210 Requiringcredit card number as condition for accepting check or share draft prohibited;exceptions
646A.212 “Creditcard” defined
646A.214 Verificationof identity in credit or debit card transactions
(Creditand Charge Card Solicitation Disclosure Requirements)
646A.220 Creditcard solicitation; required disclosure; definitions
646A.222 Chargecard solicitation; required disclosure; definitions
646A.230 Actionby Attorney General or district attorney; civil penalties
646A.232 Effectof compliance with federal law
(Extensionof Credit)
646A.240 Treatmentof child support obligations by creditor in applications for extensions ofcredit
646A.242 “Creditor”defined
646A.244 Causeof action for violation of ORS 646A.240; injunction; attorney fees; defenses
646A.274 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.276 and 646A.278
646A.276 Saleof gift card that expires, declines in value or includes fee
646A.278 Requirementsfor sale of gift card that expires
646A.280 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.280 to 646A.290
646A.282 Simulatedinvoices prohibited
646A.284 Causeof action by Attorney General; judgment; attorney fees
646A.286 Causeof action by private party; judgment; attorney fees
646A.288 Presumptionsin cause of action brought under ORS 646A.284 or 646A.286
646A.290 Construction;other remedies
(Repurchaseof Farm Implements by Supplier From Retailer)
646A.300 Definitionsfor ORS 646A.300 to 646A.322
646A.302 Applicationof ORS 646A.300 to 646A.322 to successor in interest or assignee of supplier