Chapter 163 — OffensesAgainst Persons
163.005 Criminalhomicide
163.095 “Aggravatedmurder” defined
163.103 Pleading,proof and stipulation regarding previous conviction element in aggravatedmurder case
163.105 Sentencingoptions for aggravated murder
163.115 Murder;affirmative defense to certain felony murders; sentence of life imprisonmentrequired; minimum term
163.117 Aidingcommission of suicide not murder
163.118 Manslaughterin the first degree
163.125 Manslaughterin the second degree
163.135 Extremeemotional disturbance as affirmative defense to murder; notice of experttestimony; right of state to psychiatric or psychological examination
163.145 Criminallynegligent homicide
163.147 Crimecategory classification for manslaughter in second degree and criminallynegligent homicide
163.149 Aggravatedvehicular homicide
163.150 Sentencingfor aggravated murder; proceedings; issues for jury
163.155 Sentencingfor murder of pregnant victim; proceedings; issues for jury
163.160 Assaultin the fourth degree
163.165 Assaultin the third degree
163.168 Crimecategory classification for assault in the third degree
163.175 Assaultin the second degree
163.185 Assaultin the first degree
163.187 Strangulation
163.190 Menacing
163.195 Recklesslyendangering another person
163.196 Aggravateddriving while suspended or revoked
163.197 Hazing
163.200 Criminalmistreatment in the second degree
163.205 Criminalmistreatment in the first degree
163.206 Exceptionsto criminal mistreatment
163.207 Femalegenital mutilation
163.208 Assaultinga public safety officer
163.211 Definitionsfor ORS 163.211 to 163.213
163.212 Unlawfuluse of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the second degree
163.213 Unlawfuluse of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the first degree
163.215 Definitionsfor ORS 163.215 to 163.257
163.225 Kidnappingin the second degree
163.235 Kidnappingin the first degree
163.245 Custodialinterference in the second degree
163.257 Custodialinterference in the first degree
163.261 Definitionsfor ORS 163.263 and 163.264
163.263 Subjectinganother person to involuntary servitude in the second degree
163.264 Subjectinganother person to involuntary servitude in the first degree
163.266 Traffickingin persons
163.269 Victimassertion of defense of duress
163.275 Coercion
163.285 Defenseto coercion
163.305 Definitions
163.315 Incapacityto consent; effect of lack of resistance
163.325 Ignoranceor mistake as a defense
163.345 Ageas a defense in certain cases
163.355 Rapein the third degree
163.365 Rapein the second degree
163.375 Rapein the first degree
163.385 Sodomyin the third degree
163.395 Sodomyin the second degree
163.405 Sodomyin the first degree
163.408 Unlawfulsexual penetration in the second degree
163.411 Unlawfulsexual penetration in the first degree
163.412 Exceptionsto unlawful sexual penetration prohibition
163.415 Sexualabuse in the third degree
163.425 Sexualabuse in the second degree
163.426 Crimecategory classification for sexual abuse in the second degree
163.427 Sexualabuse in the first degree
163.431 Definitionsfor ORS 163.431 to 163.434
163.432 Onlinesexual corruption of a child in the second degree
163.433 Onlinesexual corruption of a child in the first degree
163.434 Provisionsapplicable to online sexual corruption of a child
163.435 Contributingto the sexual delinquency of a minor
163.445 Sexualmisconduct
163.448 Definitionsfor ORS 163.452 and 163.454
163.452 Custodialsexual misconduct in the first degree
163.454 Custodialsexual misconduct in the second degree
163.465 Publicindecency
163.466 Publicindecency; felony; sentencing classification
163.467 Privateindecency
163.476 Unlawfullybeing in a location where children regularly congregate
163.479 Unlawfulcontact with a child
163.505 Definitionsfor certain provisions of ORS 163.505 to 163.575
163.515 Bigamy
163.525 Incest
163.535 Abandonmentof a child
163.537 Buyingor selling a person under 18 years of age
163.545 Childneglect in the second degree
163.547 Childneglect in the first degree
163.555 Criminalnonsupport
163.565 Evidenceof paternity; confidentiality between husband and wife not applicable; spousescompetent and compellable witnesses
163.575 Endangeringthe welfare of a minor
163.577 Failingto supervise a child
163.580 Postingof signs concerning sale of smoking devices
163.665 Definitionsfor ORS 163.670 to 163.693
163.670 Usingchild in display of sexually explicit conduct
163.676 Exemptionfrom prosecution under ORS 163.684
163.682 Exceptionsto ORS 163.665 to 163.693
163.684 Encouragingchild sexual abuse in the first degree
163.686 Encouragingchild sexual abuse in the second degree