Chapter 695 — WatchDealers
695.210 Definitionsfor ORS 695.210 to 695.240
695.220 Secondhandwatch tag requirement
695.230 Deliveryof invoice to vendee; contents; duplicate invoice
695.240 Advertisingsecondhand watches
695.990 Penalties
695.010 [Repealed by1977 c.842 §4]
695.015 [Formerlysubsection (3) of 695.070; repealed by 1981 c.821 §14]
695.020 [Repealed by1973 c.832 §52 (695.021 enacted in lieu of 695.020)]
695.021 [1973 c.832 §53(enacted in lieu of 695.020); repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.030 [Repealed by1977 c.842 §4]
695.040 [Amended by1973 c.827 §77; repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.050 [Amended by1963 c.5 §2; 1975 c.429 §16; 1977 c.873 §16; repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.060 [Repealed by1977 c.842 §4]
695.070 [Amended by1973 c.832 §54; subsection (3) renumbered 695.015; repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.080 [Repealed by1971 c.734 §21]
695.085 [1971 c.734 §158;repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.090 [Repealed by1971 c.734 §21]
695.095 [1969 c.422 §3;repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.100 [Repealed by1977 c.842 §4]
695.110 [Amended by1963 c.580 §36; 1969 c.422 §4; 1971 c.753 §37; repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.120 [Amended by1967 c.401 §6; 1969 c.314 §96; repealed by 1971 c.753 §74]
695.130 [Amended by1971 c.753 §38; repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.140 [Repealed by1971 c.753 §74]
695.145 [1969 c.422 §2;repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.150 [Repealed by1977 c.842 §4]
695.160 [1973 c.832 §50;repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.165 [1973 c.832 §51;repealed by 1977 c.842 §4]
695.210Definitions for ORS 695.210 to 695.240. As used in ORS 695.210 to 695.240,unless the context requires otherwise:
(1)“Consumer” means a person who buys for the person’s own use, or for the use ofanother, but not for resale.
(2)“Person” means an individual, firm, partnership, association or corporationengaged in the business of selling watches.
(3)“Secondhand watch” means:
(a)A watch which, as a whole, or the case thereof, or the movement thereof, hasbeen sold to a consumer. However, a watch which has been so sold, and isthereafter returned within a period of six months from the date of the originalsale, either through an exchange or for credit, to the same person who sold thewatch to the consumer, shall not be deemed to be a secondhand watch for thepurpose of ORS 695.210 to 695.240 if the vendor keeps a written record settingforth the name and address of the consumer, the date of the sale to theconsumer, the name of the watch or its maker, and the serial number, if any, onthe case and the movement of the watch, or other distinguishing numbers oridentification marks, such record to be kept for at least three years from thedate of the sale of the watch.
(b)Any watch whose case or movement, serial numbers or other distinguishingnumbers or identification marks have been erased, defaced, removed, altered orcovered.
695.220Secondhand watch tag requirement. Any person who sells, exchanges, offersto sell or exchange, exposes for sale or exchange, or possesses with intent tosell or exchange, a secondhand watch, shall affix and keep affixed to the samea tag with the words “secondhand” legibly written or printed thereon in theEnglish language.
695.230Delivery of invoice to vendee; contents; duplicate invoice. Any person whosells a secondhand watch shall deliver to the vendee a written invoice settingforth the name and address of the vendor, the name and address of the vendee,the date of the sale, the name of the watch or its maker, and the serialnumbers, if any, or other distinguishing numbers or identification marks on itscase and movement. If the serial numbers, or other distinguishing numbers oridentification marks have been erased, defaced, removed, altered or covered,this shall be set forth in the invoice. A duplicate of the invoice shall bekept on file by the vendor of the secondhand watch for at least one year fromthe date of the sale thereof.
695.240Advertising secondhand watches. Any person advertising in any mannersecondhand watches for sale shall state clearly in such advertising that thewatches so advertised are secondhand watches.
695.990Penalties.Violation of any of the provisions of ORS 695.210 to 695.240 is punishable,upon conviction, by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment in thecounty jail for not more than one year. [Amended by 1981 c.821 §13]