Chapter 221. Organizationand Government of Cities
222. CityBoundary Changes; Mergers; Consolidations; Withdrawals
223. LocalImprovements and Works Generally
224. CitySewers and Sanitation
225. MunicipalUtilities
226. CityParks, Memorials and Cemeteries
227. CityPlanning and Zoning
Chapter 221 — Organizationand Government of Cities
(Temporaryprovisions relating to annexation of certain industrial lands are compiled asnotes preceding ORS 221.005)
221.005 Legislativefindings; policy
221.010 Definitionsfor ORS 221.020 to 221.100
221.020 Authorityto incorporate
221.031 Petitionto incorporate; filing; form; contents; approval by adjoining city
221.032 Annexationduring pendency of incorporation
221.034 Incorporationof rural unincorporated community and contiguous lands
221.035 Economicfeasibility statement; contents
221.036 Inclusionof area within urban growth boundary in incorporation of rural unincorporatedcommunity
221.040 Hearingon petition to incorporate; order fixing date of election on approved petition
221.050 Incorporationelection; election of first city council; proclamation of results
221.061 Electioncosts
221.090 Termsof office of first city council
221.100 Validationof incorporation under prior laws
221.106 Prohibitionagainst signing by person not elector, signing false name or multiple signingof incorporation petition
221.110 Cityofficers; eligibility
221.120 Citycouncil; terms; vacancies; powers; meetings
221.130 Mayor;term; functions
221.140 Appointmentof municipal judge and other city officers; removal; compensation
221.145 Basingcompensation of city officers upon fines prohibited
221.160 Specialelections to fill council vacancies; appointment of council members when allpositions vacant
221.180 Procedurefor nomination of candidates for city offices
221.200 Lawgoverning elections in cities
221.210 Charteramendments and other municipal measures; initiative and referendum
221.230 Electiondates; procedure for emergency elections
221.275 Definitionsfor ORS 221.275 to 221.290
221.277 Violationof city parking ordinance; affirmative defense
221.285 Noticeof delinquent parking violation to rental company; effect when notice notgiven; effect of prompt payment of amount specified in citation; procedure tosubstitute renter as defendant
221.287 Recoveryof fine from renter or lessee of vehicle
221.290 Applicationof ORS 221.275 to 221.290
221.295 Ordinancesregulating placement or height of radio antennas
221.310 Effectivedate of ordinances, resolutions and franchises; emergency measures
221.315 Enforcementof ordinance and charter provisions; disposition of fines, costs and forfeitedsecurity deposit
221.330 Publicationor posting of ordinances; exceptions
221.333 Parkingordinance violation; mode of charging defendant; notice as complaint
221.336 Establishmentof municipal court
221.339 Jurisdictionof municipal court; prosecutions by city attorney
221.342 Methodby which municipal court becomes court of record
221.343 Methodby which municipal court ceases to operate as court of record
221.344 Registrationof municipal court; effect of registration
221.346 Enforcementof judgments of municipal court
221.351 Liensbased on municipal court judgment; recording judgment or lien; recording fee
221.352 Municipalcourt docket
221.353 Disqualificationof municipal judge for prejudice
221.354 Trialby jury in criminal cases
221.355 Agreementbetween cities for judicial services
221.357 Agreementfor judicial services to city by circuit court; powers of court underagreement; disposition of fines
221.359 Appealsfrom conviction in municipal court
221.360 Appealon issue of validity of charter or ordinance
221.370 Validityof charter or ordinance determined before merits
221.380 Appealby city from invalidating order; release of defendant during appeal
221.390 Trial,procedure and sentence in circuit court on appeal from municipal court
221.410 Powerof city to control local affairs; limitation of floating indebtedness
221.415 Municipalrights of way; use by electric utilities; power of city to regulate and imposecharges
221.420 Municipalregulation of public utilities
221.450 Privilegetax on public utilities operating without franchise
221.460 Durationof franchises, privileges and permits
221.470 Removalof structures on expiration of grant or franchise
221.475 Territoryannexed to city; limitation on electric service by municipal utility
221.485 Policyon vehicles for hire
221.495 Localfranchise authority over vehicles for hire
221.505 Policy
221.510 Municipalregulation of telecommunications carriers
221.515 Privilegetax on telecommunications carriers; maximum rate; deduction of additional fees
221.610 Disincorporationof cities; effective date
221.621 Disincorporationprocedure; petition; election
221.650 Propertyconveyed to county; cessation of corporate existence; records deposited
221.655 Privilegetax on distribution utilities; maximum rate; allocation of tax among customers
221.720 Situsof cities; jurisdiction of cities coextensive with boundaries
221.725 Saleof city real property; publication of notice; public hearing
221.727 Alternativeprocedure for sale of city real property; public notice and hearing
221.735 Continuationof collection service after incorporation; authority of city
221.750 Rightof cities to public areas not extinguished by adverse possession or statute oflimitations
221.760 Prerequisitesfor cities in counties over 100,000 population to receive revenues fromcigarette, gas and liquor taxes
221.770 Revenuesharing to cities; conditions for receipt; formula for distribution
221.785 Effectof challenge of validity of incorporation
221.862 “Historicghost town” defined
221.867 Fillingvacancies in all offices of members of city council of historic ghost town
221.869 Preferencefor appointment to city council of historic ghost town