Chapter 72 — Sales
72.1010 Shorttitle
72.1020 Scope;certain security and other transactions excluded from chapter
72.1030 Definitionsand index of definitions
72.1040 Definitions:“merchant”; “financing agency”; “between merchants”
72.1050 Definitions:“goods”; “future” goods; “lot”; “commercial unit”
72.1060 Definitions:“contract”; “agreement”; “contract for sale”; “sale”; “present sale”; “conforming”to contract; “termination”; “cancellation”
72.1070 Goodsto be severed from realty; recording
72.2010 Formalrequirements: statute of frauds
72.2020 Finalwritten expression: parol or extrinsic evidence
72.2030 Sealsinoperative
72.2040 Formationin general
72.2050 Firmoffers
72.2060 Offerand acceptance in formation of contract
72.2070 Additionalterms in acceptance or confirmation
72.2090 Modification,rescission and waiver
72.2100 Delegationof performance; assignment of rights
72.3010 Generalobligations of parties
72.3020 Unconscionablecontract or clause
72.3030 Allocationor division of risks
72.3040 Pricepayable in money, goods, realty or otherwise
72.3050 Openprice term
72.3060 Output,requirements and exclusive dealings
72.3070 Deliveryin single lot or several lots
72.3080 Absenceof specified place for delivery
72.3090 Absenceof specific time provisions; notice of termination
72.3100 Opentime for payment or running of credit; authority to ship under reservation
72.3110 Optionsand cooperation respecting performance
72.3120 Warrantyof title and against infringement; buyer’s obligation against infringement
72.3130 Expresswarranties by affirmation, promise, description, sample
72.3140 Impliedwarranty: merchantability; usage of trade
72.3150 Impliedwarranty: fitness for particular purpose
72.3160 Exclusionor modification of warranties; livestock warranty
72.3170 Cumulationand conflict of warranties express or implied
72.3180 Thirdparty beneficiaries of warranties express or implied
72.3190 F.O.B.and F.A.S. terms
72.3200 C.I.F.and C. and F. terms
72.3210 C.I.F.or C. and F.: “net landed weights”; “payment on arrival”; warranty of conditionon arrival
72.3220 Delivery“ex-ship”
72.3230 Formof bill of lading required in overseas shipment; “overseas”
72.3240 “Noarrival, no sale” term
72.3250 “Letterof credit” term; “confirmed credit”
72.3260 Saleon approval and sale or return; rights of creditors
72.3270 Specialincidents of sale on approval and sale or return
72.3280 Saleby auction
72.4005 Definitionsfor ORS 72.4010 and 72.4030
72.4010 Passingof title; reservation for security; limited application of ORS 72.4010
72.4020 Rightsof seller’s creditors against sold goods
72.4030 Powerto transfer; good faith purchase of goods; “entrusting”
72.5010 Insurableinterest in goods; manner of identification of goods
72.5020 Buyer’sright to goods on seller’s repudiation, failure to deliver or insolvency
72.5030 Mannerof seller’s tender of delivery
72.5040 Shipmentby seller
72.5050 Seller’sshipment under reservation
72.5060 Rightsof financing agency
72.5070 Effectof seller’s tender; delivery on condition
72.5080 Cureby seller of improper tender or delivery; replacement
72.5090 Riskof loss in the absence of breach
72.5100 Effectof breach on risk of loss
72.5110 Tenderof payment by buyer; payment by check
72.5120 Paymentby buyer before inspection
72.5130 Buyer’sright to inspection of goods
72.5140 Whendocuments deliverable on acceptance; when on payment
72.5150 Preservingevidence of goods in dispute
72.6010 Buyer’srights on improper delivery
72.6020 Mannerand effect of rightful rejection
72.6030 Merchantbuyer’s duties as to rightfully rejected goods
72.6040 Buyer’soptions as to salvage of rightfully rejected goods
72.6050 Waiverof buyer’s objections by failure to particularize
72.6060 Whatconstitutes acceptance of goods
72.6070 Effectof acceptance; notice of breach; burden of establishing breach afteracceptance; notice of claim or litigation to person answerable over
72.6080 Revocationof acceptance in whole or in part
72.6090 Rightto adequate assurance of performance
72.6100 Anticipatoryrepudiation
72.6110 Retractionof anticipatory repudiation
72.6120 “Installmentcontract”; breach
72.6130 Casualtyto identified goods
72.6140 Substitutedperformance
72.6150 Excuseby failure of presupposed conditions
72.6160 Procedureon notice claiming excuse
72.7010 Remediesfor breach of collateral contracts not impaired
72.7020 Seller’sremedies on discovery of buyer’s insolvency
72.7030 Seller’sremedies in general
72.7040 Seller’sright to identify goods to the contract notwithstanding breach or to salvageunfinished goods
72.7050 Seller’sstoppage of delivery in transit or otherwise
72.7060 Seller’sresale including contract for resale
72.7070 “Personin the position of a seller”
72.7080 Seller’sdamages for nonacceptance or repudiation
72.7090 Actionfor the price
72.7100 Seller’sincidental damages
72.7110 Buyer’sremedies in general; buyer’s security interest in rejected goods
72.7120 “Cover”;buyer’s procurement of substitute goods
72.7130 Buyer’sdamages for nondelivery or repudiation