Chapter 183 — AdministrativeProcedures Act; Legislative Review of Rules; Civil
183.310 Definitionsfor chapter
183.315 Applicationof provisions of chapter to certain agencies
(Adoptionof Rules)
183.325 Delegationof rulemaking authority to named officer or employee
183.330 Descriptionof organization; service of order; rules coordinator; effect of not putting orderin writing
183.332 Policystatement; conformity of state rules with equivalent federal laws and rules
183.333 Policystatement; public involvement in development of policy and drafting of rules;advisory committees
183.335 Notice;content; public comment; temporary rule adoption, amendment or suspension;substantial compliance required
183.336 Costof compliance effect on small businesses
183.337 Procedurefor agency adoption of federal rules
183.341 Modelrules of procedure; establishment; compilation; publication; agencies requiredto adopt procedural rules
183.355 Filingand taking effect of rules; filing of executive orders; copies; fees
183.360 Publicationof rules and orders; exceptions; requirements; bulletin; judicial notice;citation
183.362 Programfor biennial publication of Oregon Administrative Rules
183.365 Publicationof administrative rules in electronic form
183.370 Distributionof published rules
183.390 Petitionsrequesting adoption of rules
183.400 Judicialdetermination of validity of rule
183.405 Agencyreview of rules
183.410 Agencydetermination of applicability of rule or statute to petitioner; effect;judicial review
183.411 Delegationof final order authority
183.413 Noticeto parties before hearing of rights and procedure; failure to provide notice
183.415 Noticeof right to hearing
183.417 Procedurein contested case hearing
183.425 Depositionsor subpoena of material witness; discovery
183.430 Hearingon refusal to renew license; exceptions
183.435 Periodallowed to request hearing for license refusal on grounds other than test orinspection results
183.440 Subpoenasin contested cases
183.445 Subpoenaby agency or attorney of record of party when agency not subject to ORS 183.440
183.450 Evidencein contested cases
183.452 Representationof agencies at contested case hearings
183.457 Representationof persons other than agencies participating in contested case hearings
183.458 Nonattorneyrepresentation of parties in certain contested case hearings
183.459 Representationof home care worker by labor union representative
183.460 Examinationof evidence by agency
183.462 Agencystatement of ex parte communications; notice
183.464 Proposedorder by hearing officer; amendment by agency; exemptions
183.470 Ordersin contested cases
183.480 Judicialreview of agency orders
183.482 Jurisdictionfor review of contested cases; procedure; scope of court authority
183.484 Jurisdictionfor review of orders other than contested cases; procedure; scope of courtauthority
183.485 Decisionof court on review of contested case
183.486 Formand scope of decision of reviewing court
183.490 Agencymay be compelled to act
183.497 Awardingcosts and attorney fees when finding for petitioner
(AppealsFrom Circuit Courts)
183.500 Appeals
(AlternativeDispute Resolution)
183.502 Authorityof agencies to use alternative means of dispute resolution; model rules;amendment of agreements and forms; agency alternative dispute resolutionprograms
(HousingCost Impact Statement)
183.530 Housingcost impact statement required for certain proposed rules
183.534 Housingcost impact statement described; rules
183.538 Effectof failure to prepare housing cost impact statement; judicial review
(Effectsof Rules on Small Business)
183.540 Reductionof economic impact on small business
(Officeof Administrative Hearings)
183.605 Officeof Administrative Hearings
183.610 Chiefadministrative law judge
183.615 Administrativelaw judges; duties; qualifications; rules
183.620 Contractadministrative law judges
183.625 Assignmentof administrative law judges; conduct of hearings
183.630 Modelrules of procedure; exemptions; depositions
183.635 Agenciesrequired to use administrative law judges from Office of AdministrativeHearings; exceptions
183.640 Useof Office of Administrative Hearings by exempt agencies and by politicalsubdivisions
183.645 Requestfor change of administrative law judge; rules
183.650 Formof order; modification of form of order by agency; finding of historical fact
183.655 Fees
183.660 Officeof Administrative Hearings Operating Account
183.665 Estimatesof office expenses
183.670 Rules
183.675 Alternativedispute resolution
183.680 Standardsand training program
183.685 Exparte communications
183.690 Officeof Administrative Hearings Oversight Committee
183.700 Permitssubject to ORS 183.702
183.702 Statementof criteria and procedures for evaluating permit application; documentation ofdecision on application; required signature
183.705 Extendedterm for renewed licenses; fees; continuing education; rules
183.710 Definitionsfor ORS 183.710 to 183.725
183.715 Submissionof adopted rule to Legislative Counsel required; exception
183.720 Procedurefor review of agency rule; reports on rules claimed to be duplicative orconflicting
183.722 Requiredagency response to Legislative Counsel determination; consideration ofdetermination by interim committee
183.724 Designationof interim committees for purposes of considering rule reports
183.725 Otherauthorized rule review by Legislative Counsel Committee
183.745 Civilpenalty procedures; notice; hearing; judicial review; exemptions; recording;enforcement
183.750 Stateagency required to prepare public writings in readable form
183.010 [Repealed by1971 c.734 §21]
183.020 [Repealed by1971 c.734 §21]
183.025 [Formerly182.065; 1993 c.729 §4; 2003 c.749 §8; renumbered 183.750 in 2003]
183.030 [Repealed by1971 c.734 §21]