Chapter 137 — Judgmentand Execution; Parole and Probation by the Court
137.010 Dutyof court to ascertain and impose punishment
137.012 Suspensionof imposition or execution of sentence of person convicted of certain sexualoffenses; term of probation
137.013 Appearanceby victim at time of sentencing
137.017 Dispositionof fines, costs and forfeited security deposits received by court
137.020 Timefor pronouncing judgment; delay; notice of right to appeal
137.030 Presenceof defendant at pronouncement of judgment
137.040 Bringingdefendant in custody to pronouncement of judgment
137.050 Nonattendanceor nonappearance of released defendant when attendance required by court
137.060 Formof bench warrant
137.070 Countiesto which bench warrant may issue; service
137.071 Requirementsfor judgment documents
137.074 Fingerprintsof convicted felons and certain misdemeanants required
137.076 Bloodor buccal sample and thumbprint of certain convicted defendants required;application
137.077 Presentencereport; general principles of disclosure
137.079 Presentencereport; other writings considered in imposing sentence; disclosure to parties;court’s authority to except parts from disclosure
(Aggravationor Mitigation)
137.080 Considerationof circumstances in aggravation or mitigation of punishment
137.085 Ageand physical disability of victim as factors in sentencing
137.090 Considerationsin determining aggravation or mitigation
137.100 Defendantas witness in relation to circumstances
137.101 Compensatoryfine
137.103 Definitionsfor ORS 137.101 to 137.109
137.106 Restitutionto victims; objections by defendant
137.107 Authorityof court to amend part of judgment relating to restitution
137.109 Effectof restitution order on other remedies of victim; credit of restitution againstsubsequent civil judgment; effect of criminal judgment on subsequent civilaction
(Collectionof Monetary Obligations)
137.118 Assignmentof judgments for collection of monetary obligation; costs of collection
(Termand Place of Confinement)
137.120 Termof sentence; reasons to be stated on record
137.121 Maximumconsecutive sentences
137.123 Provisionsrelating to concurrent and consecutive sentences
137.124 Commitmentof defendant to Department of Corrections or county; place of confinement;transfer of inmates; juveniles
137.126 Definitionsfor ORS 137.126 to 137.131
137.128 Communityservice as part of sentence; effect of failure to perform community service
137.129 Lengthof community service sentence
137.131 Communityservice as condition of probation for offense involving graffiti
(Forfeitureof Weapons)
137.138 Forfeitureof weapons and revocation of hunting license for certain convictions
137.140 Imprisonmentwhen county jail is not suitable for safe confinement
137.170 Entryof judgment in criminal action
137.175 Judgmentin criminal action that effects release of defendant; delivery to sheriff
137.183 Intereston judgments; waiver; payments
137.210 Taxationof costs against complainant
137.220 Clerkto prepare trial court file
137.225 Ordersetting aside conviction or record of arrest; fees; prerequisites; limitations
(Alcoholicor Drug-Dependent Person)
137.227 Evaluationafter conviction to determine if defendant is alcoholic or drug-dependentperson; agencies to perform evaluation
137.228 Findingthat defendant is alcoholic or drug-dependent person; effect
137.229 Dutyof Department of Corrections
(Effectsof Felony Conviction)
137.230 Definitionsfor ORS 137.260
137.260 Politicalrights restored to persons convicted of felony before August 9, 1961, andsubsequently discharged
137.270 Effectof felony conviction on property of defendant
137.275 Effectof felony conviction on civil and political rights of felon
137.281 Withdrawalof rights during term of incarceration; restoration of rights
137.285 Retainedrights of felon; regulation of exercise
137.290 Unitaryassessment; amount; waiver
137.293 Allmonetary obligations constitute single obligation on part of convicted person
137.295 Categoriesof monetary obligations; order of crediting moneys received
137.300 CriminalFine and Assessment Account; rules
137.301 Legislativefindings
137.308 Authorizeduses of assessments
137.309 Countyassessment; amount; collection; distribution
137.310 Authorizingexecution of judgment; detention of defendant
137.315 Electronictelecommunication of notice of judgment authorized
137.320 Deliveryof defendant when committed to Department of Corrections; credit on sentence
137.330 Wherejudgment of imprisonment in county jail is executed
137.333 Exceptionto ORS 137.330
137.370 Commencementand computation of term of imprisonment in state penal or correctionalinstitution; sentences concurrent unless court orders otherwise
137.372 Creditfor time served as part of probationary sentence
137.375 Releaseof prisoners whose terms expire on weekends or legal holidays
137.380 Discipline,treatment and employment of prisoners
137.390 Commencement,term and termination of term of imprisonment in county jail; treatment ofprisoners therein
137.440 Returnby officer executing judgment; annexation to trial court file
137.450 Enforcementof money judgment in criminal action
137.452 Satisfactionof monetary obligation imposed as part of sentence; release of judgment lienfrom real property; authority of Attorney General
137.463 Deathwarrant hearing; death warrant
137.464 Administrativeassessment of defendant’s mental capacity
137.466 Judicialdetermination of defendant’s mental capacity
137.467 Deliveryof warrant when place of trial changed
137.473 Meansof inflicting death; place and procedures; acquisition of lethal substance
137.476 Assistanceby licensed health care professional or nonlicensed medically trained person
137.478 Returnof death warrant after execution of sentence of death
137.482 Serviceof documents on defendant
137.520 Powerof committing magistrate to parole and grant temporary release to personsconfined in county jail; authority of sheriff to release county jail inmates;disposition of work release earnings