Chapter 327 — StateFinancing of Elementary and Secondary Education
327.006 Definitions
327.008 StateSchool Fund; State School Fund grants
327.011 Descriptionof Local Revenues for purpose of State School Fund distributions
327.013 StateSchool Fund distribution computations for school districts
327.019 StateSchool Fund distribution computations for education service districts
327.021 Percentagesand time of payment of apportionments to education service districts
327.023 Grantsfor special and compensatory education programs
327.026 StateSchool Fund grant for programs; calculation; adjustment; rules
327.033 Approvedtransportation costs; expenditure limitations
327.043 Whendistrict required to provide transportation; waiver
327.061 Computationof number of students in average daily membership
327.077 Remotesmall elementary school and small high school determination; effect; waiver
Note Effectof reopening remote small elementary school--1993 c.61 §12
327.082 Kindergartenapportionment
327.095 Percentagesand time of payment of apportionments to school districts
327.097 Apportionmentwhere district changed
327.099 Adjustmentof distribution within fiscal year
327.101 Adjustmentof distribution between fiscal years
327.102 Standardschool complaints; process; rules
327.103 Standardschool presumed; effect of finding of deficiency; rules
327.106 Schooldistricts required to offer kindergarten through grade 12; exceptions
327.109 Procedureif school district or charter school alleged to be involved in religiousactivity; complaint, investigation, finding; effect
327.120 Correctionof errors in apportionments
327.125 Superintendentto administer ORS 327.006 to 327.133, 327.348, 327.355, 327.357, 327.360 and327.731; board rules
327.133 Reportsby districts
327.137 Auditreports filed with department; effect of failure to file or insufficiency ofreport
327.147 Increasedallocation when union high school district becomes common school district
327.152 Increasedallocation when certain merger occurs
327.157 Minimumapportionment to school districts affected or not affected by ORS 327.147 and327.152
(SchoolImprovement Grants)
327.290 Legislativefindings relating to student achievement
327.294 SchoolImprovement Fund
327.297 Grantsfor activities related to student achievement; evaluation; rules
(Constructionand Maintenance of Public School Facilities Grant)
327.300 Definitionsfor ORS 327.300 to 327.320
327.310 Legislativefindings
327.320 SchoolFacility Improvement Fund
327.330 Grantsto school districts for construction and maintenance of public schoolfacilities; rules
(LocalOption Equalization Grants)
327.333 Policyon provision of grants to school districts
327.336 Qualifications;amount
327.339 LocalOption Equalization Grants Account; grant payments
(Englishas Second Language Teacher Training Grants)
327.345 Grantsfor training English as second language teachers; qualifications; use; rules
(HighCost Disabilities Grants)
327.348 HighCost Disabilities Account; grants; approved costs; rules
(SmallSchool District Grants)
327.355 Definitionsfor ORS 327.357
327.357 Smallschool district grants; rules
327.360 SmallSchool District Supplement Fund
327.365 Automatedexternal defibrillator grants; rules
327.403 Definitionfor ORS 327.405 to 327.480
327.405 CommonSchool Fund; composition and use
327.410 Apportionmentof Distributable Income Account of Common School Fund among counties;distribution to school districts
327.420 Basisof apportionment
327.425 Loansand investment of funds; determination of interest rate
327.430 Securityfor loans
327.435 Ascertainmentof value and title of security
327.440 Loanrepayment
327.445 Custodyof securities for loan; collection of interest
327.450 Foreclosureof mortgages given to secure loans
327.455 Recordof purchases by Department of State Lands on foreclosures; resale or lease ofland; disposition of proceeds
327.465 Cancellationof unpaid taxes after deed to state in liquidation of loan
327.470 Cancellationof taxes on land acquired through foreclosure proceedings; right of redemption
327.475 Whencounty court may acquire mortgaged lands deeded to state
327.480 Useof Common School Fund moneys to comply with judgment canceling fraudulent deed
327.482 Appropriationto reimburse fund for any loss
327.484 Reimbursementfor loss or failure to earn four percent interest
327.485 EducationCash Account; composition; accounting
327.490 Projectscontracted to districts and institutions of higher learning
327.495 Appropriationof funds received for certain purposes
327.497 Legislativefindings
327.500 Establishment;membership; staff
327.502 Officers;quorum; meetings
327.506 Qualityeducation goals; duties; report
(Budgetand Accounting System)
327.511 Uniformbudget and accounting system
327.520 Acceptanceand distribution of donated commodities to schools
327.525 SchoolLunch Revolving Account
327.527 Summerlunch reimbursement; rules
327.535 Schoolbreakfast program; waiver; district election based on federal funding;reimbursement
(FederalAid to Education)
327.615 StateTreasurer as trustee of funds
327.620 Reviewof accounts affecting federal funds
327.635 Laborstandards required on federally financed school construction
(Financingof State and Federal Requirements)
327.645 Financingof programs mandated by state and federal programs
327.700 Definitionsfor ORS 327.700 to 327.711
327.705 Purposeof ORS 327.700 to 327.711