Chapter 109 — Parentand Child Rights and Relationships
109.001 Breast-feedingin public place
109.003 Attorneyfees; intervenor
109.010 Dutyof support
109.012 Liabilityof parents for expenses and education of children
109.015 Proceedingsfor child support if child receives public assistance
109.020 Whenchild’s maintenance and education may be defrayed out of income of own property
109.030 Equalityin rights and responsibilities of parents
109.035 Securityrequired before foreign travel with child
109.041 Relationshipbetween adopted child and natural and adoptive parents
109.050 Relationof adopted child to adoptive parents
109.056 Delegationof certain powers by parent or guardian; delegation during period of militaryservice
109.060 Legalstatus and legal relationships when parents not married
109.070 Establishingpaternity
109.072 Petitionto vacate or set aside paternity determination
109.073 SocialSecurity number of parent in paternity order
109.090 Interpretationof ORS 109.060 to 109.090
109.092 Establishingpaternity by acknowledgment; mother surrendering child for adoption
109.094 Rightsof father when paternity established; procedure when paternity established
109.096 Noticeto putative father when paternity not established
109.098 Objectionof putative father in proceeding referred to in ORS 109.096; effect of failureto appear and object
109.100 Petitionfor support; effect of judgment; parties
109.103 Proceedingto determine custody or support of child
109.112 Mother,father or putative father deemed to have attained majority
109.116 Validityof putative father’s authorization, release or waiver
109.118 Validityof decrees or orders entered prior to July 3, 1975, concerning custody,adoption or permanent commitment of child
109.119 Rightsof person who establishes emotional ties creating child-parent relationship orongoing personal relationship; presumption regarding legal parent; motion forintervention
109.124 Definitionsfor ORS 109.124 to 109.230
109.125 Whomay initiate proceedings; petition; parties
109.135 Circuitcourt jurisdiction; equity suit; place of commencement
109.145 Courtmay proceed despite failure to appear; evidence required
109.155 Hearing;order for payment for support of child and other costs; policy regardingsettlement; enforcement of settlement terms; remedies
109.165 Vacationor modification of judgment; policy regarding settlement; enforcement ofsettlement terms; remedies
109.175 Determinationof legal custody after paternity established
109.225 Noticeto Center for Health Statistics after petition filed; filing notice
109.230 Legalityof contract between mother and father of child born out of wedlock
109.231 Recordsopen to public
109.237 Attorneyfees
109.239 Rightsand obligations of children resulting from artificial insemination; rights andobligations of donor of semen
109.243 Relationshipof child resulting from artificial insemination to mother’s husband
109.247 Applicationof law to children resulting from artificial insemination
109.250 Shorttitle
109.251 “Bloodtests” defined
109.252 Authorityfor blood test; effect of refusal to submit to test; payment for test
109.254 Selectionof experts to make tests; admissible evidence
109.256 Compensationof experts
109.258 Effectof test results
109.259 Temporarychild support pending determination of paternity
109.260 Applicabilityto criminal actions
109.262 Uniformityof interpretation
109.264 Parties
109.304 Definitionsfor ORS 109.305 to 109.410; information in placement report
109.305 Interpretationof adoption laws; agreement for continuing contact
109.307 Courtrequired to act within six months of filing of petition for adoption; duty ofclerk
109.308 Confidentialityof petitioners
109.309 Petitionfor adoption; residency requirement; where filed; venue; notice; placementreport; fee; rules
109.311 Financialdisclosure statement to be filed with petition; placement report required;exception; prohibited fees; advertising
109.312 Consentto adoption
109.314 Consentwhen custody of child has been awarded in divorce proceedings
109.316 Consentby Department of Human Services or approved child-caring agency of this state
109.318 Consentby organization located outside Oregon
109.322 Consentwhen parent mentally ill, mentally retarded or imprisoned
109.324 Consentwhen parent has deserted or neglected child
109.326 Consentwhen husband not father
109.328 Consentof child 14 years of age or older
109.329 Adoptionof person 18 years of age or older or legally married
109.330 Noticeto nonconsenting parent; notice when child has no parent, guardian or next ofkin
109.332 Grandparentvisitation in stepparent adoption
109.335 Appointmentof guardian pending further adoption proceedings
109.342 Medicalhistory of child and biological parents required; content; delivery to adoptiveparent and to adoptee on majority
109.346 Adoption-relatedcounseling for birth parent
109.347 Civilaction for failure to pay for counseling; attorney fees
109.350 Judgmentof adoption
109.353 Noticeof voluntary adoption registry required before judgment entered; waiver
109.360 Changeof adopted child’s name
109.381 Effectof judgment of adoption
109.385 Certainadoptions in foreign nations recognized; evidence
109.390 Authorityof Department of Human Services or child-caring agency in adoption proceedings
109.400 Adoptionreport form
109.410 Certificateof adoption; form; fee; persons eligible to receive copy; status
109.425 Definitionsfor ORS 109.425 and 109.435 to 109.507
109.430 Policyand purpose
109.435 Adoptionrecords to be permanently maintained
109.440 Informationconfidential; exceptions
109.445 Informationof registry confidential
109.450 Childplacement agency to maintain registry; Department of Human Services duties
109.455 Personseligible to use registry
109.460 Personseligible to register
109.465 Contentof affidavit; notice of change in information
109.470 Continuingregistration by birth parent or putative father
109.475 Processingaffidavits
109.480 Counselingof registrant
109.485 Registryinformation to be maintained permanently