Chapter 131. PreliminaryProvisions; Limitations; Jurisdiction; Venue; Criminal Forfeiture; CrimePrevention
131A. CivilForfeiture
132. GrandJury, Indictments and Other Accusatory Instruments
133. Arrestand Related Procedures; Search and Seizure; Extradition
135. Arraignmentand Pretrial Provisions
136. CriminalTrials
137. Judgmentand Execution; Parole and Probation by the Court
138. Appeals;Post-Conviction Relief
142. StolenProperty
144. Parole;Post-Prison Supervision; Work Release; Executive Clemency; Standards for PrisonTerms and Parole; Presentence Reports
146. Investigationsof Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons
147. Victimsof Crime and Acts of Mass Destruction
151. PublicDefenders; Counsel for Financially Eligible Persons
153. Violationsand Traffic Offenses
Chapter 131 — PreliminaryProvisions; Limitations; Jurisdiction;
Venue; CriminalForfeiture; Crime Prevention
131.005 Generaldefinitions
131.007 “Victim”defined
131.015 Applicationto prior and subsequent actions
131.025 Partiesin criminal action
131.035 Whendepartures, errors or mistakes in pleadings or proceedings are material
131.040 Whenlaw enforcement officer may communicate with person represented by counsel
131.045 Appearancesby simultaneous electronic transmission
131.105 Timelinessof criminal actions
131.125 Timelimitations
131.135 Whenprosecution commenced
131.145 Whentime starts to run; tolling of statute
131.155 Tollingof statute; three-year maximum
131.205 Definitionfor ORS 131.205 to 131.235
131.215 Jurisdiction
131.225 Exceptions
131.235 Criminalhomicide
131.305 Placeof trial
131.315 Specialprovisions
131.325 Placeof trial; doubt as to place of crime; conduct outside of state
131.335 Changeof venue
131.345 Motionfor change of venue; when made
131.355 Changeof venue for prejudice
131.363 Changeof venue in other cases
131.375 Transmissionof transcript on change of venue
131.385 Filingof transmitted transcript and papers
131.395 Expensesof change; taxation as costs
131.405 Attendanceof defendant at new place of trial
131.415 Conveyanceof defendant in custody after change of venue
131.505 Definitionsfor ORS 131.505 to 131.525
131.515 Previousprosecution; when a bar to second prosecution
131.525 Previousprosecution; when not a bar to subsequent prosecution
131.535 Proceedingsnot constituting acquittal
131.550 Definitionsfor ORS 131.550 to 131.600
131.553 Legislativefindings; effect on local laws; remedy not exclusive
131.556 Right,title and interest in forfeited property vests in seizing agency
131.558 Propertysubject to forfeiture
131.561 Seizureof property subject to forfeiture
131.564 Statusof seized property; release; maintenance and use
131.566 Motorvehicle with hidden compartment
131.567 Recordednotice of intent to forfeit real property; form
131.570 Noticeof seizure for forfeiture; service on persons other than defendant; publicationof notice
131.573 Petitionfor expedited hearing
131.576 Orderrestoring custody of property after expedited hearing
131.579 Affidavitin response to notice of seizure for forfeiture
131.582 Prosecutionof criminal forfeiture; indictment or information; burden of proof; judgment;notice to claimants
131.585 Extentof judgment
131.588 Judgmentof forfeiture; contents; effect
131.591 Equitabledistribution of property or proceeds; intergovernmental agreements
131.594 Dispositionand distribution of forfeited property when seizing agency not the state
131.597 Dispositionand distribution of forfeited property when seizing agency is the state
131.600 Recordsand reports
131.602 Prohibitedconduct for purposes of instrumentalities of crime
131.604 Dispositionof forfeited cigarettes
(Stoppingof Persons)
131.605 Definitionsfor ORS 131.605 to 131.625
131.615 Stoppingof persons
131.625 Friskof stopped persons
131.655 Detentionand interrogation of persons suspected of theft committed in a store orunlawful operation of audiovisual device in a motion picture theater; probablecause
(Preventionby Public Officers)
131.665 Preventionby public officers
131.675 Dispersalof unlawful or riotous assemblages
131.685 Authorityof Governor to enter into agreements with other states for crime preventionpurposes
(Exclusionfrom Public Property)
131.705 Definitionsfor ORS 131.705 to 131.735
131.715 Proclamationof emergency period by Governor
131.725 Exclusionfrom public property
131.735 Reviewof exclusion order
(SpecialLaw Enforcement Officers)
131.805 Authorityto employ special agents
131.815 Presentmentof facts to circuit court
131.825 Hearing
131.835 Requestthat judge of another district conduct hearing; traveling expenses
131.845 Findings
131.855 Appointmentof special officers on finding that laws are not enforced
131.860 Qualifyingof special officers; powers and duties
131.865 Compensationof special officers
131.875 Effectof appointment of special officers on salary of regular officers
131.880 Appointmentof railroad police officers; liability
131.885 Offerof reward