Chapter 92 — Subdivisionsand Partitions
92.010 Definitionsfor ORS 92.010 to 92.192
92.012 Compliancewith ORS 92.010 to 92.192 required
92.014 Approvalof city or county required for specified divisions of land
92.016 Saleor negotiation to sell lot or parcel prior to approval of tentative plan
92.017 Whenlawfully created lot or parcel remains discrete lot or parcel
92.018 Buyer’sremedies for purchase of improperly created unit of land
92.025 Prohibitionof sale of lot or parcel prior to recordation of plat; waiver
92.027 Deedreference to creation of unit of land
92.040 Applicationfor approval of subdivision or partition; tentative plan; applicability oflocal government laws
92.042 Governingbody having jurisdiction to approve plans, maps or plats
92.044 Adoptionof standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation;fees
92.046 Adoptionof regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees
92.048 Procedurefor adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046
92.050 Requirementsof survey and plat of subdivision and partition
92.055 Requirementsfor unsurveyed and unmonumented parcels on plats
92.060 Markingsubdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments;property line adjustment
92.065 Monumentingcertain subdivision corners after recording plat; bond, cash deposit or othersecurity
92.070 Surveyor’scertificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previouslyrecorded; reestablishing certain monuments
92.075 Declarationrequired to subdivide or partition property; contents
92.080 Preparationof plat
92.090 Approvalof subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision orpartition plan or plat
92.095 Paymentof taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded
92.097 Employmentof registered engineer by private developer; government standards and fees
92.100 Approvalof plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor andcounty governing body; fees
92.105 Timelimit for final action by city or county on tentative plan
92.120 Recordingplats; filing copies; preservation of records
92.130 Additionaltracings transferred to county surveyor; replacing lost or destroyed records
92.140 Indexingof plats
92.150 Constructionof donations marked on plat
92.160 Noticeto Real Estate Commissioner of receipt of subdivision plat
92.170 Amendingrecorded plat; affidavit of correction; fees
92.175 Methodsby which certain land may be provided for public purposes
92.176 Validationof unit of land not lawfully established
92.177 Creationof parcel by less than all owners of lawfully established unit of land
92.178 Creationof parcel previously approved but not acted upon
92.179 Liabilityfor costs of relocating utility facilities
92.180 Authorityto review replats
92.185 Reconfigurationof lots or parcels and public easements; vacation; notice; utility easements
92.190 Effectof replat; operation of other statutes; use of alternate procedures
92.192 Propertyline adjustment; zoning ordinances; lot or parcel size
92.205 Policy
92.215 Reviewauthorized; manner
92.225 Reviewof undeveloped or developed subdivision plat lands
92.234 Revision,vacation of undeveloped subdivisions; vacation proceedings; effect ofinitiation by affected landowner
92.245 Feesfor review proceedings resulting in modification or vacation
92.285 Retroactiveordinances prohibited
92.305 Definitionsfor ORS 92.305 to 92.495
92.313 Policy;construction; citation
92.317 Policy;protection of consumers
92.325 Applicationof ORS 92.305 to 92.495
92.337 Exemptionprocedures; withdrawal of exemption; filing fee
92.339 Useof fees
92.345 Noticeof intention; fee
92.355 Commissionermay request further information; content
92.365 Filinginformation to be kept current; fee for notice of material change
92.375 Consentto service of process on commissioner
(Examinationof Subdivision and Series Partition; Public Report)
92.385 Examination;public report; waiver of examination in other state
92.395 Waiverof examination in this state; notice to subdivider or series partitioner
92.405 Saleprohibited where public report not waived; distribution and use of publicreport
92.410 Reviewof subdivisions for which public report issued; revised public report;compliance with ORS 92.305 to 92.495
92.415 Advanceof travel expense for examination of subdivision or series partition
(Requirementsfor Sale)
92.425 Conditionsprerequisite to sale
92.427 Cancellationof agreement to buy interest in subdivision or series partition; procedure;effect; waiver; exemptions
92.430 Noticeto purchaser of cancellation rights; form
92.433 Escrowdocuments required of successor to vendor’s interest
92.455 Inspectionof records
92.460 Blanketencumbrance permitted only in certain circumstances
92.465 Fraudand deceit prohibited
92.475 Falseor misleading advertising prohibited; liability
92.485 Waiverof legal rights void
92.490 Civilpenalty
92.495 Ceaseand desist order; injunction
92.830 Definitionsfor ORS 92.830 to 92.845
92.832 Policy
92.835 Subdivisionof manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park; waiver of right ofremonstrance to formation of local improvement district
92.837 Applicationof city or county comprehensive plans and land use regulations; placement ofnew or replacement manufactured dwelling
92.840 Saleof subdivision lots in manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park; offer tosell lot to tenant; improvement or rehabilitation of park proposed forsubdivision
92.843 Approvalof declaration or amendment to declaration made pursuant to ORS 92.845
92.845 Relationshipof subdivision in manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park to plannedcommunity statutes and series partition statutes; system development charges
92.990 Penalties
92.010Definitions for ORS 92.010 to 92.192. As used in ORS 92.010 to 92.192, unlessthe context requires otherwise:
(1)“Declarant” means the person who files a declaration under ORS 92.075.
(2)“Declaration” means the instrument described in ORS 92.075 by which thesubdivision or partition plat was created.
(3)(a)“Lawfully established unit of land” means:
(A)A lot or parcel created pursuant to ORS 92.010 to 92.192; or
(B)Another unit of land created: