Chapter 678 — Nurses;Nursing Home Administrators
678.010 Definitionsfor ORS 678.010 to 678.410
678.021 Licenserequired to practice nursing
678.031 Applicationof ORS 678.010 to 678.410
678.034 Hospitalsto notify board of nurses employed to meet temporary staffing shortage
678.036 Liabilityof nurse supervising nursing assistants; liability when duties delegated
678.040 Qualificationsof applicants for license
678.050 Examiningapplicants; issuing license; license by indorsement; processing license byindorsement application; limited license; rules
678.080 Evidenceof licensure
678.101 Renewalof license; fee; certificate and privilege
(Disciplineof Nurses)
678.111 Causesfor denial, revocation or suspension of license or probation, reprimand orcensure of licensee
678.112 Impairedhealth professional program
678.113 Whenevaluation of mental or physical condition, demonstration of competency orevidence of continuing education may be required; rules
678.117 Procedurefor imposing civil penalty; amount; rules
678.123 Prohibitedacts
678.126 Confidentialityof information; duty to investigate complaints; immunity
678.128 Liabilityof complainants, witnesses, investigators, counsel and board members indisciplinary proceedings
678.135 Dutyto report violations
678.140 OregonState Board of Nursing
678.150 Powers,functions and duties of board, officers and executive director; rules; subpoenapowers
678.153 Interagencyagreement to share results of nationwide criminal records check
678.155 Restrictionson certain standards prescribed by board
678.157 Limitationon authority of board over nurse delegation of authority
678.158 Continuingauthority of board upon lapse, suspension, revocation or voluntary surrender oflicense or certificate
678.164 Enjoiningviolations or threatened violations
678.168 Dispositionof fines
678.170 Dispositionof receipts
678.245 Definitionsfor ORS 678.245 to 678.285
678.255 Provisionof nurse anesthetist services in ambulatory surgical centers
678.265 Ambulatorysurgical center oversight of nurse anesthetists
678.275 Provisionof nurse anesthetist services in hospitals
678.285 Boardregulation of nurse anesthetists; rules
(NursingEducation Programs)
678.340 Requirementsfor institutions desiring to establish nursing education programs
678.360 Surveyto evaluate facilities; ensuring compliance with requirements
678.362 Circulatingnurses; duties
(RegisteredNurse First Assistants)
678.366 Registerednurse first assistants; rules
(ClinicalNurse Specialists)
678.370 Clinicalnurse specialists; certificates
678.372 Rulesfor clinical nurse specialists
678.375 Nursepractitioners; certificates; prohibitions; authority to sign deathcertificates; drug prescriptions
678.380 Rulesfor nurse practitioners; scope
678.390 Authorityof nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist to write prescriptions ordispense drugs; notice; requirements; revocation; rules
678.410 Fees;how determined
678.420 Declarationof nursing workforce and faculty shortage
678.425 Advisoryorganizations
678.440 Nursingassistants; training; effect of employing untrained assistant; civil penalties
678.442 Certificationof nursing assistants; rules
678.444 Standardsfor training programs for nursing assistants
678.445 Authorityof nursing assistants to administer noninjectable medication; authority ofnurse to report questions about continuation of medication
678.710 Definitionsfor ORS 678.710 to 678.820
678.720 Prohibitedacts relating to administration of nursing homes
678.725 Reportingunlawful or unsatisfactory nursing home conditions and prohibited conduct;confidentiality of information; limitation of liability
678.730 Licensingqualifications of administrator; rules
678.740 Examinationfor license
678.750 Applicabilityof licensing requirements to administrators of organizations that rely onspiritual care and treatment
678.760 License;application; renewal; reactivation; provisional licenses; rules
678.770 Licensingreciprocity
678.775 Fees;disposition of moneys
(Disciplineof Administrators)
678.780 Groundsfor discipline
678.790 Procedure;review of orders
678.800 NursingHome Administrators Board
678.810 Boardmeetings; officers
678.820 Dutiesand powers of board and Oregon Health Licensing Agency; rules
678.990 Penalties
678.010Definitions for ORS 678.010 to 678.410. As used in ORS 678.010 to 678.410,unless the context requires otherwise:
(1)“Board” means the Oregon State Board of Nursing.
(2)“Clinical nurse specialist” means a licensed registered nurse who has beencertified by the board as qualified to practice the expanded clinical specialtynursing role.
(3)“Diagnosing” in the context of the practice of nursing means identification ofand discrimination between physical and psychosocial signs and symptomsessential to effective execution and management of the nursing care.
(4)“Human responses” means those signs, symptoms and processes which denote theperson’s interaction with an actual or potential health problem.
(5)“Long term care facility” means a licensed skilled nursing facility orintermediate care facility as those terms are used in ORS 442.015, an adultfoster home as defined in ORS 443.705 that has residents over 60 years of age,a residential care facility as defined in ORS 443.400 or an assisted livingfacility.
(6)“Nurse practitioner” means a registered nurse who has been certified by theboard as qualified to practice in an expanded specialty role within thepractice of nursing.
(7)“Physician” means a person licensed to practice under ORS chapter 677.
(8)“Practice of nursing” means diagnosing and treating human responses to actualor potential health problems through such services as identification thereof,health teaching, health counseling and providing care supportive to orrestorative of life and well-being and including the performance of suchadditional services requiring education and training which are recognized bythe nursing profession as proper to be performed by nurses licensed under ORS678.010 to 678.410 and which are recognized by rules of the board. “Practice ofnursing” includes executing medical orders as prescribed by a physician ordentist but does not include such execution by a member of the immediate familyfor another member or execution by a person designated by or on behalf of aperson requiring care as provided by board rule where the person executing thecare is not licensed under ORS 678.010 to 678.410. The practice of nursingincludes providing supervision of nursing assistants.
(9)“Practice of practical nursing” means the application of knowledge drawn frombasic education in the social and physical sciences in planning and givingnursing care and in assisting persons toward achieving of health andwell-being.
(10)“Practice of registered nursing” means the application of knowledge drawn frombroad in-depth education in the social and physical sciences in assessing,planning, ordering, giving, delegating, teaching and supervising care whichpromotes the person’s optimum health and independence.
(11)“Treating” means selection and performance of those therapeutic measuresessential to the effective execution and management of the nursing care andexecution of the prescribed medical orders. [Amended by 1957 c.316 §2; 1973c.584 §1; 1975 c.205 §1; 1975 c.659 §1; 1995 c.763 §3; 1997 c.204 §1; 1999c.498 §4; 2001 c.465 §1]
678.015 [1957 c.316 §6;repealed by 1973 c.584 §24]
678.020 [Amended by1953 c.254 §16; repealed by 1957 c.316 §3 (678.021 enacted in lieu of 678.020)]
678.021License required to practice nursing. It shall be unlawful for any person topractice nursing or offer to practice nursing in this state or to use any titleor abbreviation, sign, card or device to indicate the person is practicingeither practical or registered nursing unless the person is licensed under ORS678.010 to 678.410 at the level for which the indication of practice is madeand the license is valid and in effect. [1957 c.316 §4 (enacted in lieu of678.020); 1973 c.584 §2; 2003 c.14 §431]
678.030 [Repealed by1957 c.316 §7 (678.031 enacted in lieu of 678.030)]