Chapter 161. GeneralProvisions
162. OffensesAgainst the State and Public Justice
163. OffensesAgainst Persons
164. OffensesAgainst Property
165. OffensesInvolving Fraud or Deception
166. OffensesAgainst Public Order; Firearms and Other Weapons; Racketeering
167. OffensesAgainst Public Health, Decency and Animals
169. Localand Regional Correctional Facilities; Prisoners; Juvenile Facilities
Chapter 161 — GeneralProvisions
161.005 Shorttitle
161.015 Generaldefinitions
161.025 Purposes;principles of construction
161.035 Applicationof Criminal Code
161.045 Limitson application
161.055 Burdenof proof as to defenses
161.067 Determiningpunishable offenses for violation of multiple statutory provisions, multiplevictims or repeated violations
161.085 Definitionswith respect to culpability
161.095 Requirementsof culpability
161.105 Culpabilityrequirements inapplicable to certain violations and offenses
161.115 Constructionof statutes with respect to culpability
161.125 Intoxicationas defense; drug or controlled substance use or dependence as defense
161.150 Criminalliability described
161.155 Criminalliability for conduct of another
161.160 Exclusionof defenses to criminal liability for conduct of another
161.165 Exemptionsto criminal liability for conduct of another
161.170 Criminalliability of corporations
161.175 Criminalliability of an individual for corporate conduct
161.190 Justificationas a defense
161.195 “Justification”described
161.200 Choiceof evils
161.205 Useof physical force generally
161.209 Useof physical force in defense of a person
161.215 Limitationson use of physical force in defense of a person
161.219 Limitationson use of deadly physical force in defense of a person
161.225 Useof physical force in defense of premises
161.229 Useof physical force in defense of property
161.235 Useof physical force in making an arrest or in preventing an escape
161.239 Useof deadly physical force in making an arrest or in preventing an escape
161.245 “Reasonablebelief” described; status of unlawful arrest
161.249 Useof physical force by private person assisting an arrest
161.255 Useof physical force by private person making citizen’s arrest
161.260 Useof physical force in resisting arrest prohibited
161.265 Useof physical force to prevent escape
161.267 Useof physical force by corrections officer or official employed by Department ofCorrections
161.270 Duress
161.275 Entrapment
161.290 Incapacitydue to immaturity
161.295 Effectof mental disease or defect; guilty except for insanity
161.300 Evidenceof disease or defect admissible as to intent
161.305 Diseaseor defect as affirmative defense
161.309 Noticeprerequisite to defense; content
161.313 Juryinstructions; insanity
161.315 Rightof state to obtain mental examination of defendant; limitations
161.319 Formof verdict on guilty except for insanity
161.325 Entryof judgment of guilty except for insanity; order to include whether victimwants notice of hearings or release of defendant; blood or buccal testing uponjudgment
161.326 Commissionof crime by person under board jurisdiction; notice to victim
161.327 Ordergiving jurisdiction to Psychiatric Security Review Board; court to commit orconditionally release defendant; notice to board; appeal
161.328 Initiationof civil commitment proceedings
161.329 Orderof discharge
161.332 “Conditionalrelease” defined
161.336 Conditionalrelease by Psychiatric Security Review Board; supervision by board; terminationor modification of conditional release; hearing
161.341 Orderof commitment; application for discharge or conditional release; release plan
161.346 Hearingson discharge, conditional release, commitment or modification; psychiatricreports; notice of hearing
161.351 Dischargeof person under jurisdiction of board; periodic review of status
161.360 Mentaldisease or defect excluding fitness to proceed
161.365 Procedurefor determining issue of fitness to proceed
161.370 Determinationof fitness; effect of finding of unfitness; proceedings if fitness regained;pretrial objections by defense counsel
161.375 Escapeof person placed at hospital or facility; authority to order arrest
161.385 PsychiatricSecurity Review Board; composition, term, qualifications, compensation,appointment, confirmation and meetings; judicial review of orders
161.387 Boardto implement policies; rulemaking; meetings not deliberative under publicmeeting requirements
161.390 Rulesfor assignment of persons to state mental hospitals or secure intensivecommunity inpatient facilities; release plan prepared by Oregon HealthAuthority
Note Planfor underserved regions--2009 c.426 §§1,2
161.395 Subpoenapower of board
161.397 PsychiatricSecurity Review Board Account
161.400 Leaveof absence; notice to board
161.405 “Attempt”described
161.425 Impossibilitynot a defense
161.430 Renunciationas a defense to attempt
161.435 “Solicitation”described
161.440 Renunciationas defense to solicitation
161.450 “Conspiracy”described
161.455 Conspiratorialrelationship
161.460 Renunciationas defense to conspiracy
161.465 Durationof conspiracy
161.475 Defensesto solicitation and conspiracy
161.485 Multipleconvictions barred in inchoate crimes
161.505 “Offense”described
161.515 “Crime”described
161.525 “Felony”described
161.535 Classificationof felonies
161.545 “Misdemeanor”described
161.555 Classificationof misdemeanors
161.566 Misdemeanortreated as violation; prosecuting attorney’s election