Chapter 184 — AdministrativeServices and Transportation Departments
184.305 OregonDepartment of Administrative Services
184.315 Directorof Oregon Department of Administrative Services; confirmation; compensation;bond
184.325 Dutiesof director; administrative divisions; appointive power; exception
184.335 Deputydirector; subordinate officers
184.340 Rules
184.345 OregonDepartment of Administrative Services to provide services to certain agencieson reimbursable basis
184.351 Correctionspopulation forecasts
184.354 FederalFunds Account
184.360 Internalaudits in state government; policy; reports; rules
184.365 Authorityof Oregon Department of Administrative Services to require fingerprints
(GrantAgreements for Baseball Tax Revenues)
184.400 Definitionsfor ORS 184.400 to 184.408; rules
184.402 Findings
184.404 Grantagreements; obligations of state
184.406 Prerequisitesof grant agreement
184.408 MajorLeague Stadium Grant Fund
184.421 “Sustainability”defined
184.423 Findingsand goals regarding sustainability
184.425 Definitionsfor ORS 184.425 to 184.435
184.427 SustainabilityBoard; members; terms; qualifications; confirmation
184.429 Powersand duties of board
184.431 Chairpersonand vice chairperson; quorum; meetings
184.433 Rules
184.435 SustainabilityBoard Fund
(InformationTechnology Management)
184.473 Definitionsfor ORS 184.475 and 184.477
184.475 Informationtechnology portfolio-based management; inventory; standards; rules; exception
184.477 Enterprisemanagement; plan for management of distributed information technology assets;standards; exception
(OregonTransparency Website)
184.480 “Stateagency” defined for ORS 184.480 to 184.488
184.483 Oregontransparency website
(TransparencyOregon Advisory Commission)
184.486 TransparencyOregon Advisory Commission; members; duties; terms; reports
184.488 TransparencyOregon Advisory Commission Fund
184.610 Definitionsfor ORS 184.610 to 184.666
184.611 Freightmobility projects; priority
184.612 OregonTransportation Commission; confirmation; qualifications; term; compensation andexpenses
184.613 Officers;quorum; meetings; effect of vacancy; seal
184.615 Departmentof Transportation; organization; duties; director; administrators
184.616 Departmentpowers given commission; service of summons
184.617 Functionsof commission and department
184.618 Dutiesof commission in preparing and implementing state transportation policy
184.619 Rulemakingauthority; orders
184.620 Directorof Transportation; confirmation; subordinates
184.621 Commission;selection of projects for Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
184.622 Authorityof Department of Transportation to require fingerprints
184.625 Compensationand expenses of director and subordinates
184.628 Chiefengineer; appointment; qualifications; staff engineers
184.630 Researchprogram
184.631 Public-privateresearch and development program; rules
184.632 Legislativefinding on ports; policy
184.633 Dutiesof director; delegation; bonds for employees; participation in land use matters
184.634 Dispositionof real property by department; rules
184.635 Reportsto Governor; delegation of powers; rules
184.636 Revolvingfunds; disbursements; payment of claims and expenses of other state agencies
184.637 Departmentalfiscal officer; reports
184.638 Functionsprovided by fiscal officer
184.639 Internalauditor
184.640 TransportationAdministration Account; budget and payment for administrative expenses ofdepartment
184.642 Departmentof Transportation Operating Fund; sources; uses
184.643 Transferof certain fuel tax moneys to operating fund
184.644 Levyand sale of property for payment of liquidated and delinquent debt owed todepartment; fees; levy on funds of debtor
184.645 Departmentof Transportation Working Capital Account; data processing and photocopyequipment and services
184.647 Transferof funds to working capital account; retransfer; use of remainder
184.648 Revolvingfund
184.649 Reporton audits
(Accountingand Budgeting)
184.651 Costaccounting system; requirements
184.652 Sharingfacilities and offices with local governments
184.653 Least-costplanning
184.654 Shorttitle
184.656 Governor’sprogram budget for department
184.658 HighwayConstruction Plan
184.664 Statusreport for projects in Highway Construction Plan
184.666 Summaryof effect of mandates and regulations on costs; notification of legislators
(Cooperationand Assistance on Transportation Projects)
184.668 Cooperationby other agencies issuing permits for transportation projects; technicalassistance on land use decisions
184.670 Purposeof ORS 184.670 to 184.733
184.675 Definitionsfor ORS 184.670 to 184.733
184.685 Purposeof department
184.689 Powersand duties of department
184.691 PublicTransit Account; use of moneys
184.705 Operatingagreements
184.710 Whenoperating agreements prohibited
184.720 Criteriaand standards for evaluation of projects
184.725 Rules
(PublicTransportation Development Program)
184.730 Authorityfor public transportation development program
184.733 Departmentof Transportation Public Transportation Development Fund; use of fund; sources
(SafeRoutes to Schools)
184.740 SafeRoutes to Schools Fund
184.741 Saferoutes to schools program; rules