Chapter 114 — Administrationof Estates Generally
114.005 Occupancyof family abode by spouse and children
114.015 Supportof spouse and children
114.025 Petitionfor support and answer
114.035 Temporarysupport
114.045 Modificationor termination of support
114.055 Natureof support
114.065 Limitationson support
114.075 Priorityof support; treated as administration expense
114.085 Settingapart whole estate for support; termination of administration
114.105 Rightto elective share; effect of election
114.115 Electionbarred by agreement
114.125 Electiveshare limited by total property received
114.135 Denialof election or share reduction when decedent and surviving spouse living apart
114.145 Whatconstitutes election
114.155 Electionby court or conservator of surviving spouse
114.165 Paymentof elective share
114.205 Nodistinction between real and personal property
114.215 Devolutionof and title to property
114.225 Possessionand control of decedent’s estate
114.255 Commencementof duties and powers of personal representative; prior acts
114.265 Generalduties of personal representative
114.275 Personalrepresentative to proceed without court order; application for authority,approval or instructions
114.285 Namingor appointment of personal representative does not discharge claim
114.295 Dischargeor devise in will of claim of testator
114.305 Transactionsauthorized for personal representative
114.315 Rightto perfect lien or security interest
114.325 Powerto sell, mortgage, lease and deal with property
114.333 Transferof title and interest to real property by foreign personal representative
114.335 Courtorder for sale, mortgage or lease
114.345 Titleconveyed free of claims of creditors
114.355 Saleor encumbrance to personal representative voidable; exceptions
114.365 Validationof certain sales
114.375 Nonliabilityof transfer agents
114.385 Personsdealing with personal representative; protection
114.395 Improperexercise of power; breach of fiduciary duty
114.405 Personalliability of personal representative
114.415 Copersonalrepresentatives; when joint action required
114.425 Discoveryof property, writings and information
114.435 Powerto avoid transfers
114.505 Definitionsfor ORS 114.505 to 114.560
114.515 Valueof estate; where affidavit filed; fee; amended affidavit; supplementalaffidavit
114.517 Approvalof attorneys filing affidavits for recipients of Medicaid or other publicassistance
114.520 Authorizationfrom Department of State Lands required for filing of affidavit by creditor ifdecedent dies intestate and without heirs; rules
114.525 Contentof affidavit
114.535 Transferof decedent’s property to affiant; proceedings to compel transfer
114.540 Procedurefor claims; disallowance; summary determination
114.545 Dutiesof person filing affidavit; payment of claims; conveyance of real property;liability of person to whom property transferred or payment made
114.550 Summaryreview of administration of estate; hearing
114.555 Effectof failure to appoint personal representative
114.560 Exclusiveremedy
114.600 Electiveshare generally
114.605 Amountof elective share
114.610 Mannerof making election
114.615 Paymentof elective share
114.620 Waiverof right to elect and other rights
114.625 Whomay exercise right of election
114.630 Augmentedestate
114.635 Exclusionsfrom augmented estate
(Decedent’sProbate Estate)
114.650 Decedent’sprobate estate
(Decedent’sNonprobate Estate)
114.660 Decedent’snonprobate estate
114.665 Decedent’snonprobate estate; property owned immediately before death
(SurvivingSpouse’s Estate)
114.675 Survivingspouse’s estate
(Decedent’sProbate Transfers to Spouse)
114.685 Decedent’sprobate transfers to surviving spouse
(Decedent’sNonprobate Transfers to Spouse)
114.690 Decedent’snonprobate transfers to surviving spouse
(Paymentof Elective Share)
114.700 Priorityof sources from which elective share payable
114.705 Liabilityof recipients of decedent’s nonprobate estate
114.710 Protectiveorder
114.720 Proceedingsto claim elective share
114.725 Effectof separation
114.005Occupancy of family abode by spouse and children. The spouse anddependent children of a decedent, or any of them, may continue to occupy theprincipal place of abode of the decedent until one year after the death of thedecedent or, if the estate therein is an estate of leasehold or an estate forthe lifetime of another, until one year after the death of the decedent or theearlier termination of the estate. During that occupancy:
(1)The occupants shall not commit or permit waste to the abode, or cause or permitmechanic’s or materialman’s or other liens to attach thereto.
(2)The occupants shall keep the abode insured, to the extent of the fair marketvalue of the improvements, against fire and other hazards within the extendedcoverage provided by fire insurance policies. In the event of loss or damagefrom those hazards, to the extent of the proceeds of the insurance, they shallrestore the abode to its former condition.
(3)The occupants shall pay taxes and improvement liens on the abode as paymentthereof becomes due.
(4)The abode is exempt from execution to the extent that it was exempt when thedecedent was living. [1969 c.591 §103]
114.010 [Repealed by1969 c.591 §305]
114.015Support of spouse and children. The court by order shall make necessaryand reasonable provision from the estate of a decedent for the support of thespouse and dependent children of the decedent, or any of them, upon:
(1)Petition therefor by or on behalf of the spouse or any dependent child;
(2)Service of the petition and notice of hearing thereon to the personalrepresentative, unless the petitioner is the personal representative;
(3)Notice to persons whose distributive shares of the estate may be diminished bythe granting of the petition, unless the court by order directs otherwise; and
(4)Hearing. [1969 c.591 §104]
114.020 [Amended by1955 c.69 §1; repealed by 1969 c.591 §305]
114.025Petition for support and answer. (1) The petition for support under ORS114.015 shall include a description of property, other than property of theestate, available for the support of the spouse and children, and an estimateof the expenses anticipated for their support. If the petitioner is thepersonal representative, the petition shall also include, so far as known, astatement of the nature and estimated value of the property of the estate andof the nature and estimated amount of claims, taxes and expenses ofadministration.
(2)If the personal representative is not the petitioner, the personalrepresentative shall answer the petition for support. The answer shall include,so far as known, a statement of the nature and estimated value of the propertyof the estate and of the nature and estimated amount of claims, taxes andexpenses of administration. [1969 c.591 §105]
114.030 [Repealed by1969 c.591 §305]
114.035Temporary support.Pending hearing upon the petition under ORS 114.015, temporary support may beallowed by order of the court in an amount and of a nature the court considersreasonably necessary for the welfare of the surviving spouse and dependent childrenof the decedent or any of them. [1969 c.591 §106]
114.040 [Repealed by1969 c.591 §305]