Chapter 701 — ConstructionContractors and Contracts
701.002 Shorttitle
701.005 Definitions
701.010 Exemptionsfrom licensure; rules
701.013 Intentrelating to certain business license requirements
701.015 Businesslicense requirements in cities and metropolitan service districts; fees;distribution of fees
701.020 Certaincities exempt from application of ORS 701.015
701.021 Licenserequirement; endorsements
701.026 Subcontractorlicensing; landscaping
701.031 Evidenceof doing business as contractor
701.035 Applicantrequired to be independent contractor to be eligible for license; classes oflicenses
701.038 Residentiallimited contractors
701.042 Residentialor commercial developers
701.046 Licenseapplication
701.050 Commercialcontractor key employees
701.056 Licensingapplication fee; rules
701.060 Licensingin another category; fee
701.063 Termof license; fee; renewal; inactive status; license identification card
701.068 Bondingrequirements; action against surety; rules
701.073 Insurancerequired of licensed contractors
701.081 Residentialcontractors; bond; insurance; responsible managing individual
701.084 Commercialcontractors; bond; insurance; responsible managing individual; key employees
701.088 Contractorrehabilitating illegal drug manufacturing site; substitution for bond; fee;rules
701.091 Responsiblemanaging individual
701.094 Definitionfor ORS 701.098 and 701.102; rules
701.098 Groundsfor discipline; rules; suspension or refusal of license without prior hearing;hearing; civil penalty; injunctions; cease and desist orders; restoration orreissuance of license
701.102 Sanctionfor past unresolved activity; probation
701.106 Sanctionfor violation or failure to comply with certain laws
701.108 Failureto comply with prevailing wage rate or other wage and hour standards for energyefficiency and sustainable technology projects
701.109 Reportingof final judgments
701.112 Continuationof board authority when change occurs in license status
701.114 Changein responsible managing individual or persons exercising control of contractor
701.117 Contractorto notify board of address change; effect of mail to last-known address
701.119 Certificationto participate in small scale local energy project program
701.120 Specializededucation programs; standards; specialized education notation in credentials;removal of notation; rules for use of credentials
701.122 Trainingrequirements for individuals and businesses; testing of business licenseapplicant; exception; rules
701.124 Keyemployee continuing education
701.126 Continuingeducation; rules; fees
701.128 Suitfor damages for misrepresentation
701.131 Licenserequired to perfect lien or obtain judicial or administrative remedy; exception
701.133 Noticeof intent to file complaint; fees; rules
701.139 Boardauthority over disputes; resolution processes
701.140 Typesof allowable complaints; restriction on processing complaint for recoupment oflien
701.143 Requirementfor timely filing of complaints; timelines
701.145 Resolutionof complaints involving work on residential structures or certain smallcommercial structures
701.146 Resolutionof complaints involving work on large commercial structures or certain smallcommercial structures
701.148 Useof binding arbitration and contested case hearings; rules
701.149 Conductingarbitration and contested case hearings; court filings; rules
701.150 Satisfactionof unpaid order from bond
701.153 Recordingof order as lien; satisfaction of order against residential contractor
701.157 Satisfactionof order against commercial contractor
701.160 Nonlawyermay represent certain forms of businesses before board; rules for additionalbusiness forms
701.180 Waiverof mediation or arbitration
701.205 ConstructionContractors Board; members; terms; confirmation; vacancies; qualifications
701.215 Officers;quorum; compensation and expenses; advisory committees
701.225 Investigatorypowers of board; use of city or county inspectors; notice of noncompliance;conduct of hearings; authority of board to order work stopped
701.227 Disqualificationfrom eligibility for certain public contracts; list of disqualified contractors
701.230 Boardto provide names of unlicensed or improperly endorsed contractors to otherstate agencies
701.235 Rulemaking
701.238 Determinationof licensing application fee; rules
701.240 Provisionof licensed contractors list to other state agencies; rules
701.246 Confidentialityof information; permissible disclosures
701.250 Boardto provide licensee’s status on request; fee
701.255 Fundsretained for collection of civil penalties
701.260 Appealcommittee; membership; duties
701.295 Boardduty to investigate and seek prosecution of illegal activity
701.305 Requirementfor written contract with residential property owner; standard contractualterms; rules
701.310 Cancellationof contract
701.315 Contentsof contract for work on residential structure
701.320 Offerof warranty; withdrawal of contract offer
701.325 Conditionfor obtaining building permit; information notice; business licenses; local regulation
701.330 Consumernotice form; notice of procedure form; rules
701.335 Recommended maintenance schedule; rules
701.340 Commercialstructure warranty
701.345 Subcontractorlist
701.348 Sewercontractor requirements
701.350 Homeinspectors; certification; rules; fees; exemption
701.355 Homeinspector undertaking of repair work on inspected structure
701.410 Definitions
701.420 Partialpayment; retainage; effect; interest; notice of completion; payment by contractorand owner
701.430 Performancebond; terms; effect of not obtaining bond
701.435 Depositsin lieu of cash retainage
701.440 Applicabilityto federal projects
701.475 Definitionsfor ORS 701.475 to 701.490
701.480 Certification;licensing; holding out as locksmith or locksmithing business
701.485 Standardsof practice and professional conduct; determination of competency; sanctions;rules; fees
701.490 Exemptionsfrom certification, licensure and other requirements
701.505 Definitionsfor ORS 701.505 to 701.515
701.510 Licenserequired to engage in lead-based paint activity
701.515 Licensingsystem; fees; rules