Chapter 144 — Parole;Post-Prison Supervision; Work Release; Executive Clemency;
Standards forPrison Terms and Parole; Presentence Reports
144.005 StateBoard of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision; term; compensation
144.015 Confirmationby Senate
144.025 Chairperson;quorum
144.035 Boardhearings; panels; exception
144.040 Powerof board to determine parole and post-prison supervision violations
144.050 Powerof board to grant parole; rules
144.054 Whenboard decision must be reviewed by full board
144.059 StateBoard of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision Account
144.060 Acceptanceof funds, grants or donations; contracts with federal government and others
144.075 Paymentof expenses of returning violators of parole or post-prison supervision,conditional pardon or commutation
144.079 Determinationof total term of certain consecutive sentences of imprisonment; summing ofsentences; exceptions
144.085 Activeparole and post-prison supervision; minimum amounts; extension
144.087 “Supervisoryauthority” defined
144.096 Releaseplan; contents
144.098 Reviewof release plan
144.101 Board’sjurisdiction over conditions of post-prison supervision
144.102 Conditionsof post-prison supervision
144.103 Termof post-prison supervision for person convicted of certain offenses
144.104 Supervisoryauthority; revising conditions
144.106 Violationof post-prison supervision conditions; sanctions
144.107 Sanctionsfor violations of conditions of post-prison supervision; rules
144.108 Recommitmentto prison for certain violations; procedure; effect of recommitment; victim’srights regarding hearing
144.109 Violationof post-prison supervision by sexually violent dangerous offender; sanction;local custody; maximum period
144.110 Restrictionon parole of persons sentenced to minimum terms
144.120 Initialparole hearing; initial release date determination; delay of initialdetermination; notification of victim
144.122 Advancinginitial release date; requirements; rules
144.123 Whomay accompany person to parole hearing; rules
144.125 Reviewof parole plan, psychological reports and conduct prior to release; releasepostponement; criteria for parole plan; Department of Corrections assistance;rules
144.126 Advancingrelease date of prisoner with severe medical condition including terminalillness or who is elderly and permanently incapacitated; rules
144.130 Prisonerto have access to written materials considered at hearings or interviews;access procedures
144.135 Basesof parole decisions to be in writing
144.140 Rules
144.185 Recordsand information available to board
144.223 Examinationby psychiatrist or psychologist of parole candidate; report; copies to affectedpersons
144.226 Examinationby psychiatrist or psychologist of person sentenced as dangerous offender;report
144.228 Periodicparole consideration hearings for dangerous offenders; setting of parole date;information to be considered
144.232 Releaseof dangerous offender to post-prison supervision; eligibility; hearing
144.245 Dateof release on parole; effect of release order
144.260 Noticeof prospective release on parole or post-prison supervision of inmate
144.270 Conditionsof parole
144.275 Paroleof inmates sentenced to make financial restitution; schedule of payments
144.280 Hearingafter parole denied to prisoner sentenced for crime committed prior to November1, 1989; rules
144.285 Hearingafter petition for change in terms of confinement denied to prisoner convictedof aggravated murder or murder; rules
144.315 Evidenceadmissible before board; rules
144.317 Appointmentof attorneys; payment
144.331 Suspensionof parole or post-prison supervision; custody of violator; revocation hearingbefore suspension
144.334 Useof citations for parole or post-prison supervision violators; conditions;appearance
144.335 Appealfrom order of board to Court of Appeals; appointment of master; costs
144.337 PublicDefense Services Commission to provide counsel for eligible petitioner
144.340 Powerto retake and return violators of parole and post-prison supervision
144.341 Procedureupon arrest of violator
144.343 Hearingrequired on revocation; procedure; victim’s rights regarding hearing
144.345 Revocationof parole; effect of conviction for crime
144.346 Parolerevocation sanctions; rules
144.347 Compellingwitnesses; subpoena power; fees
144.349 WhenORS 144.343 does not apply
144.350 Orderfor arrest and detention of escapee or violator of parole, post-prisonsupervision, probation, conditional pardon or other conditional release;investigation by department
144.360 Effectof order for arrest and detention of violator
144.370 Suspensionof parole or post-prison supervision following order for arrest and detention;hearing
144.374 Deputizationof persons in other states to act in returning Oregon parole and post-prisonsupervision violators
144.376 Contractsfor sharing expense with other states of cooperative returns of parole andpost-prison supervision violators
144.380 Aftersuspension of parole, post-prison supervision or revocation of conditionalpardon or probation, violator is fugitive from justice
144.395 Rereleaseof persons whose parole has been revoked; rules
144.404 Departmentof Corrections authority to receive, hold and dispose of property
144.405 Dutyof officer upon seizure; disposition of property if no claim to rightfulpossession is established
144.406 Petitionfor return of things seized
144.407 Groundsfor valid claim to rightful possession
144.408 Hearingon petition
144.409 Grantingpetition for return of things seized; judicial review
144.410 Definitionsfor ORS 144.410 to 144.525
144.420 Departmentof Corrections to administer work release program; purposes of release; housingof parolee
144.430 Dutiesof department in administering program
144.440 Recommendationby sentencing court
144.450 Approvalor rejection of recommendations; rules; exemptions from AdministrativeProcedures Act
144.460 Contractsfor quartering of enrollees
144.470 Dispositionof enrollee’s compensation under program; rules
144.480 Protectionsand benefits for enrollees
144.490 Statusof enrollees
144.500 Effectof violation or unexcused absence by enrollee
144.515 Releaseterminates enrollment; continued employment to be sought
144.522 Revolvingfund
144.525 Custodyof enrollee earnings deducted or otherwise retained by department
144.600 InterstateCompact for Adult Offender Supervision
144.602 Shorttitle
144.603 Withdrawalfrom compact
144.605 Feefor application to transfer supervision