Chapter 805 — SpecialRegistration Provisions
805.010 Antiquevehicles
805.020 Specialinterest vehicles
805.030 Violationof registration limits on antique or special interest vehicle; penalty
805.035 Racingactivity vehicles
805.037 Violationof registration limits on racing activity vehicles; penalty
805.040 Registrationof government-owned vehicles
805.045 Regularregistration for certain government-owned vehicles
805.050 Schoolbuses and school activity vehicles; exceptions
805.060 Lawenforcement undercover vehicles
805.080 Campers
805.090 Nonfarmtractors
805.092 Low-speedvehicles and medium-speed electric vehicles; rules
805.100 Disabledveterans
805.103 CongressionalMedal of Honor recipients; rules
805.105 Veterans’recognition plates; Gold Star Family plates; rules; surcharge; disposition ofmoneys
805.106 Fundingfor veterans’ recognition plate costs
805.107 Dispositionof certain plates issued to veterans
805.110 Formerprisoners of war
805.115 Activemembers of Oregon National Guard
805.117 Honoraryconsuls; rules
805.120 Effectof fleet registration; requirements; rules
805.200 Platesand other devices with special designs; rules
805.202 Limitationson number of different kinds of special registration plates
805.205 Issuanceof special plates for certain groups; rules; surcharge; disposition of moneys
805.206 Applicationfee and costs for plates issued under ORS 805.205
805.210 Specialinterest vehicle plates
805.220 Electedofficial plates; qualifications; fee; rules
805.230 Amateurradio operator plates; fee
805.240 Customizedplates; fee
805.242 Transferof plates that are not from current issue; fee
805.250 Feesfor special plates
805.255 Salmonregistration plate; rules; fees
805.256 Dispositionof moneys from salmon registration plate surcharge
805.260 Culturalregistration plates; rules; fees
805.261 Dispositionof moneys from cultural registration plate surcharge
805.263 CraterLake National Park registration plate; rules; fees
805.264 Dispositionof moneys from Crater Lake National Park registration plate surcharge
(Temporaryprovisions relating to Pacific Wonderland registration plate program arecompiled as notes following ORS 805.264)
805.300 Farmvehicle registration; general requirements; fees
805.310 Qualificationsfor registration
805.320 Applicationfor registration
805.322 Annualproof of qualification for farm vehicle registration
805.340 Effectof sale of vehicle
805.350 Violationof farm registration limits; penalty
805.360 Failureto register farm vehicle properly; penalty
805.370 Falsecertification; penalty
805.380 Departmentinvestigation; cancellation
805.390 Permitteduses of farm-registered vehicles
805.400 Proportionalregistration for farm vehicles; rules
805.410 Departmentinvestigation of farm vehicle proportional registration application;cancellation
805.010Antique vehicles.(1) A vehicle that is an antique vehicle may be registered for a permanentregistration period as described under ORS 803.400 by doing the following:
(a)Making application for permanent registration of the vehicle in the mannerprovided for application for registration of vehicles.
(b)Paying the fee for permanent registration of antique vehicles under ORS803.420.
(2)Once a vehicle is permanently registered as an antique vehicle under thissection, the vehicle is subject to the limitations on use of the vehicle underORS 805.030. [1983 c.338 §238; 2003 c.122 §3]
805.020Special interest vehicles. (1) A vehicle that is a vehicle of special interestmay be registered for a permanent registration period as described under ORS803.400 by doing the following:
(a)Making application for permanent registration of the vehicle in the mannerprovided for application for registration of vehicles.
(b)Paying the fee for permanent registration of vehicles of special interestestablished under ORS 803.420.
(2)Once a vehicle is permanently registered as a vehicle of special interest underthis section, the vehicle is subject to the limitations on use of the vehicleunder ORS 805.030. [1983 c.338 §239; 2003 c.122 §4]
805.030Violation of registration limits on antique or special interest vehicle;penalty.(1) A person commits the offense of violation of registration limits on antiquevehicle or vehicle of special interest if a vehicle is permanently registeredunder ORS 805.010 or 805.020 and the person uses the vehicle:
(a)Other than for exhibitions, parades, club activities and similar uses; or
(b)Primarily for the transportation of persons or property.
(2)The offense described in this section, violation of registration limits onantique vehicle or vehicle of special interest, is a Class D traffic violation.[1983 c.338 §240]
Note: Section 3,chapter 25, Oregon Laws 2001, provides:
Sec.3.If a person has registered an antique vehicle or a vehicle of special interestprior to the effective date of this 2001 Act [January 1, 2002] and has receivedtwo registration plates, the person may display either one plate or bothplates, but if the person displays only one plate, that plate must be displayedon the rear of the vehicle. [2001 c.25 §3]
805.035Racing activity vehicles. (1) A vehicle that is a racing activity vehicle maybe registered only under this section.
(2)A racing activity vehicle shall be registered for a permanent registrationperiod as described under ORS 803.400. To register a racing activity vehiclethe owner shall:
(a)Apply for permanent registration of the vehicle in the same manner provided forapplication for registration of vehicles; and
(b)Pay the fee for permanent registration of racing activity vehicles establishedunder ORS 803.420.
(3)A racing activity vehicle may be issued special interest registration plates.
(4)Once a vehicle is permanently registered as a racing activity vehicle underthis section, the vehicle is subject to the limitations on use of the vehicleunder ORS 805.037. [2007 c.693 §3a]
805.037Violation of registration limits on racing activity vehicles; penalty. (1) A personcommits the offense of violation of registration limits on a racing activityvehicle if a vehicle is permanently registered under ORS 805.035 and the personuses the vehicle other than for:
(a)Exhibitions, parades or club activities;
(b)Driving the vehicle from the person’s home to a race track that is within a90-mile radius of the person’s home; or
(c)Test driving the vehicle for maintenance or repair purposes within a 30-mileradius of where the vehicle is maintained or repaired.
(2)The offense described in this section, violation of registration limits on aracing activity vehicle, is a Class B traffic violation. [2007 c.693 §3b]
805.040Registration of government-owned vehicles. Except as otherwise provided bythis section, ORS 805.045 and 805.060, vehicles that are owned and operated bythis state, cities, counties or other political subdivisions of this state orby the government of a federally recognized Indian tribe in this state aresubject to the same requirements and provisions for registration as are othervehicles. For purposes of this section, a vehicle that is operated under alease or lease-purchase agreement by any of the governments specified in thissection is a government-owned vehicle. The following requirements andprovisions apply to government-owned vehicles:
(1)The registration period for vehicles subject to this section shall be anownership registration period as described under ORS 803.400 except that theregistration shall continue to be valid if ownership of the vehicle istransferred to another government agency.
(2)The fee for registration of the vehicles shall be the fee for registration ofgovernment-owned vehicles established under ORS 803.420, and no otherregistration fee shall be required.
(3)Any vehicle registered under this section and not exempted under ORS 815.300must meet the requirements for certification of compliance with pollutioncontrol under ORS 815.310.
(4)Vehicles described in this section that are school buses or activity vehiclesmay be registered as provided in ORS 805.050 in lieu of registration under thissection, if the vehicles qualify for registration under ORS 805.050.
(5)For purposes of this section, vehicles owned by the government of a federallyrecognized Indian tribe in this state are government-owned vehicles. [1983c.338 §243; 1985 c.16 §91; 1985 c.148 §1; 1985 c.547 §14; 1987 c.440 §5; 1993c.741 §123]
805.045Regular registration for certain government-owned vehicles. (1) TheDepartment of Transportation may issue registration plates or other evidence ofregistration from any regular series rather than from any specially designedgovernment series for a vehicle owned or operated by any state department orinstitution if approval is granted under ORS 283.390. The registration periodfor a vehicle described under this section shall be the same as the regular registrationperiod for the type of vehicle registered. The fee for registration or renewalof registration of a vehicle under this section shall be the fee establishedunder ORS 803.420 for registration or renewal of a state-owned vehicleregistered under ORS 805.040.
