Chapter 67 — Partnerships;Limited Liability Partnerships
67.005 Definitions
67.010 Knowledgeand notice
67.015 Effectof partnership agreement; nonwaivable provisions
67.020 Supplementalprinciples of law
67.025 Governinglaw
(Natureof Partnership)
67.050 Partnershipas entity
67.055 Creationof partnership
67.060 Partnershipproperty
67.065 Whenproperty is partnership property
67.070 Generalpowers of a partnership
(Relationsof Partners to Persons Dealing With Partnership)
67.090 Partneragent of partnership
67.095 Transferof partnership property
67.100 Partnershipliable for partner’s actionable conduct
67.105 Partner’sliability
67.110 Actionsby and against partnership and partners
67.115 Liabilityof purported partner
(Relationsof Partners to Each Other and to Partnership)
67.140 Partner’srights and duties
67.145 Distributionsin kind
67.150 Partner’srights and duties with respect to information
67.155 Generalstandards of partner’s conduct
67.160 Actionsby partnership and partners
67.165 Continuationof partnership beyond definite term or particular undertaking
(Transfereesand Creditors of Partner)
67.190 Partnernot co-owner of partnership property
67.195 Partner’stransferable interest in partnership
67.200 Transferof whole or part of partner’s transferable interest
67.205 Partner’stransferable interest subject to charging order
67.220 Eventscausing partner’s dissociation
67.225 Partner’spower to dissociate; wrongful dissociation
67.230 Effectof partner’s dissociation
(Partner’sDissociation When Business Not Wound Up)
67.250 Purchaseof dissociated partner’s interest
67.255 Dissociatedpartner’s power to bind and liability to partnership
67.260 Dissociatedpartner’s liability to other persons
67.265 Continueduse of partnership name
(WindingUp Partnership Business)
67.290 Eventscausing dissolution and winding up of partnership business
67.295 Partnershipcontinues after dissolution
67.300 Rightto wind up partnership business
67.305 Partner’spower to bind partnership after dissolution
67.310 Partner’sliability to other partners after dissolution
67.315 Settlementof accounts and contributions among partners
(Conversionsand Mergers)
67.340 Definitionsfor ORS 67.340 to 67.365
67.342 Conversion
67.344 Actionon plan of conversion
67.346 Articlesof conversion
67.348 Effectof conversion; entity existence continues; assumed business name
67.360 Merger
67.362 Actionon plan of merger
67.364 Articlesof merger
67.365 Effectof merger
67.500 Eligibilityfor registration as a limited liability partnership; required vote
67.520 Filingrequirements
67.525 Filing,service, copying and certification fees
67.530 Effectivetime and date of document
67.535 Filingduty of Secretary of State
67.540 Appealfrom actions of Secretary of State
67.545 Evidentiaryeffect of copy of filed document
67.550 Certificateof existence or authorization
(Secretaryof State)
67.570 Powers
67.590 Applicationfor registration; effective date; fee; duration of status as limited liabilitypartnership
67.595 Cancellationof registration; effect
67.610 Effectof changes in partnership on limited liability partnership status and liabilityof partners; amendment of application for registration
67.615 Distributionsto partners
67.625 Limitedliability partnership name
(Serviceof Process)
67.635 Serviceof process on limited liability partnership
67.645 Annualreport
67.655 Groundsfor administrative revocation
67.660 Procedurefor and effect of administrative revocation
67.665 Reinstatementfollowing administrative revocation
67.670 Appealfrom denial of reinstatement
67.680 Interstateapplication
(Authorityto Transact Business)
67.700 Authorityto transact business
67.705 Consequencesof transacting business without authority
67.710 Applicationfor authority to transact business; effective date of authorization
67.715 Amendmentto application for authority
67.720 Limitationsapplicable to foreign limited liability partnerships
67.730 Nameof foreign limited liability partnership