Chapter 758 — UtilityRights of Way and Territory Allocation; Cogeneration
758.010 Authorityto construct lines and facilities; requirements and conditions
758.015 Certificateof public convenience and necessity
758.020 Jointoccupancy of poles
758.025 Relocationof utilities in highway right of way; required consultation; recovery of costs
758.035 Commission’spower to enforce joint use of facilities
758.210 Policy
758.215 Definitionsfor ORS 758.210 to 758.270
758.220 Authorityfor conversion to underground facilities; formation of assessment district
758.225 Petition,ordinance or resolution for conversion; contents; filing
758.230 Assessmentprocedure; objections to conversion
758.235 Applicabilityof local improvement laws; issuance of bonds
758.240 Contractwith utility for conversion
758.245 Paymentof costs for conversion; removal of overhead facilities
758.250 Conversionof facilities on private lands; procedure; payment of costs
758.255 Discontinuanceof utility service for noncompliance with conversion provisions
758.260 Competitivebidding for utility conversion
758.265 Overheadfacilities in assessment district after conversion
758.270 Effectof ORS 758.210 to 758.270 on existing laws and rights
758.280 Definitionsfor ORS 758.280 to 758.286
758.282 Immunityof electric utility for pruning or removing vegetation in certain cases
758.284 Immunityof electric utility for pruning or removing vegetation in other cases; noticeto property owner
758.286 Immunitynot applicable to liability for cost of abating fires
758.300 Definitionsfor ORS 758.300 to 758.320
758.302 Applicationfor exclusive service territory
758.305 Exclusiveservice territories
758.310 Assignmentor transfer of rights in exclusive service territory; approval of commission
758.315 Waterutility service provided by persons not designated by commission; remedy
758.320 Applicationof ORS 758.300 to 758.320 to cities; effect on certain voluntary associations;existing franchise; exception
758.400 Definitionsfor ORS 758.015 and 758.400 to 758.475
758.405 Purposeof ORS 758.400 to 758.475
758.410 Contractsfor allocation of territories and customers; transfer of facilities
758.415 Enforceabilityof contract approved by commission; conditions for approval
758.420 Filingof contract; hearing on contract; notice
758.425 Orderof commission on contract
758.430 Amendmentof contract; approval of commission
758.435 Applicationfor allocation of territory; hearing; notice
758.440 Orderof commission on application
758.445 Judicialreview of order on application
758.450 Contractrequired for allocation of territory; prohibited activities; exceptions; thirdparty financing
758.455 Investigationby commission respecting contracts or applications; hearing procedure
758.460 Assignmentor transfer of rights acquired by allocation; approval of commission
758.465 Enforcementprocedure
758.470 Applicationto cities, municipalities and cooperatives of ORS 758.400 to 758.475
758.475 Fees
758.480 Assumptionof obligations arising out of Trojan Nuclear Plant
758.505 Definitionsfor ORS 758.505 to 758.555
758.515 Legislativefindings
758.525 Avoidedcost schedules; filing; requirement to purchase energy from qualifyingfacilities
758.535 Criteriafor qualifying facility; terms and conditions of energy sale
758.545 Electricutility required to make good faith effort to transmit energy; remedy
758.555 Effectof energy sales on qualifying facility
758.010Authority to construct lines and facilities; requirements and conditions. (1) Exceptwithin cities, any person or corporation has a right and privilege toconstruct, maintain and operate its water, gas, electric or communicationservice lines, fixtures and other facilities along the public roads in thisstate, as defined in ORS 368.001 or across rivers or over any lands belongingto the state, free of charge, and over lands of private individuals, asprovided in ORS 772.210. Such lines, fixtures and facilities shall not beconstructed so as to obstruct any public road or navigable stream.
(2)A county governing body and the Department of Transportation have authority todesignate the location upon roads under their respective jurisdiction, outsideof cities, where lines, fixtures and facilities described in this section maybe located, and subject to ORS 758.025 may order the location of any such line,fixture or facility to be changed when such governing body or department deemsit expedient. Any line, fixture or facility erected or remaining in a differentlocation upon such road than that designated in any order of the governing bodyor department is a public nuisance and may be abated accordingly.
(3)The state officer, agency, board or commission having jurisdiction over anyland belonging to the state with respect to which the right and privilegegranted under subsection (1) of this section is exercised may impose reasonablerequirements for the location, construction, operation and maintenance of thelines, fixtures and facilities on such land. The person or corporationexercising such right and privilege over any land belonging to the state shallpay the current market value for the existing forest products that are damagedor destroyed in exercising such right and privilege. Such right and privilegeof any person or corporation is conditioned upon compliance with therequirements imposed by this subsection. [Amended by 1955 c.123 §1; 1971 c.655 §100;1981 c.153 §76; 2001 c.664 §§3,6; 2009 c.444 §4]
758.015Certificate of public convenience and necessity. (1) When anyperson, as defined in ORS 758.400, providing electric utility service, asdefined in ORS 758.400, or any transmission company, proposes to construct anoverhead transmission line which will necessitate a condemnation of land or aninterest therein, it shall petition the Public Utility Commission for acertificate of public convenience and necessity setting forth a detailed descriptionand the purpose of the proposed transmission line, the estimated cost, theroute to be followed, the availability of alternate routes, a description ofother transmission lines connecting the same areas, and such other informationin such form as the commission may reasonably require in determining the publicconvenience and necessity.
(2)The commission shall give notice and hold a public hearing on such petition.The commission, in addition to considering facts presented at such hearing,shall make the commission’s own investigation to determine the necessity,safety, practicability and justification in the public interest for theproposed transmission line and shall enter an order accordingly. The ordershall be subject to review as in other cases. In any proceeding forcondemnation, a certified copy of such order shall be conclusive evidence thatthe transmission line for which the land is required is a public use andnecessary for public convenience.
(3)This section shall not apply to construction of transmission lines inconnection with a project for which a permit or license is otherwise obtainedpursuant to state or federal law.
(4)As used in this section and ORS 758.020, “transmission company” means a personor entity that owns or operates high voltage transmission lines and is subjectto the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. “Transmissioncompany” does not include a cooperative organized under ORS chapter 62. [1961c.691 §19; 2001 c.913 §6]
758.020Joint occupancy of poles. (1) The county court, board of county commissionersor the Department of Transportation, when designating the location where polesor other aboveground facilities described in ORS 758.010 may be placed on aroad or highway which fronts on the ocean or on a river or other body of waterand the water frontage of the highway is being developed or maintained for itsscenic or recreational value, may require all lines to occupy the opposite sideof the right of way, if such joint occupancy can be maintained without undueimpairment of service or damage to public life and property.
(2)If the owners of such lines are unable to agree on the terms and conditions ofjoint occupancy, such department, court or board shall request the PublicUtility Commission to determine the practicability of such joint occupancy andthe effect thereof upon adequate and safe service by the prospective jointoccupants, the location of the lines, and, if found to be practicable, to fixand prescribe the terms and conditions pursuant to which joint occupancy shallbe accomplished. Before making or entering an order, such commission shall holda hearing and make findings in accordance with ORS 756.500 to 756.610. Theorder of the commission is subject to judicial review as an order in acontested case in the manner provided by ORS 756.610. In fixing terms andconditions pursuant to which joint occupancy shall be accomplished, the PublicUtility Commission shall require the installation by each occupant ofstandards, devices and equipment reasonably necessary to protect the equipmentof the other occupants from damage and the public from injury arising from suchjoint occupancy.
(3)The right of any public utility, telecommunications utility or transmissioncompany to construct, maintain and operate on a public highway poles orfixtures is contingent on compliance with reasonable requirements establishedby the Department of Transportation, county courts, boards of countycommissioners or the Public Utility Commission under authority of this sectionand ORS 758.010. Such rights are likewise contingent and conditioned on allfacilities, equipment and installations being constructed and maintained instrict conformance with modern and approved standards. [Amended by 1971 c.655 §102;1987 c.447 §98; 2001 c.913 §7; 2005 c.638 §11]
758.025Relocation of utilities in highway right of way; required consultation;recovery of costs.(1) As used in this section:
(a)“Highway” has the meaning given that term in ORS 801.305 (1) but does notinclude highways located on property owned by the Port of Portland that issubject to federal relocation regulations authorized under 49 U.S.C. 47107, asin effect on January 1, 2010.
(b)“Public body” has the meaning given that term in ORS 174.109.
(c)“Utility” means a public utility, as defined in ORS 757.005, or atelecommunications utility or competitive telecommunications provider, as thoseterms are defined in ORS 759.005.
(2)If a public body plans a project that would require utilities to relocate theirutility facilities that are located in the highway right of way, the publicbody shall notify affected utilities of the project in writing as soon as ispracticable.
(3)During the planning and design phase of a project, the public body shall coordinatewith the affected utilities to discuss the project’s scope and schedule. At aminimum, the discussion must include a description of the plans, goals andobjectives of the proposed project and options to minimize or eliminate coststo the public body and the utilities. The public body is not required to avoidor minimize costs to the utilities in a way that materially affects the project’sscope, costs or schedule. Failure of the affected utilities to respond orparticipate in the coordination or discussion does not affect the ability ofthe public body to proceed with design and construction of the project.
(4)A public body having jurisdiction over a highway may not prohibit a utilityfrom seeking reimbursement from private parties or customers for costs underthis section in any permit application, license application or other writtenagreement authorizing the utility to relocate the facilities.
(5)(a)Notwithstanding any other provision of ORS chapter 759, a telecommunicationsutility that is not subject to rate-of-return regulation, including a utilityregulated under ORS 759.255 may, after participating in the process describedin subsection (3) of this section, request authorization from the PublicUtility Commission to recover from customers prudent costs incurred for therelocation of facilities required by a public body that are not otherwise paidor reimbursed from another source. Recoverable relocation costs are thenonfacility costs incurred in the relocation plus the undepreciated value ofthe facilities replaced, including the cost of placing such facilitiesunderground if underground placement is required by the public body or otherprovision of law. The commission may authorize the recovery of relocation coststhat the commission determines to be substantial and beyond the normal courseof business.
(b)The commission shall:
(A)Verify the relocation costs for which the utility requests recovery;
(B)Determine the allocation of costs between interstate and intrastate services,geographic areas, customers and services; and
(C)Prescribe the method of cost recovery.
(c)In determining the level of cost recovery and the allocation of costs, thecommission shall consider:
(A)The overall impact on the utility; and
(B)Other relevant factors identified by the commission.
(d)Relocation costs may be recovered for a reasonable period of time subject toapproval by the commission and not to exceed the depreciable life of thefacilities. [2009 c.444 §2]
758.030 [Renumbered271.440]
758.035Commission’s power to enforce joint use of facilities. (1) Everypublic utility, telecommunications utility, person, association or corporationhaving conduits, subways, street railway tracks, poles or other equipment on,over or under any street or highway shall for a reasonable compensation permitthe use of the same by any public utility or telecommunications utilitywhenever public convenience or necessity requires such use and such use willnot result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipmentnor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered by such ownersor other users.
(2)In case of failure to agree upon such use or the conditions or compensation forsuch use, any public utility, telecommunications utility, person, associationor corporation interested may apply to the Public Utility Commission, and ifafter investigation the commission ascertains that public convenience ornecessity requires such use and that it would not result in irreparable injury tothe owner or other users of such equipment, the commission shall by orderdirect that such use be permitted and prescribe reasonable conditions andcompensation for such joint use.
(3)The use so ordered shall be permitted and the prescribed conditions andcompensation shall be the lawful conditions and compensation to be observed,followed and paid. The order of the commission is subject to judicial review asan order in a contested case in the manner provided by ORS 756.610. The ordermay be modified by the commission upon application of any interested party orupon the commission’s own motion. All public utilities and telecommunicationsutilities shall afford all reasonable facilities and make all necessaryregulations for the interchange of business, or traffic carried or theirproduct between them, when ordered by the commission so to do. [Formerly757.040; 1987 c.447 §99; 2005 c.638 §12]
758.040 [Renumbered757.606]
758.050 [Renumbered757.611]
758.060 [Amended by1971 c.743 §426; renumbered 757.616]
758.070 [Renumbered757.621]
758.080 [Renumbered757.626]
758.090 [Renumbered757.631]
758.100 [Renumbered757.636]
758.110 [Renumbered757.641]