Chapter 339 — SchoolAttendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety
339.005 Definitionfor ORS 339.040 and 339.125
339.010 Schoolattendance required; age limits
339.020 Dutyto send children to school
339.030 Exemptionsfrom compulsory school attendance; rules
339.035 Teachingby private teacher, parent or guardian; notice; examination; rules; effect oflow or declining score
339.040 Attendancesupervisors; appointment; compensation
339.055 Dutiesof attendance supervisors
339.065 Estimatesof attendance; irregular attendance; excused absences
339.080 Nonattendancenotice to parents, school officials and parole or probation officer
339.090 Determinationof compliance; notice to district superintendent
339.115 Admissionof students; waiver; denial
339.125 Admissionof nonresident pupils; costs
339.129 Educationfor children in local or regional correctional facilities required; funding;notice to district; access
339.133 Residencyof student for school purposes; how determined; transportation of student
339.134 Residencyof child with disability
339.137 Residencyof student at youth care center
339.141 Tuitionprohibited for regular school program; other programs
339.147 Whentuition authorized; waiver of tuition and fees
339.155 Prohibitionsof certain fees as condition of admission; allowable fees
339.240 Rulesof student conduct, discipline and rights; duties of state board and districtschool boards
339.250 Dutyof student to comply with rules; discipline, suspension, expulsion, removal andcounseling; written information on alternative programs required
339.252 Childwith disability continues to be entitled to free appropriate public educationif removed for disciplinary reasons; due process procedures
339.254 Suspensionof student driving privileges; policy content
339.257 Documentationof enrollment status for students applying for driving privileges; notificationof student withdrawal from school to Department of Transportation
339.260 Withholdingrecords until debt paid; liability of parent; waiver; notice; inspection
339.270 Assessmentof costs of school property damage against responsible student or parents orguardian; notice; action to recover
339.280 Studentgrading policies; consideration of attendance allowed; policy content
(Coordinationand Information Sharing)
339.312 Safeschool alliance
339.315 Reportrequired if person has possession of unlawful firearm or destructive device;immunity; law enforcement investigation required
339.317 Noticeto school district of person charged with crime; immunity
339.319 Noticeto school district of person convicted of crime; immunity
339.321 Noticeto school district and law enforcement agencies of release or discharge ofperson; immunity
339.323 Disclosureof information regarding person charged with or convicted of crime or regardingrelease or discharge of person; immunity
339.326 Actionsafter receipt of notice under ORS 419A.305; transfers from outside state;enrollment in other school or program; confidentiality of information; use ofinformation; immunity
339.327 Notificationrequired if person possesses threatening list or when threats of violence orharm made; immunity
(Centerfor School Safety)
339.331 Mission;duties; annual report; staff; funding
339.333 Boardof directors
339.336 Funding;Center for School Safety Account
339.339 Collaborationbetween center and Department of Education
(Harassment,Intimidation and Bullying)
339.351 Definitionsfor ORS 339.351 to 339.364
339.353 Findings
339.356 Districtpolicy required
339.359 Trainingprograms; prevention task forces, programs and other initiatives
339.362 Retaliationagainst victims and witnesses prohibited; school employee immunity
339.364 Victimmay seek redress under other laws
(ChildAbuse and Sexual Conduct)
339.370 Definitionsfor ORS 339.370 to 339.400
339.372 Policiesof school boards on reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct
339.374 Requiredbackground checks by education provider of applicant for position witheducation provider
339.378 Disclosureof information and records by education provider; confidentiality
339.384 Prohibitionsand allowances related to hiring of applicant
339.388 Reportof child abuse or sexual conduct; investigation; appeal process; disclosure ofrecords
339.392 Prohibitionsagainst certain agreements and contracts
339.396 Effecton causes of action
339.400 Trainingon prevention and identification
339.420 Childexcused to receive religious instruction
339.430 Approvalof voluntary organizations to administer interscholastic activities required;rule review; suspension or revocation of approval; appeal of organization’sruling
339.450 Prohibitedgrounds for denying participation in interscholastic athletics
339.460 Homeschooledstudents’ participation in interscholastic activities; conditions
339.505 Definitionsfor ORS 339.505 to 339.520; rules
339.510 Studentaccounting system; goals
339.515 Uniformreporting system; training and technical assistance in using system
339.520 Informationrequired on certain students who withdraw from school
339.650 “Trafficpatrol” defined
339.655 Trafficpatrols authorized; medical benefits; rules
339.660 Ruleson traffic patrols; eligibility; authority
339.665 Intergovernmentalcooperation and assistance in connection with traffic patrols
339.866 Self-administrationof medication by students
339.867 “Medication”defined for ORS 339.869 and 339.870
339.869 Administrationof medication to students; rules
339.870 Liabilityof school personnel administering medication
339.871 Liabilityof school personnel for student self-administering medication
339.873 Recommendationson medication to affect or alter thought processes, mood or behaviorprohibited; exceptions
339.875 Procurement,display and salute of flags
339.877 Issuanceof diploma for work completed at certain state institutions
339.880 Unauthorizedsoliciting of pupils prohibited
339.883 Possessionof tobacco products by person under 18 prohibited at facilities; “facility”defined to include public schools
339.885 Secretsocieties in public schools prohibited; membership grounds for suspension orexpulsion
339.925 Compulsoryschool attendance violation procedure; rules