Chapter 815 — VehicleEquipment Generally
815.005 Consistentparts and equipment authorized
815.010 Compliancewith standards for equipment; federal standards to supersede state
815.015 Departmentinspection of vehicles for compliance
815.020 Operationof unsafe vehicle; penalty
815.025 Causingunreasonable noise with vehicle; penalty
815.030 Statevehicle equipment standards
815.035 Rulesfor standards for roadside warning devices
815.040 Standardsfor window and windshield material
815.045 Rulesfor use of traction tires, retractable studded tires and chains; signs
815.052 Rulesestablishing standards for protective headgear
815.055 Rulesestablishing standards for safety belts, harnesses and child safety systems
815.060 Rulesestablishing standards for slow-moving vehicle emblems
815.065 Rulesestablishing standards for hydraulic brake fluid
815.070 Roadwarning signals for tow vehicles or wreckers
815.075 Sellingvehicles or equipment that violates rules; exemptions; penalty
815.080 Providingsafety belt, harness or child safety system that does not comply withstandards; exemptions; penalty
815.085 Servicingwith or selling unapproved brake fluid; penalty
815.090 Replacementof vehicle windows with unapproved material; penalty
815.095 Unlawfulsales, installations or representations concerning pollution control systems;penalty
815.097 Providingvehicle with mercury light switch
815.100 Operationof vehicle that violates equipment rules; penalty
815.105 Exemptionsfrom equipment requirements
815.107 Exemptionfrom equipment requirements for street rods
815.109 Exemptionfrom equipment requirements for racing activity vehicles
815.110 Requirementsfor and use of slow-moving vehicle emblem
815.115 Violationof emblem requirements; penalty
815.120 Exemptionsfrom emblem requirements
815.125 Requirementsand standards
815.130 Improperbrakes; penalty
815.135 Exemptionsfrom brake requirements
815.140 Failureto use vehicle traction tires or chains; penalty
815.145 Exemptionsfrom traction tire or chains requirement
815.155 Unlawfuluse of device without wheels; exemptions; civil liability; penalty
815.160 Unlawfuluse of metal objects on tires; civil liability; penalty
815.165 Exemptionsfrom prohibition on tires with metal objects
815.167 Prohibitionon selling studs other than lightweight studs; exemption
815.170 Operationwithout pneumatic tires; civil liability; penalty
815.175 Exemptionsfrom pneumatic tire requirement
815.180 Standards
815.182 Kindsof fenders or mudguards required for specified vehicles; placement
815.185 Operationwithout proper fenders or mudguards; penalty
815.190 Exemptionsfrom mudguard and fender requirements
815.195 Requirementsand standards
815.200 Violationof visible emission limits; penalty
815.205 Exemptionsfrom visible emission limits
815.210 Operationof vehicle without approved material in windows; exemptions; penalty
815.215 Failureto have windshield wipers; exemptions; penalty
815.220 Obstructionof vehicle windows; penalty
815.221 Tinting;authorized and prohibited materials; certificate
815.222 Illegalwindow tinting; penalty
(Horns,Sound Equipment)
815.225 Violationof use limits on sound equipment; exemptions; penalty
815.230 Violationof sound equipment requirements; exemptions; penalty
(SoundSystem Amplification)
815.232 Unreasonablesound amplification from a vehicle; penalty
815.233 Enhancementof penalty for violation of ORS 815.232
815.235 Operationwithout rearview mirror; exemptions; penalty
815.237 Forwardcrossview mirror; failure to inspect; exemptions; penalty
(ImageDisplay Devices)
815.240 Unlawfuluse of image display device; exemptions; penalty
815.245 Violationof minimum clearance requirements for passenger vehicles; penalty
815.250 Operationwithout proper exhaust system; exemptions; penalty
815.255 Operationof vehicle for hire without speedometer; exemptions; penalty
815.260 Operationof recreational vehicle with unsealed disposal system; exemption; penalty
815.270 Operatingvehicle that is loaded or equipped to obstruct driver; penalty
815.275 Failureto mark end of load with light or flag when required; penalty
815.280 Violationof bicycle equipment requirements; penalty
815.281 Sellingnoncomplying bicycle headgear; renting or leasing bicycle without havingapproved headgear available; penalties
815.282 Operatingmotorized wheelchair on bicycle lane without proper lighting equipment
(MotorAssisted Scooters)
815.283 Violationof motor assisted scooter equipment requirements; penalty
(ElectricPersonal Assistive Mobility Devices)
815.284 Violationof electric personal assistive mobility device equipment requirements; penalty
815.285 Failureto carry roadside vehicle warning devices; exemptions; penalty
(Implementsof Husbandry)
815.290 Exemptionsfrom equipment requirements
(PollutionControl Equipment)
815.295 Failureto have required pollution control equipment; exemptions; penalty
815.300 Exemptionsfrom requirement to be equipped with pollution control system