(2)Any vehicle registered under this section and not exempted under ORS 815.300must meet the requirements for certification of compliance with pollutioncontrol under ORS 815.310. [1987 c.440 §2; 1993 c.741 §124]
805.050School buses and school activity vehicles; exceptions. (1) TheDepartment of Transportation shall provide for registration of vehicles thatqualify under this section in a manner that is consistent with this section. Avehicle qualifies for registration under this section if the vehicle meets thefollowing qualifications and is not a vehicle that is described undersubsection (2) of this section:
(a)The vehicle must be a motor vehicle.
(b)Except as provided under ORS 803.600, the vehicle must be used exclusively intransporting students to or from any school or authorized school activity orfunction, including extracurricular activities, and to or from pointsdesignated by a school.
(c)The vehicle must meet the requirements for school buses under ORS 820.100 to820.120, or activity vehicles under ORS 820.110 and 820.120.
(d)The vehicle may be owned, operated or leased by the state, a city or county orany other political subdivision or otherwise provided to such government bodyfor purposes described in this subsection or may be privately or otherwiseowned and leased by or provided to a school for purposes described in thissubsection.
(2)The following vehicles may not be registered under this section:
(a)A vehicle subject to regulation under ORS chapter 825.
(b)A vehicle regulated by a city under ORS 221.420.
(3)Except as otherwise provided by this section, vehicles registered under thissection are subject to the same requirements and provisions for registration asare other vehicles. The following requirements and provisions are differentfrom those otherwise provided for registration:
(a)The registration period for vehicles subject to this section shall be anownership registration period as described under ORS 803.400, except that theregistration continues valid if the ownership of the vehicle is transferred toanother who continues to use the vehicle for purposes allowed under theregistration.
(b)The fee for registration of the vehicles shall be the fee for registration ofschool vehicles established under ORS 803.420, and no other registration feeshall be required.
(c)Any vehicle registered under this section and not exempted under ORS 815.300shall meet the requirements for certification of compliance with pollutioncontrol under ORS 815.310.
(4)The department shall suspend or revoke registration under this section if thedepartment determines that:
(a)A vehicle registered under this section is being used for purposes other thanthose required for qualification for registration under this section, and atrip permit as provided under ORS 803.600 has not been obtained.
(b)The vehicle does not comply with requirements under ORS 820.100 to 820.120. [1985c.547 §11; 1987 c.158 §164; 1993 c.741 §125]
805.060Law enforcement undercover vehicles. (1) The Department of Transportationmay issue registration plates or other evidence of registration from anyregular series rather than from any specially designed government series for avehicle operated by a federal, state, county, city or Indian tribal law enforcement,parole or probation agency in discharging its undercover criminal investigationduties if requested to do so by the agency. The registration period for avehicle described under this section shall be the same as the regularregistration period for the type of vehicle registered. The fee forregistration or renewal of registration of a vehicle under this section shallbe the fee established for registration or renewal of police undercovervehicles under ORS 803.420.
(2)Any vehicle registered under this section and not exempt from the requirementsto comply with certificates of compliance for pollution control equipment byORS 815.300, must be certified as complying with the requirements for pollutioncontrol equipment under ORS 815.310. [1983 c.338 §244; 1985 c.148 §2; 1987 c.6 §1;1993 c.741 §126; 2001 c.827 §5]
805.070 [1983 c.338 §246;repealed by 1987 c.25 §6]
805.080Campers.Except where specific provisions are made for campers, campers are subject tothe same provisions of the vehicle code relating to registration, titling,transfer, sale and dealer regulation as any other vehicle. [1983 c.338 §250]
805.090Nonfarm tractors.(1) Except where specific provisions are made for tractors described in thissection, such tractors are subject to the same provisions of the vehicle coderelating to registration, titling, transfer, sale and dealer regulation as amotor truck.
(2)This section applies to vehicles that would be farm tractors if used primarilyin agricultural operations and that are not within: