Chapter 176. Governor
177. Secretaryof State
178. StateTreasurer
179. Administrationof State Institutions
180. AttorneyGeneral; Department of Justice
181. StatePolice; Crime Reporting and Records; Public Safety Standards and Training
182. StateAdministrative Agencies
183. AdministrativeProcedures Act; Legislative Review of Rules; Civil Penalties
184. AdministrativeServices and Transportation Departments
185. OregonDisabilities Commission; Commissions on Hispanic Affairs, Black Affairs andAsian Affairs; Commission for Women
Chapter 176 — Governor
176.010 Commencementof term; inauguration
176.020 Cessationof term
176.110 Actionsof Governor-elect; budget report; tax expenditure report; expenses
176.250 Serviceof subpoena upon Governor
176.260 Awardof medal
176.262 Governor’sCommission on the Law Enforcement Medal of Honor; rules
176.264 LawEnforcement Medal of Honor Account
176.300 Temporarytransfer of power
176.303 Disabilityevaluation panel
176.306 Convocationof disability evaluation panel
176.309 Disabilityevaluation panel procedures
176.312 Findingof disability; finding that disability has ceased
(Deathof Unknown Persons)
176.740 Governor’sproclamation; presumption for missing person; death certificate
(EnergyResources Emergency Powers)
176.750 “Energyresources” defined
176.755 Policy
176.760 Informationto be available to Governor
176.765 Confidentialityof information; use; liability
176.770 Curtailmentpriorities
176.775 Contentof Governor’s proclamation of lack of energy resource or resource emergency
176.780 Actionauthorized by proclamation under ORS 176.775
176.785 Proclamationof state of emergency
176.790 Durationof emergency under proclamation; renewal or extension of proclamation
176.795 Actionsauthorized by proclamation under ORS 176.785
176.800 Constructionof ORS 176.750 to 176.815
176.805 Statusof proclamation, order or directive as rule; judicial review
176.809 Governor’senergy emergency contingency plan
176.815 Cooperationwith local governments
176.820 StateDepartment of Energy Account
176.990 Penalties
Reportsto Governor
AdjutantGeneral, Oregon National Guard (annual, by November 1), 396.160
AdultOffender Supervision, Interstate Commission for, activities and recommendations(annual), 144.600 (Article V)
Agriculture,Department of, environmental justice (annual), 182.550
Agriculture,Director of, activities related to weights and measures (annual), 618.021
Agriculture,State Board of (biennial), 561.378
Alcoholand Drug Policy Commission, plan for funding and delivering treatment andprevention services (by May 1, 2010), 2009 c.856 §3
Appointingauthorities, diversity of individuals appointed to fill vacancies ingovernmental office (annual), 236.115
AsianAffairs, Commission on, needs of Asian Americans (biennial), 185.620
AssetForfeiture Oversight Committee, civil forfeitures (annual, by March 31),131A.455
AttorneyGeneral, extradition (at Governor’s request), 133.757
Audits,Division of, loss of public funds or property involving public office, 297.120
BusinessDevelopment Commission, Oregon
Director’sperformance, recommendations (periodic), 285A.070
Economicdevelopment efforts, success (biennial), 285A.050
BusinessDevelopment Department, Oregon, financial statements for individual fundingprograms (annual), 285A.206
ChildCare, Commission for (biennial), 657A.600
Childrenand Families, State Commission on
Servicesystem status and additional proposals (biennial), 417.735
Voluntarystatewide early childhood system, joint report (January each odd-numberedyear), 417.728
Children’sWraparound Initiative Advisory Committee, progress toward and costs ofimplementing initiative (biennial), 418.985
ClimateChange Research Institute, Oregon, climate change assessment (biennial),352.247
CollegeSavings Board, Oregon 529, activities (by February 1 each odd-numbered year),348.873
CommunityColleges and Workforce Development, Department of
Outcomesof and recommendations for Oregon Career Readiness Certification Program (annual,by December 1), 660.343
Plantclosings and mass layoffs (annual), 285A.522
CorrectionsEnterprises, Oregon, activities and operations (annual), 421.367
DebtPolicy Advisory Commission, State, consolidated bond profile, outstanding debtand net borrowing capacity (annual), 286A.255
DisabilitiesCommission, Oregon, activities and recommendations (annual), 185.150
Education,Department of
Alcoholand drug abuse policies and implementation plans, 336.245
Environmentaljustice (annual), 182.550
Voluntarystatewide early childhood system, joint report (January each odd-numberedyear), 417.728
Education,State Board of, review of faculty employment (annual, by September 30), 351.708
Replacementof Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund moneys, director (asnecessary), 657.825
Voluntarystatewide early childhood system, joint report (January each odd-numberedyear), 417.728
EmploymentRelations Board, labor disputes (at Governor’s request), 662.425
Energy,Director of State Department of
Radioactivematerial transportation (biennial), 469.617
Transactionsof loan and sinking funds (biennial), 470.140
Energy,State Department of, comprehensive energy plan (each odd-numbered year),469.060
EnvironmentalJustice Task Force, progress, issues (annual), 182.538
EnvironmentalQuality, Department of
Accomplishmentsand goals (annual, by January 15), 465.235
Environmentaljustice (annual), 182.550
FacilitiesAuthority, Oregon (annual), 289.240
Filmand Video Office, Oregon, activities and operations (biennial), 284.335
FireMarshal, State
Environmentaljustice (annual), 182.550
Summaryof hazardous substance emergencies (annual), 453.342
FireService Policy Council, Governor’s, overall performance of office of State FireMarshal (biennial), 476.685
Fishand Wildlife Commission, State, activities (biennial), 496.128