Chapter 87 — StatutoryLiens
87.001 Shorttitle
87.005 Definitionsfor ORS 87.001 to 87.060 and 87.075 to 87.093
87.007 Protectionof purchasers of residential property from construction liens that may beperfected after sale of property completed; requirements for sale ofresidential property; seller options; rules; delivery of form to purchaser;penalty; damages; defenses
87.010 Constructionliens; who is entitled to lien
87.015 Landand interests therein subject to lien; leaseholds
87.018 Deliveryof notices
87.021 Noticeto owners; notice from owner to original contractor; effect of failure to givenotice
87.023 Noticeof right to lien; form of notice
87.025 Priorityof perfected liens; right to sell improvements separately from land; notice tomortgagee; list of materials or supplies
87.027 Rightof owner to demand list of services, materials, equipment and labor; penaltyfor failure to provide list
87.030 Effectof owner’s knowledge of improvement; notice of nonresponsibility
87.035 Perfectinglien; filing claim of lien; contents of claim
87.037 Prohibitionagainst claim of lien
87.039 Noticeof filing claim of lien; effect of failure to give notice
87.045 Completiondate of improvement; notice of completion, abandonment or nonabandonment;contents of notice
87.050 Recording
87.055 Durationof lien; when suit to enforce lien commences
87.057 Noticeof intent to foreclose; list of materials furnished and statement of prices;effect of failure to give notice
87.058 Stayof foreclosure proceedings; requirements; procedure; duration of stay
87.060 Foreclosure;right to jury trial; distribution of proceeds of foreclosure sale
87.070 Amountof recovery by contractor; respective rights of contractor and owner
87.075 Exemptionof building materials from attachment by third persons
87.076 Bondor deposit of money; amount; demand for release of lien; effect
87.078 Noticeof filing bond or depositing money; contents of notice; effect of failure togive notice
87.081 Filingaffidavit with county officer
87.083 Foreclosureafter filing of bond or deposit of money; effect of filing or deposit;disposition of bond or money
87.086 Determinationof adequacy of bond
87.088 Releaseof lien or return of money
87.089 Limitationson actions
87.091 Formfor waiver of application of provisions of ORS 87.007
87.093 InformationNotice to Owner; rules; contents; when notice must be delivered; effect offailure to deliver notice; penalty
87.142 Definitionsfor ORS 87.142 to 87.490 and 87.910
87.146 Prioritiesof liens
87.152 Possessorylien for labor or material expended on chattel
87.156 Innkeeper’slien
87.159 Lienfor care of animal
87.162 Landlord’slien
87.166 Attachmentof liens
87.172 Timeperiod before foreclosure allowed
87.176 Feesfor storage of chattel; notice to lien debtor; effect of failure to comply
87.177 Bondor deposit of money for lien for storage of chattel; amount; notice to lienclaimant; filing affidavit with county officer
87.178 Foreclosureafter filing of bond or deposit of money; effect of filing or deposit;disposition of bond or money
87.179 Determinationof adequacy of bond
87.181 Releaseof lien or return of money
87.182 Effectof prior security interest on method of foreclosure
87.186 Locationof foreclosure sale
87.192 Noticeof foreclosure sale to lien debtor; public notice
87.196 Noticeof foreclosure sale to secured parties; effect of notice; effect of failure togive notice
87.202 Statementof account of foreclosure sale
87.206 Dispositionof proceeds of foreclosure sale
87.212 Liabilityfor improper sale of fungible chattels
87.214 Disposalof property left with launderer or dry cleaner
87.216 Nonpossessorylien for labor or material expended on chattel
87.222 Logger’s,woodworker’s and timberland owner’s lien
87.226 Agriculturalservices lien
87.228 Effecton agricultural services lien when payment for produce is made prior to filingof lien claim
87.232 Fishinglien and fish worker’s lien
87.236 Attachmentof liens; attachment to proceeds
87.242 Filingnotice of claim of lien; contents of notice; effect of failure to file notice
87.246 Recording;fees
87.252 Noticeto owner and holders of security interests; effect of failure to comply
87.256 Limitationon extent of liens
87.262 Foreclosure
87.266 Durationof liens
87.272 Petitionfor foreclosure without suit
87.276 Evidenceadmissible; issuance of show cause order
87.282 Waiverof right to hearing before filing of petition
87.288 Showcause order; contents; service
87.296 Waiverof right to hearing after issuance of show cause order
87.302 Authorityof court on sustaining validity of lien claim
87.306 Foreclosureby sale without suit; notice of sale to secured parties; public notice of saleby sheriff
87.312 Effectof notice of foreclosure sale to secured parties; failure to give notice
87.316 Dispositionof proceeds of foreclosure sale
87.322 Effectof prior security interest on foreclosure of nonpossessory lien for labor ormaterial expended on chattel
87.326 Protectionfrom theft and damage of chattel subject to lien
87.332 Injuryor removal of chattel subject to lien
87.336 Costsand attorney fees in foreclosure by suit
87.342 Bond,letter of credit or deposit of money to discharge lien on chattel; amount;recording; notice to lien claimant
87.346 Filingcertificate of lien satisfaction upon payment of claim; liability for failureto discharge lien; notice of discharge
87.352 Mininglabor and material lien
87.356 Lienfor preparing land for irrigation or cultivation
87.358 Nurseryman’slien
87.362 Irrigationpower lien
87.364 Attachmentof liens
87.366 Filingnotice of claim of lien; contents of notice; effect of failure to file notice
87.372 Recording
87.376 Durationof liens
87.382 Foreclosure
87.386 Costsand attorney fees in foreclosure
87.392 Prioritiesof liens
87.430 Attorney’spossessory lien