Chapter 757 — UtilityRegulation Generally
757.005 Definitions
757.007 Contractand rate schedule filing for certain furnishers of heat exempt from regulation;procedure
757.009 Procedurefor reregulation of furnishers of heat
757.015 “Affiliatedinterest” defined
757.020 Dutyof utilities to furnish adequate and safe service at reasonable rates
757.035 Adoptionof safety rules and regulations; enforcement
757.039 Regulationof hazardous substance distribution and storage operations; cooperation withfederal agencies; disclosure of reports and information
757.050 Authorityof commission to order extension of service to unserved areas
757.056 Informationon energy conservation to be furnished by certain utilities; rules
757.061 Regulationof water utilities; rules
757.063 Regulationof associations furnishing water upon petition
757.068 Useof fees to make emergency repairs to water service plants
757.069 Noticeof delinquency on water bill
757.072 Agreementsfor financial assistance to organizations representing customer interests;rules
757.105 Filingof budget; review by commission; pensions as operating expenses
757.107 Supplementalbudgets and orders
757.110 Effectof budget orders
757.120 Accountsrequired
757.125 Dutyof utility to keep records and accounts; duty of commission to furnish blanks
757.135 Closingaccounts and filing balance sheet; auditing accounts
757.140 Depreciationaccounts; use of certain undepreciated investment in rates
757.205 Filingschedules with commission; data filed with schedules
757.210 Hearingto establish new schedules; alternative regulation plan
757.212 Resourcerate plans; customers who may elect to be exempt; order approving plan; effectof approving plan
757.215 Commissionauthorized to suspend new rates or order interim rates during hearings;revenues collected under unapproved rates to be refunded; order after hearing
757.220 Noticeof schedule changes required; exception for alternative regulation
757.225 Utilitiesrequired to collect for their services in accordance with schedules
757.227 Ratemitigation for certain electric company rate increases
757.230 Controlof commission over classification of services and forms of schedules; rules
757.240 Filingschedules in business office
757.245 Establishmentof joint rates
757.247 Tariffschedules for renewable energy generation facilities and energy conservation
757.250 Standardsand appliances for measuring service; rules
757.255 Testingof measuring appliances; rules; fees
757.259 Amountsincludable in rate schedule; deferral; limit in effect on rates byamortization; rules
757.262 Ratesto encourage acquisition of cost-effective conservation resources; rules
757.266 Ratesmay encourage tree planting programs as offset to carbon dioxide emissions
757.267 Legislativefindings relating to inclusion of tax liabilities in rates
757.268 Adjustmentsto rates by reason of taxes paid by public utility
757.270 Definitionsfor ORS 757.270 to 757.290
757.271 Authorizationfrom pole owner required for attachment
757.272 Poleowner may approve or reject attachment
757.273 Attachmentsto public utility and telecommunications utility facilities regulated
757.276 Attachmentsby licensees to consumer-owned utility facilities regulated
757.279 Fixingrates or charges by commission; cost of hearing
757.282 Criteriafor just and reasonable rate for attachments; rate reduction
757.285 Presumptionof reasonableness of rates set by private agreement
757.287 Applicationto electrical utility attachments
757.290 Regulatoryprocedures
757.300 Netmetering facility allowed to connect to public utility; conditions forconnecting and measuring energy; rules; application to out-of-state utilities
757.310 Prohibitionrelated to charges for service
757.315 Whenfree service or reduced rates allowed
757.320 Reducingrates for persons furnishing part of necessary facilities
757.325 Unduepreferences and prejudices
757.330 Solicitingor accepting special privileges from utilities
757.355 Costsof property not presently providing utility service excluded from rate base;exception
757.360 Definitions
757.365 Pilotprogram for small solar energy systems; rules; limits to program; report toLegislative Assembly
757.370 Minimumsolar energy capacity standard for electric companies; rules
757.375 Credittoward compliance with renewable portfolio standard; limits
757.380 Applicabilityof ORS 757.360 to 757.380
757.385 Allowanceof fair and reasonable rates
757.400 Definitionof “stocks”
757.405 Powerto regulate issuance of utility securities
757.410 Whenissuance of securities is void
757.412 Exemptionfrom securities regulation
757.415 Purposesfor which securities and notes may be issued; order required
757.417 Limitationon application of ORS 757.415
757.419 Limitationon application of ORS 757.480
757.420 Hearingsand supplemental orders relating to issuance of securities; joint approval ofissuance by interstate utility
757.425 Statenot obligated following approval of issuance
757.430 Conditionalapproval of issuance authorized
757.435 Disposalof proceeds from issuance of securities; rules
757.440 Approvalrequired before utility may guarantee another’s indebtedness
757.445 Wrongfulissues or use of proceeds by utility
757.450 Wrongfulacts relating to issuance of securities
757.455 Conservationprogram investment policy; application for bondable investments; utility ratesto include investment costs
757.460 Pledgeof conservation investment assets as bond collateral; perfection of securityinterest; foreclosure
757.480 Approvalneeded prior to disposal, mortgage or encumbrance of certain operative utilityproperty or consolidation with another public utility; exceptions
757.485 Purchaseof property or stocks of one utility by another
757.490 Approvalneeded for certain contracts
757.495 Contractsinvolving utilities and persons with affiliated interests
757.500 Contractsbetween certain public utilities
757.506 Findingsand policy regarding exercise of influence over utility by person not engagedin utility business
757.511 Applicationfor authority to exercise influence over utility; contents of application;issuance of order; dissemination of information about acquisition
757.516 Contractsbetween natural gas utilities and customers for commodity and services;determination by commission of reasonableness of contract and utilityactivities