Chapter 284. Organizationsfor Economic Development
285A. EconomicDevelopment I
285B. EconomicDevelopment II
285C. EconomicDevelopment III
Chapter 284 — Organizationsfor Economic Development
284.101 Definitionsfor ORS 284.101 to 284.146
284.104 Legislativefindings
(Temporaryprovisions relating to Pendleton Round-Up are compiled as notes following ORS284.104)
284.107 OregonTourism Commission; qualifications; confirmation; term; compensation andexpenses; officers; quorum
284.111 Dutiesof commission; marketing plan; rules
284.114 Actionon marketing plan
284.118 Commissionexempt from certain financial administration laws; contracts with stateagencies for services; personnel policies and contracting and purchasingprocedures
284.122 Authorityof commission
284.126 Budgetof commission; financial records and statements
284.131 Commissionaccount; disposition of moneys; exemption from expenditure limitations
284.134 Financialreview by Secretary of State
284.138 Matchinggrant program; purposes; amount
284.142 Executivedirector of commission
284.146 Maintenanceof tourist information centers
284.300 Definitionsfor ORS 284.300 to 284.375
284.305 OregonFilm and Video Office; status; continuing state obligation to support office
284.315 Filmand Video Board; appointment; qualifications; term; meetings; compensation
284.325 Directorof office; appointment; powers
284.335 Dutiesof director; contracts; prior approval by board for certain actions; biennialreport; rules
284.345 Dutiesof Oregon Film and Video Office
284.355 Powersof Oregon Film and Video Office
284.365 Collectionand expenditure of moneys; deposit into insured account; adoption of budgetafter public hearing; nonapplicability of state expenditure limitation
284.367 OregonProduction Investment Fund; source of moneys in fund; permissible uses ofmoneys
284.368 Reimbursementfrom fund; maximum amounts allowable; verification of eligible expenses; rules
284.369 Marketing
284.375 Applicationof other laws
(Temporaryprovisions relating to Greenlight Oregon Labor Rebate are compiled as notesfollowing ORS 284.375)
284.540 Governor’sCouncil on Oregon’s Economy; membership; purpose
284.545 Legislativefindings
284.550 Definitionof “traded sector”
284.555 EconomicRevitalization Team; regulatory efficiency group; membership; purpose; reports
284.560 Dutiesof Economic Revitalization Team
284.565 Developmentof process for certifying sites ready for industrial or traded sectordevelopment
284.570 Developmentof state economic development strategy; advisory committee; rules; focus ofstrategy
284.575 Dutiesof Department of Transportation related to state economic development strategy
284.577 Stateand local cooperation to provide industrial, commercial and retail developmentsites; implementation of state economic development strategy; rules
284.580 Roleof local governments in implementation of state economic development strategy
284.585 Assistanceto local governments; site assessment methodology
284.600 Policy;legislative findings and statement of purpose
284.604 OregonProgress Board; members; terms; compensation
284.608 Additionalnonvoting members of board; advisory functions; payment of expenses
284.612 Officers;quorum; meetings
284.615 Strategyfor Oregon’s future; participation of public in development of strategy;adoption of strategy; periodic revision
284.618 Boardrecommendation of statutory and policy changes; local assistance
284.622 Goalsto measure progress; review and adoption; revision
284.625 Evaluationof sustainability goals; biennial report; contents
284.628 Biennialreport; contents
284.631 Contributions;Oregon Progress Board Fund
284.633 Agreementsfor personnel and expenses
284.635 Agreementwith other state agency; duties; Governor to resolve disputes
284.701 Definitions
284.706 OregonInnovation Council; members; rules; compensation and expenses
284.711 Duties
284.715 Stateplan for innovation and economic competitiveness
284.720 OregonInnovation Fund
284.725 OregonCommercialized Research Fund
284.730 OregonCommercialized Research Fund Advisory Council; duties
284.735 Grantsand loans to emerging businesses; rules
284.740 OregonInnovation Council research center
284.010 [1987 c.115 §2;1991 c.11 §6; 1991 c.705 §1; renumbered 285.630 in 1991]
284.015 [1987 c.115 §3;1991 c.705 §2; renumbered 285.633 in 1991]
284.020[1987c.115 §4; 1991 c.705 §3; 1991 c.878 §4; renumbered 285.635 in 1991]
284.025 [1987 c.115 §5;1991 c.705 §4; renumbered 285.637 in 1991]
284.030 [1987 c.115 §6;1989 c.547 §3; 1991 c.705 §5; renumbered 285.640 in 1991]
284.035 [1987 c.115 §7;1991 c.705 §6; renumbered 285.643 in 1991]
284.040 [1987 c.115 §8;1991 c.705 §7; renumbered 285.645 in 1991]
284.045 [1987 c.115 §9;renumbered 285.647 in 1991]
284.050 [1987 c.506 §24;1989 c.966 §16; 1991 c.705 §8; renumbered 285.650 in 1991]
284.055 [1987 c.506 §25;1989 c.638 §§1, 2; 1989 c.966 §17; 1991 c.461 §93; 1991 c.878 §5; renumbered285.653 in 1991]
284.060 [1987 c.115 §1;renumbered 285.655 in 1991]
284.075 [1987 c.677 §2;renumbered 285.263 in 1991]
284.080 [1987 c.677 §3;renumbered 285.265 in 1991]
284.085 [1987 c.677 §§4,7; 1989 c.908 §59; renumbered 285.267 in 1991]
284.090 [1987 c.677 §5;renumbered 285.270 in 1991]
284.095 [1987 c.677 §8;renumbered 285.273 in 1991]
284.100 [1987 c.677 §1;renumbered 285.275 in 1991]
284.101Definitions for ORS 284.101 to 284.146. As used in ORS 284.101 to 284.146,unless the context requires otherwise:
(1)“Commission” means the Oregon Tourism Commission.
(2)“Executive director” means the executive director of the Oregon TourismCommission. [Formerly 285A.255]
284.104Legislative findings.The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that:
(1)Travel and recreation industries are important to the State of Oregon as awhole, and the health of these industries affects the well-being of allOregonians.
(2)Tourist facilities and attractions serve the recreational and cultural needs ofboth visitors and residents.
(3)It is in the public interest to encourage the orderly growth and development ofnonpolluting, labor-intensive industries such as tourism within the state.
(4)The travel and recreation industries have become increasingly important to theeconomic growth of the state and will become more important in the futurebecause of increased leisure time and declining employment opportunities inother traditional Oregon industries.
(5)State involvement in tourism, recreational and cultural activities needs to bebetter coordinated to respond effectively to state interests and, whereappropriate, to meet the needs of local governments and the private sector.
(6)There is a need to encourage communication, partnership and cooperation betweenthe public and private sectors of the industry to promote orderly growth andimplementation of statewide objectives.
(7)It is desirable that there be an agency in state government to act in matterspertaining to public relations.
(8)It is in the public interest to promote quality, integrity and reliability inall tourism and tourism related services and in information offered to visitorsto the State of Oregon.
(9)Oregonians want to preserve the historical and cultural foundations of thestate as a living part of community life and development and to insure futuregenerations and visitors the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy the richheritage of Oregon.
(10)Planning and promotion of tourism and recreation should be compatible with otherstate interests in energy development and conservation, environmentalprotection, transportation and the judicious use of natural resources.
(11)It is in the best interest of the nation and the tourism and recreationindustries to proceed in an orderly fashion toward the development of apromotional program for advancing and enhancing tourism in the state. [Formerly285A.258]
(Temporaryprovisions relating to Pendleton Round-Up)
Note: Sections 18 and19, chapter 906, Oregon Laws 2009, provide: